Monday, April 25, 2005

Compromise on the Nuclear Option?

Both Reuters and the Associated Press are reporting a possible compromise is evolving on the nuclear option. AP puts it like this:

In private talks with Majority Leader Bill Frist, the Senate's top Democrat has indicated a willingness to allow confirmation of at least two of President Bush's seven controversial appeals court nominees, but only as part of a broader compromise requiring Republicans to abandon threats to ban judicial filibusters, officials said Monday.
Stay tuned. Read More......

Open Thread

Lots going on. Read More......

Microsoft employees strike back on the blogosphere

There are some amazing Microsoft employees openly blogging about the way Microsoft abandoned the gay community. I've already mentioned Robert Scoble who has been incredibly brave in defending us publicly, and now there is Adam Barr who wrote a wonderful response to CEO Steve Ballmer's recent email to staff about the situation.

Here's what Adam had to say:
Scoble got permission to post Steve Ballmer's company-wide email about stories that Microsoft had caved to pressure to not support a state anti-discrimination bill.

More specifically, Ballmer states that Microsoft did not decide to stop supporting the bill after two employees testified in favor of it in February, and a local pastor threatened to launch a boycott. Instead, Ballmer says that the company decided in January, when planning its legislative agenda for this year, to be neutral on it, as opposed to supporting it like it did last year.

Scoble says he is disappointed because Microsoft is appearing to cave to anti-gay forces. I disagree with that accusation -- I do believe Ballmer when he says the decision was made in January. It's an unfortunate case where someone asks you to do something and you were already planning on doing it, it's hard to prove that the two were unrelated.

BUT, there is a suspicious part in Ballmer's memo:

"What message does the company taking a position send to its employees who have strongly-held beliefs on the opposite side of the issue?

The bottom line is that I am adamant that Microsoft will always be a place that values diversity, that has the strongest possible internal policies for non-discrimination and fairness, and provides the best policies and benefits to all of our employees.

I am also adamant that I want Microsoft to be a place where every employee feels respected, and where every employee feels like they belong. I don't want the company to be in the position of appearing to dismiss the deeply-held beliefs of any employee, by picking sides on social policy issues."

That, Steve, is a crock, and you must know it. Look, what this says to me is that the following sequence happened:

1. Microsoft sponsored the bill last year.
2. Some employees complained about Microsoft's sponsorship -- not in February of this year, but sometime last year.
3. In respons to employee complaints, Microsoft decided not to sponsor it this year.
4. The company came up with the rationalization above, about how sponsoring the bill could make anti-gay employees feel discriminated against.

Steve, first of all, can we cut this "murderers are victims too" line of thinking? Do you agonize about hurting the feelings of employees who enjoy looking at porn on their computers? What about those who like to post internal schedules on public forums? Do you stay up at night worrying about their feelings? I doubt it.

Second, what you said is wrong. If an employee has deeply-held beliefs that woman are inferior, or a certain ethnic group has negative character traits, the company certainly has no qualms (nor should it) about dismissing those beliefs, no matter how deeply held. I just did my 30-minute anti-harassment self-training that all employees are required to go through, and obviously if someone decides to run around the hallways shouting anti-gay slogans, they will be disciplined in a way that they would not if they ran around the hallways shouting anti-seafood or anti-deodorant slogans. The company supports free speech up to a point, but beyond that, when personal belief becomes harassment, the decision has already been made which one wins.

So I'll allow that Microsoft's decision to not support the anti-gay bill was made in January, but that decision looks very very very very very very very very very very suspicious. I don't think anything fishy happened this spring, but I do think something fishy happened last fall.
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Open thread

Blah Read More......

LA Center writes Microsoft today, demand they return award and erase mention from Web site

The LA Gay and Lesbian Center blasts Microsoft again today after several days have past and Microsoft still refuses to even talk to the center. They want their award back.

Here's a pdf copy of their letter.

And here's my action alert to help the Center get its award. Read More......

Bolton: This Is Starting To Tick Me Off

Late last night, John posted a Newsweek story that even foreign officials had been complaining about the behavior of John Bolton, Bush's nominee for the UN.

