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2010 Elections Dashboard

Senate Race Projections

  • dem 48
  • toss up 4
  • gop 46
Senate Race Projections 86%

Probability that Dems retain control

House Race Projections

  • dem 193
  • toss up 27
  • gop 215
House Race Projections 77%

Probability of Gop takeover

Governor Race Projections

  • dem 16
  • toss up 4
  • gop 29
Governor Race Projections +6

Probable gain in Gop governorships

Jeremy Bird

Jeremy Bird

Posted: October 30, 2010 09:51 AM

Now, Here's How to REALLY Restore Sanity

What's Your Reaction:

You came, you rallied, you restored sanity -- almost. There’s still some crazy out there, and that’s why grassroots volunteers with Organizing for America
are stepping it up to get voters to the polls in the elections just three days from now.

Here’s a quick rundown on what you can do right now to join in and restore sanity, wherever you live:

  1. Don’t leave DC yet -- walk a few blocks from the mall to call voters. Just minutes from the National Mall, we’re holding a massive phone bank to restore sanity at the Democratic National Committee. Starting at 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, we’ll be calling voters in key districts. It’s easy, it’s fun, and makes a big difference in the races that will be decided by razor thin margins.

  2. Find a get-out-the-vote event in your state. They’re happening everywhere this weekend and through Election Day -- join with supporters where you live and knock on doors and call voters.

  3. Make calls from home using our easy call tool. Calling voters from home or anywhere else has never been easier. connects you with voters in your area and gives you guidance on what to say.

  4. Get on the bus. We’ve got buses leaving DC for Ohio and Virginia -- hop on. Both states have close races, with strong Democrats who could use our help during the closing stretch. We’re running buses of volunteers to each state, and others, with free housing included.

So take that energy from today's rally, and put it to good use helping Democrats restore sanity. It's all hands on deck from here ’til polls close on Tuesday.

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tacevad   15 hours ago (9:29 PM)
I am Liberal and I vote!
rel77   19 hours ago (4:55 PM)
I will be calling for Democrats to come out and vote on tuesday, but I have to say this has been a very up and down two years politically. On the plus side, Democrats made some big gains on a number of issues, like health insurance and credit card reform, student loan reform, moving forward on leaving Iraq, etc. All good things. But the stubborn refusal of Republicans to recognize any Democratic president (I went through all of this already with Clinton) leaves me very discouraged about our chances to continue as a functioning democracy. We are now surviving off the accomplishments of 2 and 3 generations ago, and I see very little will to do big things or to pay for the changes we need to make to bring this country into the 21st century. I see China and parts of Europe leaving us in the dust int terms of investment in infrastructure, while we have pointless arguments about the size of government. I hope we get serious soon about what we want for the future of this country, because all of this posturing and bickering is getting us nowhere.
rgateman   21 hours ago (2:49 PM)
Well one thing the conservatives can do to help the country is to show up in mass and vote Wednesday Nov 3 and support the conservative candidates! Most polling places will have free BBQ and beer for their constituents!
vu jade   23 hours ago (1:03 PM)
And if you want the US to prosper, vote for the GOP.
Stephen Herrington   21 hours ago (3:28 PM)
History would indicate the opposite. Vote Dem if you don't want to live in a mud hut.
PeterGSW   3 hours ago (9:33 AM)
US, as opposed to USA, You must be referring to United Slackbladders.
Gidster   03:56 AM on 10/31/2010
Finished my Indiana call list yesterday!!!
Joan McKniff   06:39 AM on 10/31/2010
great, please go to Kendrick Meek's page and do calls for him. Dem can , FLA , for Senate running against 2 REP, one running as IND once he lost REP prim.
DrJykell   02:40 AM on 10/31/2010
Restoring sanity in America,, don't you know,,, is a very good beginning,,, after an 18 month stretch of nothing but political antagonism is the breath of fresh air all Americans need to experience..
The reality,,, is the realization that folks all over the world are watching,,, and hoping that we,, as a nation begin to see the world for what it is,,, a struggle against the demands of Big business being accomodated without raising poverty levels,,, the agendas created by oil barons, and the worlds oligarchs and some kind of sanity concerning the rights of populations all over the world...

