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Monday, November 01, 2010
Morning Thread: Nobel Edition

by Molly Ivors

Here, have a couple of Nobel Prize winners to start your day. Krugman (Economics, 2008) quotes Yeats (Literature, 1923):
if you point out that their arguments don’t add up, they fly into a rage. Try to explain that when debtors spend less, the economy will be depressed unless somebody else spends more, and they call you a socialist. Try to explain why mortgage relief is better for America than foreclosing on homes that must be sold at a huge loss, and they start ranting like Mr. Santelli. No question about it: the moralizers are filled with a passionate intensity.

And those who should know better lack all conviction.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Rock on.

Evening Thread

Rock on

Didn't Grow Up In An Urban Hellhole

Just adding to this, yes I spent most of my childhood/teen years in places where one car per driving age individual was necessary. I get it. What I don't get is why we deliberately built a world where the only viable transportation option involved surrounding individuals in a couple thousand pounds of very expensive metal.

Actual liberal media responds to fake liberal media

Tonight's guests on Virtually Speaking Sundays Will be Marcy Wheeler (emptywheel) and Avedon Carol. You can listen live at 5:00 PM Pacific, 8:00 PM Eastern, or anytime later here on the web stream at BlogTalkRadio.

All Things Considered

I think the ignored true narrative of this election season is that as horrible as the economy is, it's a miracle the Dems are seeming to do as well as they are and especially that Obama reamins relatively popular.

With 14.2% unemployment in Nevada, a potted plant should be able to beat Reid and he just might pull it off.

Tune in Wednesday, the day when all the pundits tell us What It All Means.

Afternoon Thread

Five Cars

Took a trip to the burbs this morning to make a craigslist purchase. Guy was curious about the Philly Carshare car, and during the conversation he said that at one time he had five cars at his house, one each for mom and dad and one for each of 3 kids.

I admit I increasingly find this world baffling.

Our Rulers

I'm not sure why I continue to be surprised that David Broder is a sociopathic monster. We already have two lovely little wars and the economy sucks, I'm not sure why we have to open a third front for the freedom bombs of money to rain down on us.


All you need is war.

Sunday Bobbleheads

Meet the Press has Tim Kaine and Haley Barbour.

This Week has Cornyn and Menendez.

Face the Nation has Peter King, Tpaw, Klobuchar, and Rendell.

Document the atrocities!


I don't suppose this will work; attempts to shift the frame are up against media organizations that consider Breitbart a high-flying achiever, rather than a racist and a fraud.

But it is good to press the point that we need to address climate change aggressively, at the risk of leaning too far forward, as they always say about wars that don't actually involve US security.

Hence climate hawks.

It's also worth remembering that if there is any bias in the scientific work on climate, it's more likely to understate than overstate the risk. Scientists don't like catastrophe theories, and also dislike making predictions that turn out to be wrong.


Saturday, October 30, 2010

This is a nice tool. I remember the old PA votes website used to take a bit of effort to find a polling place.

Evening Thread


Urban Hellhole Real Estate Blogging

Definitely the interesting - and somewhat surprising to me - trend is that the "center city" giant premium has been in relative decline, and the somewhat more outlying neighborhoods have started to boom (I live a bit inbetween). It's actually great that the residential neighborhoods (particularly South Philly) are rebounding, as people realize that city living isn't just about living near the skyscrapers.

Upsetting The Village

I'm not watching Stewart's rally, but reading various commentaries I'm impressed at how Villagers think Stewart's fans are idiots who don't have any clue where he's coming from.

Foreclosure Hell

The stories are becoming depressingly familiar. Banksters screw people.

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Drinking Liberally