And what do I find on page A-8 of the SundayNYT? A feature on newly released email about Bolton battles that should have been on A-1. The most serious charge against Bolton is that he pressured intelligence analysts to change their findings to suit his political aims and -- when they said they'd given him all the leeway they could -- he harrassed them and tried to get them fired. Bolton's fights were not with one or two recalcitrant intelligence analysts that proved annoying.

According to these emails, Bolton fought with and tried to strong arm and inspired complaints from:
1. The State Department's bureau of intelligence and research (INR)
2. The National Security Agency
3. Defense Intelligence Agency
4. Central Intelligence Agency

These are serious, serious allegations and yet the media keeps playing this off as if Bolton's just some sort of jerky boss. I'm just about riled up over the placement of this new information when I find the FRONT PAGE story in the New York Times Week in Review section, which boils the whole Bolton controversy down to his being a "mean" or just "tough" boss who is rude to his subordinates.

What is their problem? They bury the story on A-8 revealing Bolton's come to blows with virtually every intelligence agency in our government over his desire to distort their findings. Then they trumpet the idea that Bolton is just the boss from hell. There is literally one paragraph in the middle about these serious charges and the rest is puffery about how Washington is always filled with jerks. But who are most of the examples? Senators and Presidents and White Hosue Chiefs of Staff. And what DON'T those people have in common with a potential UN ambassador? They're not DIPLOMATS. Read More......

TAKE ACTION: Give it back, Microsoft!

The Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center has demanded that Microsoft give back the Corporate Vision Award it received from the center in 2001.

It's time we helped them get it back.

The award was for Microsoft's leadership in promoting the civil rights of gays and lesbians, including its work on statewide legislation. As Microsoft has now announced that it is abandoning gay civil rights legislation out of fear of its own religious right employees and shareholders, the LA Center quite courageously asked for its award back.

Microsoft has refused to even take the Center's calls, or give the award back. Worse yet, Microsoft still brags on its Web site about having received the award, even though the award has now been recalled (they list it here too). Interestingly, Microsoft was able to update its Web site immediately when its HR director abruptly exited last Friday (and we know the reason why, we're just not telling, yet), but they can't update the Web site to reflect this?

It's time we helped the LA Gay and Lesbian Center get its award back, and at the same time get our dignity back.

Contact Microsoft now and until they give the award back and delete any references to it from their Web site. It's bad enough they're knifing us, but now they're still trying to take credit for being our friends? Please.

********** TAKE ACTION **********

MESSAGE: Demand that Microsoft give back the Corporate Vision Award from the LA Gay and Lesbian Center, and that they remove any reference to the award from Microsoft's Web site.

1. Call Microsoft's General Counsel Brad Smith, (425) 706-3025. He is reportedly responsible for much of this mess.

2. Call Microsoft spokesman Jim Desler:
(425) 443-0458 and
(425) 703-6061

3. Call director of Government Relations, Jack Krumholtz, at tel. 202-263-5900

4. Contact these other contacts for Microsoft and its public relations reps and tell them the same thing:

- Dirk Delmartino,
Microsoft Europe
+32 (0)2 550 06 21

- The firm handling public policy for Microsoft in DC:
The Glover Park Group
Washington, DC

- The firm handling Microsoft's "rapid response" to questions:
Waggener Edstrom Rapid Response Team

- Media Relations for Microsoft
Global Communications & Television
(212) 339-9920

- Microsoft Investor Relations
Curt Anderson
(425) 706-3703

- Walt McGraw, Edelman, (206) 223-1606,

- Shon Damron, Edelman, (323) 857-9100,

Carlos de Leon,tel. 425-703-3824, or

Katie Goldberg, tel. 206-268-2244, or

Finally, share this post far and wide, by email, on other blogs, etc. Feel free to reproduce it and claim it as your own, just get it out there. Thanks, JOHN Read More......

