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Between tax cuts for the rich, war profits for Halliburton, or support for our troops - which does the Bush Administration choose, time and time again?
Bush Administration cuts $1.5 billion from military family housing. The Bush Administration cut $1.5 billion for military family housing, despite Department of Defense statistics showing that in 83,000 barracks and 128,860 family housing units across the country are below standard. ("Nothing But Lip Service," Army Times, June 30, 2003; "House Appropriations Committee Approves $59.2 Million for Ft. Hood," U.S. Rep. Chet Edwards Press Release, June 17, 2003)
Bush Republicans support millionaires instead of military veterans. Bush allies in Congress stopped efforts to scale back the tax cut for the nation's millionaires by just five percent - a loss of just $4,780 for the year - in order to restore this funding for military family housing. ("The Tax Debate Nobody Hears About," Washington Post, June 17, 2003)
Bush Administration underfunded veterans' health care by $2 billion. The Bush Administration's 2004 budget underfunded veterans' health care by nearly $2 billion. ("Vets Health Low on Bush's Priority List," The Hill, September 17, 2003; "Support for Troops Questioned," Washington Post, June 17, 2003; U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs, September 2002)
Bush Administration proposal would end health care benefits for 173,000 veterans. More than 173,000 veterans across the country would be cut off from health care because of Bush Administration proposed budget cuts and its plan requiring enrollment fees and higher out-of-pocket costs. ("Support for Troops Questioned," Washington Post, June 17, 2003)
Bush Administration budget cuts force more than 200,000 veterans to wait for health care. Over 200,000 United States veterans have to wait more than six months for a medical visit because of health care shortages. ("VA Health Care Funding Alert," Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Press Release, January 31, 2003)
Bush Administration opposed plan to give National Guard and Reserve Members access to health insurance. Despite the war efforts of America's National Guard and Reserve Members, the Bush Administration announced in October 2003 its formal opposition to give the 1.2 million Guard and Reserve members the right to buy health care coverage through the Pentagon's health plan. One out of every five Guard members lacks health insurance. ("Bush Opposes Health Plan for National Guard," Gannett News Service, October 23, 2003)
Bush Administration cuts $172 million allotted for educating the children of military personnel. The Bush Administration's 2004 budget cut $172 million of impact aid funding. Impact aid funding assists school districts by making up for lost local tax revenue from tax-exempt property, such as military bases. These education cuts will especially affect school-age children of troops serving in Iraq who reside on military bases. ("Support for Troops Questioned," Washington Post, June 17, 2003)
Bush Administration tax cut denies military families increase in child tax credit. The families of 262,000 children of military personnel do not receive the child tax credit increase because the plan fails to cover taxpaying families with incomes between $10,500 and $26,625. According to The Washington Post, the House version of the Bush Administration plan "wouldn't help many of those serving in Iraq." One solider who will not benefit is Army Specialist Shoshana Johnson, the soldier and single mother who was wounded twice in the same convoy as Jessica Lynch. ("Ex-POW's Family Accuses Army of Double Standard on Benefit," Washington Post, October 24, 2003; "The New Senate Child Credit Legislation - What It Does and Does Not Do," Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, June 25, 2003; "Whose Child Is Left Behind," Children's Defense Fund, July 23, 2003)
It's now well established that George W. Bush never showed up for National Guard duty for a period of approximately one year, possibly more, in 1972-1973. Despite all the talk about "honor and dignity," Bush seems to have a problem meeting his commitments. "Those of us who were in the military wonder how it is that someone who is supposedly serving on active duty...can miss a whole year of service without even explaining where it went," said [Senator John] Kerry. Bush says he's released all his records...if that's true, then has anyone seen:
(And what is it precisely that the blathering right-wing pundits seem to think is missing from John Kerry's service records?) Click here for a side-by-side comparison of publicly available military records of both GW Bush and John Kerry. AWOL----absent for 30 days or less. This is not the story of a search for missing records. We have the pertinent records. This is not a hunt for credible eyewitnesses and first hand statements. The officers involved have stepped forward. We have their testimony and we have the signed statements of those no longer living. This is the story of how George Walker Bush walked away from a years duty while in the National Guard. And, this is the story of how he has thus far gotten away with it.
![]() When, precisely, did Bush or his unit receive the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award? Is Bush wearing a ribbon to which he is not entitled? (By the way, here are the ribbons John Kerry earned during his naval career.) "Chickenhawks - Hall of Shame" video (also by Symbolman)
What about TCMJ, Section 432.130?? When will someone demand answers from George W. Bush about this, and what will he say?Why did Bush stop flying?
"He volunteered to go to Vietnam."-- Bush campaign chairman Marc Racicot, yesterday [2/23/04], on National Public Radio
"No, I didn't."-- President Bush, Feb. 8, responding to a question on NBC's "Meet the Press" about whether he volunteered to go to Vietnam |
Associated Press, 10/26/04:
Chronology on Bush Nat'l Guard Service
"A look at some of the shifting explanations Bush and his spokesmen have given for events in Bush's TANG service..."
Knight-Ridder, 10/22/04:
Former workers dispute Bush's pull in Project P.U.L.L.
"George had to put in a lot of hours because he was in trouble."
The Nation, 9/29/04: Fear of Flying
New York Times, 9/20/04: Bush in '72: Unanchored, 9/20/04:
"...laundry list of Guard discrepancies...", 9/15/04:
CBS Statement on Authenticity of Bush Guard Memos
US News & World Report, 9/20/04:
"Bush's own records show that he fell short of that requirement..."
Boston Globe, 9/8/04:
Bush fell short on duty at Guard
US News & World Report, 9/8/04:
"Bush failed to fulfill his duty to the Air National Guard..."