We are the most powerful nation on earth,,, and it's time we ended the paranoia and fear that has been fed to every generation by a media driven by the industries that profit from it,,,,
I believe there's good in every group,,, and I'll even include Bankers and the corporate elite in that..
The real insanity in the richest, most powerful nation on earth is in it's willingness to accept poverty, homelessness, and fear as just problems that can be solved by ignoring them...

Whoever contols the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all Industry and commerce and when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or the other, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate.
Gidster   03:57 AM on 10/31/2010
The term for a country that operates that way...A few billionaires controlling everything, while the majority of Americans are in poverty....

They used to call them "Banana Republics".
ScottishScript   08:47 PM on 10/30/2010
I’m a great believer in the notion that a People tend to get the government they deserve.

If following the elections the halls of power become infested by a parade of racists, witches and fascists, it’s what the people deserve. It doesn’t matter if the results are due to voter intimidation and the corporate takeover of the American political system, because that too is ultimately the responsibility of the people. YOU let it happen. You let your corrupt politicians and the corrupt system continually fester, until it finally brought us here.

People get the government they deserve and to expect one man – the President – to bring about ‘change you can believe in,’ and in less than two years is quite frankly infantile. Grow up.

During that time a minority of ill informed, right wing tantrum troops financed by shadowy billionaires have dragged America into the gutter. The question is, what have the majority of decent US citizens done during the same period? I really want to know.

Just remember, if you can’t even be bothered to vote against that village idiot convention also known as the Tea Party, then you’re going to get the government you deserve.
GoldStarMom   19 hours ago (5:07 PM)
"infested by a parade of racists, witches and fascists"

Why did you lump witches in with racists & fascists, because of ODonnell? If Chrissy had a picnic on a satanic alter, the people there would be identified as "Satanists." A picnic in an oak grove, or at midnight under a full moon would be witches. Poor woman, she wasn't even curious enough to find out which non-traditional religion she was "dabbling" in.

Other than that, your remarks are right on target.
Inkosi   2 minutes ago (12:14 PM)
Right on! But what about us rationale folks who don't deserve this gov't? Where do we go??? We can't afford to buy our own island.
jazgr8   07:53 PM on 10/30/2010
I just got a robocall from Chris Christie and I live in California. A couple of hours ago I got one from Jerry Brown. Yesterday I got a call from the head of the Teacher's union and the day before that none other than Barack Obama.

I feel popular.
Lisbeth35   11:24 AM on 10/31/2010
:) I live in Iowa, and in the past I have come home from work with messages on our answering machine from Martin Sheen, Edward Kennedy and Barack Obama. fun stuff! :)
turboe4truth   07:01 PM on 10/30/2010
Please read before you vote and make sure you sent to all you Conservative friends and family. maybe just maybe it will make them think befroe Tuesday. Here's hoping

and please go VOTE!!!!

Robert David Steele   05:43 PM on 10/30/2010
Sanity is putting one of the two party tyranny wings back into power? NEWS FLASH: the rally was about DUMPING politics as usual, and that means dumping BOTH parties. The last thing we need is more of Obama-Pelosi-Reid. Neither do we need Gingrich-Palin or any other "organized politics". You need to understand that NONE OF THE ABOVE is vastly preferable to ANY Democrat (and of course ANY Republican) and that what I personally am waiting for is the merger of the Huffington Post, the National Council on Dialog and Deliberation (NCDD), and the Committee for a Unified Independent Party (CUIP). There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be fixed by Electoral Reform, and a good start would be a Virtual Government that shows what sane intelligent people with integrity can do on any policy in the context of a balanced budget. Why, land sakes alive, I am doing that right here at Huffington Post. Two links below. Enjoy.

Virtual Cabinet at Huffington Post

Electoral Reform (one page nine points)
Windergard   06:09 PM on 10/30/2010
Exactly this. For the DNC to lay claim to the rally is perposterous. If anyone pays attention to John's show, he's all about finding the middle ground and takes jabs at BOTH sides of the aisle.
middleoftheroad   06:22 PM on 10/30/2010
BALLS!!! You speak the truth.
meko   21 hours ago (3:47 PM)
I'm not voting based on fear, and Fear is the only reason anyone I know is voting for Pat Quinn for Governor (fear of Bradley) or for Alexi Giannoulias (fear of Kirk).