GOP radio host Michael Savage says government should arrest ACLU, MoveOn

We already this man was a bigot and a pig. But for conservatives to be hawking a book calling for the prosecution of the ACLU and MoveOn is just too much. From an email I just received from Newsmax:
The ACLU, National Lawyers Guild, and "I believe it's time for the heads of left-wing agitation groups who are using the courts to impose their will on the 'sheeple' to be prosecuted under the federal RICO statutes."
He also had this to say on Islam:
Iraq's Future: "Iraq cannot become a melting pot as long as it insists on a national religion - especially when that religion is Islam which has zero tolerance for those with nonconforming views."
I do always love it when conservatives attack others for their own failings.

This would be laughable if it weren't a sign of what we're up against. This is what the Microsoft battle is about. This is what the filibuster battle, and creationism, and Terri Schiavo and all the rest. It's about a rabid wing of the Republican party that has taken control and simply doesn't believe in our democracy or our system of government. They're angry, authoritarian thugs who claim they're beleaguered, even though they now control just about everything.

It's high time our thugs got angry and put this to a stop. Read More......

Open thread

Man what a busy day Read More......

Ruthless Radicals harass Salazar's Wife

Man, these radicals are out of control. Bad enough they have to accuse Democrats, like Ken Salazar, of being godless. Now, they are harassing his wife at her business. From CBS4 in Denver:

Colorado Sen. Ken Salazar, a democrat, has been fighting in the media with the conservative Colorado Springs-based group Focus on the Family for about a week now.

Salazar is in the political cross hairs of Christian conservatives who accuse him of supporting the so called "filibuster against faith."

Salazar's critics gathered at a Dairy Queen restaurant in Westminster owned by the senator's wife.

One supporter, Phillip Hendrix from Castle Rock said, "stop filibustering judicial nominations. Let some of these judges take their office."

The local tactic is part of a broader national strategy to put heat on senate Democrats who've been using the filibuster to block conservative judicial nominees from the federal bench.
These people are out of control. Read More......


Great opinion piece.
Shall we call it Micro-too-soft?

Faced with a decision of conscience on whether to back a state bill to protect gays and lesbians from discrimination, the software giant decided to take the "neutral" position.

That's Microsoft code for what you and I might call "chickening out."

For a company that presents itself as cutting-edge and forward-thinking, such a move seems backward. And for a company recognized as a corporate leader for its treatment of gay employees, such inaction seems hypocritical, too.

Given the chance to help deal a blow against ignorance and lead Washington state out of the dark ages, the visionaries in Redmond took one look at a tough issue and went soft....

The African American minister sounds too comfortable using the Bible to justify discrimination. Shame, shame on this soul brother. He quickly forgets the day when racial prejudice prohibited his forebears from sitting at cafe counters -- and before that, when the Bible was used to justify slavery....

What Microsoft truly fears -- and what company representatives won't say publicly -- is the red Republican tide rolling across the country.

There are a lot of computers and software customers out in those Republican-leaning states. In the inner sanctum of Bill Gates' Redmond campus, I picture number crunchers trying to figure out whether all of that money is worth losing over a gay rights bill in a state divided on the issue.

Judging by their response, they said heck no.

Theirs was a business decision. Faced with offending right-wing conservatives who could boycott en masse or gays and lesbians in Washington state who were far too meek as the bill came under fire in Olympia, Microsoft punted....
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Bush Tries To Get Chummy With Congress...After Five Years In Office

A fun LA Times story reports that Republican Congressmen are shocked, shocked when they are invited to the White House to meet with Bush (he used to only bother speaking with top leaders) and even more surprised when Bush actually invites their comments and concerns on Social Security.

Of course, the real fun begins when it details the many times in the past Bush has behaved like a jerk.

In a 2001 budget meeting still fresh in congressional memories, Bush antagonized a bipartisan group of senior members who were seeking additional funding for domestic security. Bush bluntly threatened a veto and, rather than respond to lawmakers' arguments, abruptly left the meeting.

"I was flabbergasted and amazed," said Rep. David R. Obey (D-Wis.). "We expected it was going to be a working meeting instead of a 'my way or the highway' meeting."

