House Speaker Pelosi has invited a number of us on a blog call with her, happening right now. Here is my live blog. This isn't verbatim, it's my best effort at contemporaneous notes.
Thanked us for all of our help, without the help of the blogs would not be able to move ahead as we are with the public option.
8.2m downloads of health care bill on the House Web site.
Kids stay on parents' policy until age of 27.
Next week or week after we'll be voting on the bill, hopefully.
Q from McJoan at Dkos: Will amendments be allowed on the floor?
A: Been focused on policy, haven't focused on manager's amendment yet. She'd have to be talked into accepting amendments, but she's open to it.
Q from me,: How helpful has the WH been?
A: Depends what part of the bill. WH has been fine, pleased with the president's statement. Grateful to progressive caucus and to many of us for helping her get the public option. Senate coming forth with public option has been very powerful for the House, helped the House.
Q from Chris Bowers, OpenLeft: Is the Kucinich amendment permitting states to move ahead with single payer in the bill?
A: No.
Q from Ryan Grim with Huff Post: Weiner was promised he'd get a substantive amendment on single payer. Also elaborate on Pharma White House deal.
A: We cant take something to the floor that isn't scored. Trying to figure out how you score single payer. I've been for single payer for 30 years. Single payer now can be disruptive to Medicare, some say. We've put forth a bill that has consensus in our caucus, and the ability to pass. Remains to be seen what we add between now and Monday.
On the Pharma deal, we weren't a part of that. We rejected it, we were disappointed by it. In our bill, we require the Sec of HHS to negotiate drug prices on behalf of Medicare beneficiaries.
We took our costs down by demanding a price rebate for low income people to the tune of $14bn. Takes it out of Pharma. I never thought that the 80 was a serious antie from them.
Q: How high a priority is it keeping the drug price rebate in conference?
A: We were told to keep the bill under a trillion dollars. We worked on three bills. Then the president announced $900bn, well that's a big reduction. So we had to find out where we could do that. Of course members were very very unhappy about the Pharma deal, and that was a place where we could find the money. I don't know how we can do all these thing if an industry like Pharma will make - are you ready for this - 4 to 5 trillion dollars over the next ten years.
Q from Brian Beutler at TPM: WH reported trying to make public option more moderate to get Snowe on board. Was that a political calculation? Do you worry about president's support for public option going forward?
A: We have Senator Kennedy's public option. It's what he had in his HELP bill. I don't see any way to go less than that. I'm trying to deal with the calibration I have to make in the House with how we go forward. We never said we would come up with Medicare plus 5 public option, we said a public option. We are playing our role, strongest way for consumer, seniors, future generations, small businesses is this bill.
We honor the administration's principles in the "pay for" - surcharge for people making a lot of money. They made their preference the Senate pay-for which is unpopular in the public in its present form. We have a pay-for that 99.7% of American people are excluded from 0.3% are the people who make $500,000 a couple a year. It's a few people, but it's $400bn.
So we have the issue of how strong is the public option. How is the bill paid for. How can we agree on something stronger for seniors. Insurance affordability for middle class. We insure 7m or 8m more people than the Senate. We're up to 36m insured. Closing the donut hole sooner. Adding in kids up to 27. We think we're much better in many areas.
Senate has to do what they have to do, House has to do what we have to do, WH has to do what they have to do. I'm just so busy with what I'm doing, I'm not worried about what someone else is doing. I have confidence in the president.
We're the strongest bill at the table, but this isn't a fight between the House and the Senate.
Call is over.
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