Republicans take both houses of the NC General Assembly

I just received two separate reports (one for each house) listing the current results, and it looks like Republicans have won at least 63 seats in the NC House, and 30 seats in the NC Senate.

I know many reading this are truly disgusted right now, and are sorely tempted to wash their hands of the entire bloody affair, from politics to policy and all points in between. But frankly, way too many people in this country (and state) have already done that, which is why a ghost like Richard Burr is allowed to skate along so easily.

The book isn't finished yet, folks. It's just another chapter. And it's a chapter we're going to have to read very closely, because the well-being of many of our fellow North Carolinians is going to be at risk in the very near future.

Election results: Open thread

Click the bar for SBOE election results

This is Betsy.....Heath Shuler in trouble according to early vote totals. Very close for GK Butterfield and David Price....closer than I thought it would be. These are just early vote totals. Let's hope Dems came out in droves today.

Art Pope's vision for North Carolina

I don't know whether sanity will prevail in North Carolina today, but I do know this: Our democracy is on the brink of collapse. Using massive fraud, lies, and his daddy's money, Art Pope is working to engineer nothing less than a wholesale corporate takeover of the North Carolina General Assembly. But don't worry too much. Republicans have not the slightest idea how to get our economy back on track. And they will finally bear the well-deserved brunt of George Bush's failed economic policies, guaranteeing that whatever electoral gains they make this year will evaporate under the weight of laid off teachers, degraded infrastructure, continuing unemployment, and growing poverty. In short, Art Pope will turn North Carolina into one of those piece-of-crap t-shirts you can buy at Roses. Wash it once and it will fall to shreds. Then we adults will have to step back in and clean up another Republican mess.

GOP vigilantes out in force today

"Who are you, and where are your papers?"

State GOP spokesman Jordan Shaw said his party has put “extra emphasis” on training and posting poll observers for Tuesday’s elections. “We’ve taken steps to make sure every county has poll observers in as many counties as possible. we’ve tried to train as many of these people as we can,” Shaw said. “We’re hopeful they can be vigilant.”

Republicans say the observers remain important because of votes potentially being cast by non-residents or undocumented immigrants. Voters rights advocates say the observers can intimidate voters by questioning them or asking for identification, which is not required.

The ultimate hypocrisy: the lovers of Liberty taking liberties with others. And we're supposed to be the big threat to freedom? Sheesh.

Will NC Republican candidates terrify Democrats into voting?

Gallop's poll out yesterday continues to tout their generic ballot where Republicans lead Democrats by 15 points. With some of the candidates Republicans are fielding, I'd leave names off too...especially in North Carolina where it appears the knuckle-draggers, mouth-foamers and head-spinners all lined up to run.

Our current crew of Republican congressional candidates is so far right of the average North Carolina voter it prompted Salon to include two of them in their list of the "10 most terrifying would-be congressmen." That's right, Renee Ellmers and Ilario Pantano from NC were selected as two of the ten most terrifying candidates running for congress.

Famous last words

Cutting off your nose to spite your face:

A decision in July by SEANC's political action committee not to endorse General Assembly candidates this fall meant plans were shelved to spend more than $1 million largely benefiting Democrats, according to one of their leaders.

"It will send a message to those politicians that have taken us for granted," SEANC Executive Director Dana Cope said. "We're tired of them treating us like a giant ATM but never caring about our issues."

I hope you remember that when you find yourself standing around for hours in the lobby with your finger up your butt, only to have a page tell you, "Today's not a good day. Come back next month."

The N&O needs a new pundit

I know the N&O is having a hard time breaking its Puppetshow habit, but can't they find anyone more insightful than Andy Taylor as their academic apologist for Republican shenanigans? This is getting ridiculous.

For now the vast majority of anonymous donations is by conservative groups. Taylor, the political scientist, said, though, that he doesn't think that will remain the case. "A lot of the reason we are seeing a lot of it being Republican money or conservative money, is because it's a Republican year, and those guys are energized and want to give," he said.

Why didn't the reporter ask Taylor to explain his absurd claim? Why didn't he get a clarification as to what Taylor means by "those guys" who want to give? Because if he had asked the question, we'd know that "those guys" are approximately fifty rich businessmen, including owners foreign corporations, who are attempting to buy our elected government right out from under us.

As NC suffers economically, Fetzer outsources

For all of you loyal Republican donors, here's where most of your money is being spent:

AMA Group, Alexandria, VA = $1,082,021

Battleground Group, Sarasota, FL = $557,144

Think Printing, Richmond, VA = $430,574

Innovative Advertising, Covington, LA = $91,592

3 (other) Alexandria, VA companies = $167,163

Washington Political Gp., Sugar Hill, GA = $37,008

If that's Tom Fetzer's idea of "boosting" North Carolina's economy and job situation, I'd hate to see what he would do if he stopped being concerned...

GOP accused of running illegal ads

Making fraudulent claims about who's picking up the tab:

The latest financial disclosures show that the North Carolina Republican Party has purchased at least $1 million in television air time, including $19, 138 for Goolsby and $37,255 for Rabon, through the media buying firm American Media & Advocacy. However, the ads being run do not bear a “Paid for by the North Carolina Republican Party” disclaimer, instead they claim to be paid for by the candidate, violating election law and subjecting the GOP possible criminal charges.

Whatever the outcome of Tuesday's election, this is one issue that shouldn't be dropped. Fetzer's been whining to the authorities about other people since day one, and it's time they took a look at him, too.

Tom (Art Pope's Lackey) Murry's blatantly racist mailer

Tom Murry v. Chris Heagarty, a race dominated by mailers and ads from Americans for Prosperity and other third party (i.e. Art Pope) groups attacking Chris Heagarty. Chris has defended himself well, but nobody should have to be subject to racism and cultural insensitivity.

The latest ad, sent by the NC GOP Executive Committee supports Murry by attacking Heagarty for raising taxes. Of course, he hasn't, but it;s not the lie from the GOP that matters here. We're used to that. No.

It's the racism.

Heagarty's face is darkened and a sombrero is on his head, and he says "Mucho Taxo."

Burr approval slips in latest Elon poll

Which is what happens when you add cell phone people to the mix:

With the 2010 congressional midterm elections less than a week away, only one third of respondents in the latest Elon University poll believed Republican U.S. Sen. Richard Burr deserves re-election as he fends off Democratic challenger Elaine Marshall.

Forty-five percent of residents think it is time for a new person to have a chance to fill the seat Burr holds, the poll found. However, respondents were evenly split when asked which party they plan to support in the Senate race, with both the Democrats and the Republicans each pulling 33 percent support from respondents. More than a quarter of poll respondents – 27 percent – have yet to decide which party to support.

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