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We've been documenting the Roots of the Rally to Restore Sanity, in an effort to demonstrate how, over the course of many years, the Daily Show has made a sincere and sustained effort to encourage a more sane and reasonable discourse.
Every time Marie Claire posts one of these counterpoint pieces, all the women who were so angry about it will read, tweet, blog, Digg them.
Glenn Beck's continual contemptuous statements against the President of the United States is obviously inappropriate as a programming choice for both facilities on military bases and airing on the American Forces Network.
Amy Porterfield kindly agreed to sit down with me and share the details of how authors can increase their exposure on Facebook.
There are pluses that trump any minuses in the confab that will descend upon the nation's capital on Saturday.
The news that Andrew Breitbart has been tapped to be part of ABC's election night coverage is light years beyond a bridge too far.
I'm not a fan of Christine O'Donnell and I consider her an embarrassment to the GOP. However, if it is possible for a tabloid gossip site to lower itself any further than Gawker habitually does, it scored big today.
Fear is a natural response to threats; it is part of our biological legacy to have a "fight or flight" system. Emotional systems are targeted by political marketers seeking to manipulate voting behavior.
Stewart's rally is not a political event aimed at informing grassroots progressive activists such as union members. It is an "entertainment event," in the tradition of Glenn Beck, aimed at increasing ratings so Comedy Central can make bigger profits.
The number one most favored brand among Democrats appears nowhere among the top ten most favored brands among Republicans. Ditto the reverse.
A reputable international magazine for women just came forward and told millions of women that its staff thinks they're gross. It gave a bigot the platform to come out and hurt millions of people.
Williams, who pulled off representing two vastly different brands, qualifies as agile and edgy. But he's hardly an anomaly: These days, the idea that a journalist would operate with a single standard of conduct seems as dated as an 8-track tape.
If you run for office, you're pretty much completely exposed. Yet every election, people line up to take the public manhandling. And the simple fact is we need these people -- need them there on the ballot, need some of them as our leaders.
The result of corporate interests attempting to hold fans hostage during labor disputes will likely cause significant damage to the loyalty and dedication of millions of Americans who watch football every week
It's too bad that Jon Stewart is putting anti-war activists, Tea Partiers and black bloc anarchists in the same bag. And it's sad that he's telling his audience, many of whom are young progressive thinkers, that activism is crazy.
How on Earth did the FCC get reduced from the consumer protection "cop on the beat" to pathetically tweeting the playoffs?
It seems to some that President Obama would be much better off as a figurehead. You see, his greatest problem is that he has simply been too powerful.
Last night, representatives of Foursquare, Tumblr, YouTube and AOL assembled at NYU. Sanguine as they were about the future, not one would commit to the media of present.
Jeff Jarvis, 2010.10.30
Kathleen Reardon, 2010.10.30
Magda Abu-Fadil, 2010.10.30