Republicans again saw an adamant, table-pounding Bush when he tried to persuade lawmakers in 2003 to support full funding for rebuilding Iraq. "I'm not here to debate you," Bush said at one meeting, interrupting one senator.

As for Social Security, some pleaded with Bush to, you know, actually lay out a plan of some sort, but he's STILL not ready for that. Might stifle debate, blah blah blah. And of course if he actually detailed his plan to gut Social Security, he'd have to admit he wants to cut benefits by 40% and old people have to pray they'd make up the shortfall. (Hey, maybe it's just an elaborate plot to increase prayer?) Read More......

GG move over, we now have Bill Gates

Drama queen, much? He had to hire extra bodyguards to protect himself from the vicious queens. What, did we threaten to blow dry his hair?
BILL Gates (above) is the richest man in the world — but he's paying a price. After "a number of threats on his life," Gates has hired a cadre of bodyguards to protect himself, his wife, Melissa, and their two children, we're told. The threats have escalated since Microsoft unexpectedly pulled its support for a major gay rights bill before Congress. Gay rights activists say the powerful company caved in to right-wing fundamentalists. On Tuesday, Gates attended Michael Milken's annual forum for the rich and successful at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, which had to accommodate Gates' 10 bodyguards. A rep didn't return calls.
Hat tip to Good As You. Read More......

US Gets Top UN Human Rights Inspector Fired

Yep, the UN needs reforming, says the US. Hey, let's start with the pesky human rights inspector in Afghanistan! Just days after that investigator released a report criticizing the US for detaining prisoners without a trial and holding them in secret prisons -- you know, the sort of thing we USED to think were human rights violations and beyond the pale for a modern, democratic society -- the US manages to get them fired. And I have to read about this in the UK's Independent? Read More......

On Iraq....It's broken, you own it

Easy to forget that about Iraq these days, and the Bush Administration would like us to forget about it...or at least think things are peachy. But two important stories on the front page of the New York Times highlight the problems:

First piece is about how the White House is freaking out because there is no new government and the insurgency is becoming even more deadly:

Worried about a political deadlock in Iraq and a spike in mayhem from an emboldened insurgency, the Bush administration has pressed Iraqi leaders in recent days to end their stalemate over forming a new government, with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Vice President Dick Cheney personally exhorting top Kurdish and Shiite politicians to come together.

The White House pressure, reported by Iraqi officials in Baghdad and an American official in Washington on Sunday, was a change in the administration's hands-off approach to Iraqi politics. The change was disclosed as insurgents unleashed a devastating technique, with twin double bombings at a police academy in Tikrit and an ice cream parlor in a Shiite neighborhood of Baghdad that killed 21 and wounded scores more.

In both attacks, a second bomb detonated within minutes after the first, killing and wounding policemen and bystanders who had rushed to care for victims of the initial blasts.
Second article "Marines From Iraq Sound Off About Want of Armor and Men" is a classic. U.S. Marines feel compelled to complain about the lack of armor and the deadly effect it had on them.

On May 29, 2004, a station wagon that Iraqi insurgents had packed with C-4 explosives blew up on a highway in Ramadi, killing four American marines who died for lack of a few inches of steel.

The four were returning to camp in an unarmored Humvee that their unit had rigged with scrap metal, but the makeshift shields rose only as high as their shoulders, photographs of the Humvee show, and the shrapnel from the bomb shot over the top.

"The steel was not high enough," said Staff Sgt. Jose S. Valerio, their motor transport chief, who along with the unit's commanding officers said the men would have lived had their vehicle been properly armored. "Most of the shrapnel wounds were to their heads."

Among those killed were Rafael Reynosa, a 28-year-old lance corporal from Santa Ana, Calif., whose wife was expecting twins, and Cody S. Calavan, a 19-year-old private first class from Lake Stevens, Wash., who had the Marine Corps motto, Semper Fidelis, tattooed across his back.

They were not the only losses for Company E during its six-month stint last year in Ramadi. In all, more than one-third of the unit's 185 troops were killed or wounded, the highest casualty rate of any company in the war, Marine Corps officials say.

