John Aravosis

About Me

John Aravosis is a DC-based writer and political consultant, specializing in using the Internet for politics. He is the editor of, one of America's top progressive political blogs, with over 300,000 unique visitors per month. John has a joint law degree and masters in foreign service from Georgetown, and his writing experience includes working as a stringer for the Economist magazine and RADAR. Washingtonian magazine’s annual “50 Best Journalists” issue named John one of “journalism's rising stars, those likely to have a major impact in coming years.” John has also been honored as one of the “Out 100,” and as one of the fifty “most powerful gay men and women in America.” John’s policy experience includes stints in the US Senate, the World Bank, and the Children's Defense Fund. John is also an occasional TV pundit, and has appeared on The O'Reilly Factor, Hardball with Chris Matthews, ABC News, Nightline, CNN and more. John speaks five languages and has visited or worked in 29 countries, including giving lectures about the Internet and politics (in English, French, Spanish, and Italian) in France, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Greece, Morocco, Indonesia and Cote d'Ivoire.

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Team Members

AMERICAblog Pets Chris in Paris Jason Rosenbaum Joe Sudbay (DC)
AMERICAblog Gay Timothy Beauchamp Chris in Paris Naomi Seligman (LA) Nick Seaver Mark Liz Newcomb (LA) Jason Rosenbaum Joe Sudbay (DC)
AMERICAblog News InsideOutsider Mark Naomi Seligman (LA) Timothy Beauchamp ChrisDC David mirth Chris in Paris ablogphotos Marx Marvelous Jason Rosenbaum Gaius Publius Joe Sudbay (DC) Richard Socarides BC Steve Kyle (NY)