Halloween, and its platters full of candy, is also the unofficial kick-off to the holiday season. For many that means that the season within which the healthy living goes out the window.
Lives are at stake here. If there are improvements to be found and those offer a challenge to the status quo, that is a fair price to pay.
Outside of these healthful alternatives, Americans will spend nearly $1.8 billion on Halloween candy this year. As rates of childhood obesity continue to climb, we owe it to our children to re-prioritize.
I'm delighted to announce the launch of our newest section, a one-stop shop for the latest news and opinion on what we can do to live healthier lives.
With Halloween coming soon, it's expected that children and their parents will do candy hoarding and sugar gorging, which will inevitably hurl them into Sugar Shock. Here are five tips to soften the sugar high.
The Buddhist approach is to begin by developing a base of clarity, strength and well-being within oneself, and then to work hard to extend the benefits toward the welfare of all beings.
We reach a "cognitive threshold" beyond which we cannot progress. Another way to say this is that humans, and human societies, can go no further than their inherited biology will allow them to.
A recent study from Columbia University examined whether good heart health over a 10 year period relies on feeling good.
Scientists are pretty smart, but give them a bucket of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, iron, nitrogen and see how many tomatoes they can make from scratch. Nature is smarter.
A final step toward improvÂing stanÂdard medÂical pracÂtice will be to betÂter align finanÂcial incenÂtives for deliverÂing higher quality care.
I come to the wisdom of bathing culturally as well as medically. I am Korean by birth. In Asia, the bath has an ancient heritage as a purification rite that is both practical and remedial.
Clean water and food, antibiotics, reduced exposure to parasites and infectious diseases may have caused our progressive worldwide allergies. But these ideas don't offer obvious solutions to parents.
As policymakers prepare to shift to a post-election mindset, nowhere is there a better opportunity to drive down costs, create jobs and ensure the well being of millions of Americans.
SoulCycle Master Instructor Janet Fitzgerald picked the following 10 songs to workout to for this month's playlist. Some are classics, some are current hits, but all are great to keep you moving while you exercise
Nothing in medicine and little in life is perfectly safe. Harm from the flu vaccine is possible, but a highly remote risk.
We should all have the freedom to choose between a flu vaccine and risking the disease. Patients who come into a doctor's office or hospital take a small risk every time, but not primarily from the doctor.
NIH, which is the most influential research funding agency in the world, is comprised of 27 institutes, centers and programs and not one is named the Institute of Nutrition.
Davis Guggenheim, 2010.11.01
Rachel Grob, 2010.11.01
Michael N. Smith, 2010.10.29
Karl Fisch, 2010.10.29