See My Briefs. (CSCFON)
[Racism and Homophobia are on the rise in America. Don't stand for it. Fight for YOUR America.]

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Heavy on the Poppers and Boujolais

Thank you Funny Or Die for keeping this video after Youtube took it down. This video makes me happy.

(And thanks Richard Jeraj for showing me this is still online somewhere.)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Virginia is Starting to Make South Carolina Look Good

My mom has me on her mass email blast list and sent me another one of her cute little cartoons. I always get silly pictures of animals, inspirational messages, and goofy cartoons. This little ditty is another cute comic about violence. My mom has lived her whole life in Virginia and has been a moderate-liberal until relatively recently. But a few years back she turned pretty conservative (and Jesus didn’t even help her with that!). [Disclaimer: I am very socially liberal, but fiscally conservative - perhaps due to my own Virginia upbringing - but that is exactly why I am NOT a Republican. They have fiscally been much bigger spenders in the past 45 years compared to Democrats, and socially they are just oppressive super-hypocritical Animal Farm crazy-town.]

Here is her cartoon:

And here is my email response "to all":
I just love that anarchistic violent anti-govt terroristic un-American anti-democracy humor. We should all just go out and shoot a bunch of people because we're annoyed. FoxNews tells us it's totally justifiable. Or you could just wait and realize that the new bill doesn't claim anyone is too old for health care (in fact that is exactly what the bill is trying to STOP), and realize that you've been lied to by the Do-Nothing Party all along. But the Second Amendment gives us the right to murder at will, so don't let me stop you.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Overheard Thursday – Pouncer

Two women walking up Seventh Avenue in Manhattan. A volunteer with a clipboard speaks out to them.

Volunteer: Happy Tuesday ladies! Do you have a moment for the ASPCA?

Woman One: I tell ya what, I’ll give you money for your cats if you eat my pussy.

No one says anything. The ladies continue walking. About twenty steps further…

Woman Two: (shocked) I can’t believe you SAID that.

Woman One: What? He was cute and my wedding isn’t until August.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Cracking Up - Ozzie-style

This hot young Australian bear has been quarantined for a few months in a hospital and has either had the time to explre his deepest creativity, or he has gone completely mad. On February 17 of this year he writes on youtube:

I was eventually let out of hospital on the 2nd Jan, but then brought back in on the 18th Jan and diagnosed with a more serious form of TB... As a result, I have been back in quarantine since the 18th Jan, and all up now I have spent 55 days on the inside of a single room in hospital... This is starting to take it's toll on my mental stability, and this song is about the impact (or lack thereof) it has had so far.

And while this video is fun and explains his situation directly, I still am partial to this one:

(You can find even more on youtube.)

Get well soon, Christiaan. Or don't. We LOVE the videos.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

"Hey! Who invited HIM to our Tea Party?!"

"This isn't about Racism, it's about government or something."

Thursday, February 11, 2010

TeaBaggers Can't Even Spell "Learn English!"

By the way, they are not the "Tea Party" (not a party, just a mismashed movement of people with different ideals using similar names to make their numbers seem larger). They are Tea Baggers. Why?

The Tea Party in Boston in 1773 was about “taxation without representation.” Those revolutionaries acknowledged and accepted taxes, they just wanted to have the ability to vote for the government representatives that decide the taxes they have to pay. And since the protesters DO have taxation WITH representation, they aren’t tea partiers. So I revert to the name they first gave themselves - tea baggers.

QUICK QUIZ (Fill in the blank):
“A great speech by ____________, attacked Jews, social democrats, liberals, reactionary monarchists, capitalists and communists, and then began attracting adherents, which started a movement.”

‘Tea Baggers’? Sounds right.

But actually, the answer is: Adolf Hitler.
At his famous Beer Hall Putsch in 1923 in Munich. Hmmm.

Just what do these people really want? Some want less taxes. But so so many are making signs and advocating bringing down the government (anarchy? home-grown terrorism?) and even violence and murder. If they don't like being called crazy, they need their so-called leaders to stop ACTING crazy.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Desperate Actions by NOM - again

Of course, since the revelation that the judge presiding over the Prop 8 case in California is homosexual, the defensants who are likely to lose the case are freaking out. The fact that they will lose the case has nothing to do with the very clear fact that they had no defense and that their argument was so weak. They were destroyed on and off the stand and even they know it. But they deny it. They are desperate and now they are simply extending their warped reality (which includes a great deal of outright lying) in a last-ditch effort to make up some ground. Their motives are onerous. But when were they not? I want to get angry at them, but slimy underhanded tactics is what they've ALWAYS done. So why be surprised now?

They now say that the case never had a chance because a gay judge cannot possibly be impartial. At first glance you might think this was dangerous water and the judge should have recused himself. But this argument - like their case - is flawed. There are two main reasons.

First, it assumes that no judge can be impartial when he or she shares a simple characteristic with the defendant or issue. Sure, a judge should stay away from presiding over a case that he/she is directly related to or has some direct connection to. But a simple characteristic cannot be considered bias. That would be the same as saying a black judge cannot be allowed to preside over a case where the defendant is black. Or a fat judge should never be allowed to preside over a case where someone sues MacDonalds for making them obese. Or a female judge shouldn't dare try to preside over a rape case. Apparently, being a federal judge for 20 years with a spotless record can be totally ignored when sexual orientation is concerned. The connection is flimsy and desperate and unwarranted both logically and legally.

But second, the argument is based on a complete lack of facts in the specific case involved (as if a lack of facts were surprising either). Judge Vaughn Walker is far from a gay activist. He was appointed by George H. W. Bush (a.k.a. Bush I, the President version, not the self-proclaimed monarch version). His appointed was unanimously approved at that time by all Republicans on the voting committee. He has even ruled against LGBT people in many cases, instead applying the law as per his oath of office. I'm sorry, how again is Judge Walker a big gay activist?

Basically what the defendants and NOM and Maggie Gallagher and that ilk are saying is that no gay person can be fair simply because they are gay. That ilk are saying that all gay people are inherently sneaky or surreptitious. That ilk makes pejorative defacing commentary in public and in press releases about a single class of people, and then guffaw when someone calls them prejudicial or homophobic. They are the living breathing dancing definition of homophobia, and they deny it only because they KNOW that being homophobic is unacceptable in civilized society. If they thought it was okay, they wouldn't deny their homophobia. It's that simple people.

They know what they are doing is bad, but they do it anyway.

Who's evil NOW, bitches?

(Check out The New Civil Rights Movement if you haven't yet.)