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The network with overnight and weekend programming about prison rape evidently has a "standards department."2:13 PM Nov 5thvia web
chrislhayesOK: I'm not filling in on Countdown tonight because I didn't feel comfortable doing it given the circumstances. <1/2>1:52 PM Nov 5thvia BrizzlyRetweeted by bobcesca_go and 100+ others
@ELDING Nah. I might be happy with, say, 20% liberal representation on cable news. But we're nowhere even close to that. 3 hours out of 72.2:03 PM Nov 5thvia webin reply to ELDING
EricBoehlertNote there are no idiotic cries that Olbermann has been "censored." (Cuz one side is smarter than the other.)1:14 PM Nov 5thvia webRetweeted by bobcesca_go and 19 others