New York Times, 9/8/04:
Missing in Action
USA Today, 9/7/04:
'Texans for Truth' ad challenges Bush on Guard service
'Really? That was my unit. And I don't remember seeing you there.'
USA Today, 9/7/04:
Lawsuit Uncovers new Bush guard records
Associated Press 9/5/04:
Bush's National Guard File Missing Records, 9/2/04:
George W. Bush's missing year
"Did they see him do any National Guard service? 'Good lord, no.'"
New York Times, 8/28/04:
Texan 'Ashamed' on Bush Role
Dan Froomkin, Washington Post, 8/27/04:
Justice Dept. Rebuffs Press Request for More Bush Guard Records
USA Today, 8/23/04:
Questions about Bush's Guard service unanswered
Adam Entous, Reuters, 7/23/04:
Bush's Military Records Fail to Dispel AWOL Charges
Ralph Blumenthal, NY Times 7/9/04:
Pentagon Says Bush Records of Service Were Destroyed
Pete Yost, Associated Press 6/22/04:
AP sues for access to Bush Guard records
( here's a copy of the lawsuit)
Beth Lester, 5/03/04:
Gaps Remain In Bush Guard Service Inside Politics, 4/28/04:
Defending Kerry, Senator Blasts 'Chickenhawks'
The Associated Press, 4/27/04:
Kerry Demands Bush Prove Guard Service
Morlin/Steele, Spokane Spokesman-Review 3/14/04:
Stringent military screening program may explain gaps on president's record
Mimi Swartz, New York Times 2/27/04:
In Search of the President's Missing Years
Josh Marshall, The Hill 2/26/04:
Bush Camp's Lies Keep Guard Issue in Spotlight
Yahoo/Reuters, 2/25/04:
'Doonesbury' Offers $10,000 for Proof Bush Served
Jackson Baker, Memphis Flyer 2/13/04:
Bush a No-Show at Alabama Base, Says Memphian
"FedEx Pilot Bob Mintz, backed up by a Carolina colleague, recalls no Dubya at Dannelly AFB in 1972."
Josh White, Washington Post 2/22/04:
Why Bush Stopped Flying in Guard Unclear
"...Bush opted out, skipped a required flight medical exam, and left the state."
Robinson & Latour, Boston Globe 2/12/04:
Bush's loss of flying status should have spurred probe
Dan Froomkin, Washington Post 2/12/04:
Right in the Teeth
"Dental records are typically used to identify the dead."
NY Times Editorial 2/11/04:
The President's Guard Service
"The president needs to make a fuller explanation of how he spent his last two years in the Guard."
Lois Romano, Washington Post, 2/10/2004
Defense Dept. Seeks Bush's Guard File
" one who served in Bush's Alabama unit at that time has come forward, despite years of publicity on the subject."
Richard Cohen, Washington Post 2/10/04:
From Guardsman . . .
"...I have just told the truth about my service. He hasn't. "
Dana Milbank, Washington Post 2/9/04:
Bush to Release Vietnam-Era Military Records
"Bush said he would 'absolutely' release records such as pay stubs that would, if found, indicate more precisely how often he reported for duty."
Boston Globe Feb. 2004 -
Articles from the Archives
Mike Allen, Washington Post 2/4/04:
Bush's military record under fire
Lois Romano, Washington Post 2/3/04:
Bush's Guard Service In Question
Robert Novak, Chicago Sun-Times 2/2/04:
"...our guy was drinking beer in Alabama..."
Max Cleland, Atlanta Journal-Constitution 9/18/03:
Mistakes of Vietnam repeated with Iraq
Christopher Brauchli, Boulder Daily Camera 5/31/03:
Bush 'flyboy' act blithely obscures truth
Paul Krugman, N.Y. Times Opinion Section, May 6, 2003: Man On Horseback (alternate link)
Cynthia Tucker, Atlanta Journal-Constitution 5/11/03:
Bush soars, but how he'll land is another story
Eric Zorn, Chicago Tribune May 6, 2003: Media AWOL in noting irony of Bush's flight
Mother Jones, May 7, 2003:
Flyboy Fallout
The Daily Howler May 5-6, 2003:
Spinning Bush at War
Part One Part Two
The Nation, 05/01/2003:
Bush's Top Gun Photo-Op
Mother Jones Magazine, Jan./Feb. 2003: We were Soldiers Once? The Bush War Record
The UK Herald, 1/26/03: Chickenhawk Bush on dodgy ground
The Chicago Sun-Times, 1/17/03: Bush the latest wartime president we can't trust
The Toronto Star, November 17, 2002: What Did Dubya do in the War, Daddy?
San Francisco Chronicle, October 8, 2002: Roast the Chickenhawks
Augusta Chronicle Opinion Section May 27, 2001: Hero of Korean War wants an investigation of Bush's military record
The New Republic, 11/13/00: Bush probably skipped the final 17 months of his National Guard commitment
Boston Globe, 11/3/00: Bush pressured on military gaps
News Conference Requesting Records: George W. Bush Military Suspension and Punishment (Senators Inouye and Kerrey)
Washington Post, 11/3/00: Bush Let Guard Down
Medal of Honor winner Sen. Bob Kerrey: "I can understand if he forgot a weekend. But 18 months?" (11/1/00)
The New Republic, 10/16/00 - "A spokesman for the Alabama National Guard estimates there were 600 to 700 members in the unit Bush was supposed to have served with in 1972. But none of these men has ever come forward to say he remembers Bush, and Bush has not named a single one of them."
The Birmingham, AL News 10/14/00 - Vets want proof of Bush service
The Boston Globe 7/28/00 - Republican ticket lets a military connection slip
The Washington Post, 6/26/00 - "I can't remember what I did..."
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