In returning home, the leaders and Marine infantrymen have chosen to break an institutional code of silence and tell their story, one they say was punctuated not only by a lack of armor, but also by a shortage of men and planning that further hampered their efforts in battle, destroyed morale and ruined the careers of some of their fiercest warriors.
Marines complaining. Practically unheard of before the presidency of George W. Bush.

Okay, I'll say it. Imagine if Clinton or any Democrat was President and this happened. Heads would roll. But for the GOP, talk about supporting the troops is cheap. When it comes to actually supporting them, the GOP doesn't go there.

Iraq is still a huge mess. Huge. Read More......

Monday Morning Open Thread

Given that the GOP agenda is to destroy Social Security, drill the Arctic Refuge, spend billions more on Iraq, accumulate record deficits, inject itself in to the most private family decisions, to name a few, most Americans would probably be very happy to see the Senate shut down.

Just a thought.

Chat away. Read More......

Our Troops In Iraq Still Shortchanged; And If You Complain Your Career is Over

The NYT has an excellent, despairing story about an illustrious Marine unit in Iraq and the travails they underwent thanks to a lack of armor on their vehicles and a lack of troop support. Stories like these should be on the FRONT PAGE every day until our men and women get the full support they deserve.

Among the sad details: soldiers propping up cardboard dummies at outposts to fool the enemy when we were undermanned; soldiers forced to literally hold shut the doors on vehicles that wouldn't stay closed on their own; and the travesty of justice about an excellent Marine who fought for better treatment of his men and was rewarded with seeing his career go down the toilet.

But among the tales of low funding and lack of committment, here's the kicker: the Marines are finally going it alone to make certain all the Humvees of their troops will be fully armored. They expect to reach 100%...BY THE END OF THE YEAR. Yep, it's another eight months away. Read More......

UK Attorney General's warnings to Blair about war in Iraq

Oh dear Tony, this doesn't sound like very good news. Credibility, schmedibility, who needs it?
  • The UN - not Mr Blair - had the power to rule that Iraq was not complying with its resolutions.

  • UN Security Council resolution 1441 might not be sufficient legal basis for war.

  • Lord Goldsmith expressed caution about going to war without a second United Nations resolution.

  • Mr Blair was told there were risks in relying on previous UN resolutions to justify military action.

  • Lord Goldsmith pointed to the latest work by Hans Blix and his team of UN weapons inspectors.

  • Lord Goldsmith said that American statements on the legality of war were not applicable in Britain.

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Americans increasingly dependent upon Social Security

This can only mean one option in eyes of the WH, naturally: gut it. Gee, it's no wonder we've seen little support for the broad changes and attempts to take the country by to 1900. Read More......

Another political activist priest

Last year during the campaign we heard of countless stories of the Bush campaign using church databases for their political campaign and now there's this priest in Boston who has been protesting/harassing a politician who supports stem cell research. The Archdiocese of Boston has ordered the priest to stop but when the tables turn in Washington I want to see an aggressive approach with these so-called religious groups who want to spend their time in politics instead of religion.

Looking at the catholic church and the millions who have left it in recent times, I'd say this good fellow could stand to spend a little more time taking care of his own flock who seem to be flocking elsewhere, no doubt drive out the door by behavior like this. I guess he could always spend more time telling married couples how to live but then again, he wouldn't really have a clue now, would he? Read More......

Hybrid car sales skyrocketing, GOP slow to catch on

If there were any doubts about just how clueless the GOP-led Congress really was, this story about hybrids tells the story. There has been little more than token support so far for anything that doesn't mean pumping oil and windfall profits for the petroleum industry yet consumers (as in "let the market decided) have been buying up up the new hybrids with new sales up 81%. And the new energy bill rammed through Congress? You must be joking if you think there's anything beyond more token support in the future as well.

In an industry that is being crushed at the moment by profits falling off of a cliff, hybrids are one of the few exceptions but the GOP thinks they're just for tree hugging wimps. Ford has been a late arrival and the Japanese are cranking out quality products and leading the market in sales. The market is deciding, but where's the GOP? They're too busy worrying about someone's sex life, no doubt. Read More......