Of course, what Frist really means is that he got totally fucked by being one of the first members of Congress to put his weight behind this bigoted amendment, and now he's been made to look like the neanderthal extremist that he really is. Well boo hoo for you.
He's got some nerve, one week after this unprecedented attack on an entire class of Americans, to now pretend he likes us so he can get the moderate vote. Frist can go Cheney himself along with Senator Gordon Smith (R-OR), who claimed to be a friend of gays during his election campaign and now stabbed us in the back. They declared war on us last week, and we're not letting them off the hook until every last one of them is out of office.
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., who championed the Federal Marriage Amendment (FMA) and brought it to a vote last week, now supports states' rights to allow civil unions, the Associated Press reported Monday.Read More......
The conservative Republican told reporters that individual states should be able to "determine whether or not civil unions are appropriate for that state."
Frist's remarks also represent a significant departure from his past statements about the rights of gay couples. He has called same-sex marriage "an untested social experiment on children" and a threat by "activist judges" to "destroy the institution of marriage." During last week's debate on the Senate floor, he warned that "same-sex marriage will be exported to all 50 states" unless a constitutional amendment passes....
His voting record shows one thing, and now he's trying to appeal to fair-minded conservatives, moderates and liberals with rhetoric," said Steven Fisher, spokesman for the Human Rights Campaign, a national GLBT rights group. "He voted with the extremists and perhaps he doesn't want to associated with them, but his record fits firmly in their camp."