I'm voting for those who propose the solutions I believe in and have worked for them for years. That's the Green Party here, with Rich Whitney and LeAlan Jones.

As Debs said, "It is better to vote for what you want and not get it than to vote for what you don't want and get it."
nowwhat2   04:20 PM on 10/30/2010
While I think it's great for people to be involved in politics I'm not sure the "Get out and vote" thing is really the right way. What if for instance someone hasn't paid any attention at all. What if they know nothing about the candidates except what they see on the TV ads? If you've been too preoccupied with your life to pay attention then PLEASE DON'T VOTE. Don't ignorantly go vote for the Democrats or Republicans because that's part of what keeps them in power. Voting is what you do when you are up to speed and involved. If you're not then you're doing a disservice to your country.
IMOPINIONH8D   07:18 PM on 10/30/2010
They already have a party that prides itself on not knowing facts, they are called teapubs.
Gidster   04:01 AM on 10/31/2010
If you have managed to know nothing about the candidates, issues or concerns America is facing right now....You are not a very observant citizen...
notdarkyet   02:20 PM on 10/30/2010
Here's how to restore sanity.
Best pot moment in TV.

Dale Birmingham   02:01 PM on 10/30/2010
You all had 2 long years. A little too late to do anything about it now. What really makes people wonder is why, since the democratic senate has been in power since 2006!!!!!!! Nuts ain't it? Restore sanity is about as big of a crap shoot as me betting a 125 to 1 odds in Vegas! Most likely lose my bet. So, sanity is just a phrase that you can't really push to the American people who have no money, no job, no food on the table and looking for handouts from big government. Sanity is right, come Tuesday we'll put sanity back in the house and senate and turn Obama's agenda around. Signed yours truly,

Tea Baggers United
notdarkyet   02:21 PM on 10/30/2010
Bush was the longest eight years of my life. And the nightmare will go on for as long as I live from what his team of fascists did to this country. You need some sanity.
Gidster   04:02 AM on 10/31/2010
Dale is OK with Fascism, as long as he gets to swing the club!
SameBoat   02:25 PM on 10/30/2010
I think my head just exploded.
Hardyman1966   05:19 PM on 10/30/2010
NOT worth it.
morphyous   03:29 PM on 10/30/2010
Oh Dale, you are so stale.
Truffle   03:39 PM on 10/30/2010
You obviously don't have any concept of sanity.
Bonnie1   04:58 PM on 10/30/2010
There's that "looking for handouts" thing again...sigh.
SpinyNorman66   01:55 PM on 10/30/2010
Oh, and number 5. Dig out those dusty copies of Rules for Radicals by Alinsky...the progressives are getting their shorts pulled down in gym class and need to thoughen up a bit. The wailing and gnashing of teeth come Wednesday will be glorious to behold. :))))))))))
Truffle   03:40 PM on 10/30/2010
Oh, come on. You baggers know perfectly well you have no ideas.

I'm sorry you don't have the white Republican president you wanted, but them's the breaks.

And you'll rip Boehner to shreds if he becomes speaker. This is all you know.
Gidster   04:04 AM on 10/31/2010

If you can name one solution, one idea that is not a platitude or bumper sticker slogan, from the Tpublicans I will delete my HP account.
rgateman   20 hours ago (4:39 PM)
as opposed to you 'tooth gnashing'?
mgpayne   01:50 PM on 10/30/2010
This is the first year I voted early. I always vote. If you don't vote I am not interested in what you have to say because every vote counts. However if I get one more phone call I think I will explode. I am now letting my answering machine pick them up and then I delete them.
Lisbeth35   11:27 AM on 10/31/2010
Yeah, I have been on both ends of this, caller and reciever. I feel at times the political "get out the vote" movement crosses the line to harrassment.

btw: I also don't think they remove people's names and numbers when people request their names be taken off the list.
veteran1964   22 hours ago (2:29 PM)
my wife and I early voted in N.C. A proud moment to look at all the ovals with Tea Party candidates that we excluded from filling in.

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