Thursday, August 07, 2014

"Ex-Gay" Group NARTH Rebrands

Several years ago the co-founder of the vicious "ex-gay" outfit NARTH was busted in the Miami airport as he returned from a ten-day European vacation with the young Latino hooker he'd hired for the trip. This week they have a new name. Via Truth Wins Out:
Truth Wins Out warned mental health professionals today not to be fooled by the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality’s (NARTH) cynical rebranding effort. The group, infamous for its failed efforts to “cure” LGBT people, has launched a new website and renamed itself the NARTH Institute, which serves as a division of the brand new Alliance for Therapeutic Choice and Scientific Integrity (ATCSI). Besieged on several fronts, the embattled “ex-gay” organization’s new direction is an effort to confront mounting legal and legislative challenges. Jews Offering New Alternatives for Healing, (JONAH) an organization run by former NARTH board member and convicted felon, Arthur Abba Goldberg, is being sued by the Sothern Poverty Law Center for consumer fraud. A therapist affiliated with JONAH, Alan Downing, allegedly made his clients undress and fondle themselves in front of a mirror. This behavior echoes that of another prominent NARTH therapist, Christopher Austin, who was convicted for inappropriate behavior with his clients.
Here's their launch video.

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Thursday, May 01, 2014

HomoQuotable - John Paulk

"It’s funny, for those of us that worked in it, behind closed doors, we knew we hadn't really changed. Our situations had changed - we had gotten married, and some of us had children, so our roles had changed. I was a husband and father; that was my identity. And the homosexuality had been tamped down. But you can only push it down for so long, and it would eke its way out every so often. I went to a gay bar - not looking for sex, which is what people thought - but because I was missing my community. I was looking to sit in a place with people I felt comfortable with, and that was other gay people.

"I would be in hotel rooms, and I would be on my face sobbing and crying on the bed. I felt like a liar and a hypocrite. Having to go out and give hope to these people. I was in despair knowing that what I was telling them was not entirely honest. I couldn’t do it anymore. For 25 years I felt guilty and filled with self-loathing, trying to reject this part about myself. I’m culpable - I spread the message that my sexuality had changed, and I used my marriage as proof of that." - Former "ex-gay" poster boy John Paulk, quoted in a Newsweek article about the movement he once led.

RECOMMENDED: Read the full story.

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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Liberty Counsel Files Anti-Marriage Briefs With Tenth Circuit Court Of Appeals

The Liberty Counsel has filed two amicus briefs with the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals in support of  Oklahoma and Utah's defense of their bans on same-sex marriage. Their Oklahoma brief was filed on the behalf of NARTH, the crackpot "ex-gay" group whose co-founder was busted in the Miami airport with a young male prostitute as they returned from a ten-day European vacation. Their Utah brief contains several citations of the work of discredited researcher Mark Regurus and makes the argument that legalizing gay marriage is exactly like banning interracial marriages. Seriously.

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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

NEW JERSEY: Liberty Counsel Files Appeal Of "Ex-Gay" Torture Ban

In early November, the Liberty Counsel lost its court battle to overturn New Jersey's ban on the "ex-gay" torture of LGBT youth. Yesterday they filed an appeal with the Third Circuit Court.
“A3371 is far more scandalous than the George Washington Bridge lane closure,” said Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel. “Gov. Christie signed a bill that blocks licensed counselors from providing and young people from receiving any counsel to change unwanted same-sex attractions, behaviors, mannerisms, or identity. This law is causing immediate harm to young people and to licensed counselors,” said Staver. “A3371 invades the sacrosanct relationship between counselor and client by prohibiting therapeutic conversations that assist a minor to reduce or eliminate unwanted same-sex attractions, behaviors, or identity while permitting conversations that affirm or approve them,” Staver told the court in the brief.
Liberty Counsel's appeal was filed on behalf of the "ex-gay" group NARTH. Curiously, the brief does not mention former NARTH leader George Rekers, who was busted in 2010 as he returned from a ten day European vacation with a young male prostitute. Read the appeal.

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Friday, February 01, 2013

Outed Homophobes: The Supercut

Via Towleroad, here's a compilation of some of the most notorious homophobes who have been outed in recent years.

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Friday, November 04, 2011

FRC's Peter Sprigg To Join NARTH's Luggage Lifters At Phoenix Confab

NARTH's annual convention of closeted gays and open fascists takes place in Phoenix this weekend where they'll be joined by Family Research Council spokesbigot Peter Sprigg. Last year gay activists had a blast picketing outside of the NARTH convention in Philadelphia as we marched around with pink luggage in mockery of FRC co-founder George Rekers' exposure as a patron of young, lithe, Latino male prostitutes. I especially enjoyed chasing a few of NARTH's douchebags out to their cars as they sputtered and flitted their dainty "ex-gay" paws at my homofascist camera.

RELATED: After Rekers was exposed as a fan of erotic nude male massage, his name vanished from FRC's website as Tony Perkins pretended to have no memory of the man who co-founded his organization.

TAKE ACTION: There will be a local counter-protest of NARTH's convention this weekend.
Over the course of two days during the NARTH convention, a collective of organizations and individuals -- including No Longer Silent: Clergy for Justice, Human & Equal Rights Organizers (H.E.R.O.), and Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) of Phoenix -- will host press conferences, presentations, protests, and discussions during an “alternative convention” at the Phoenix Airport Marriott Hotel – the same venue as the NARTH convention

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Perkins: Come To NARTH's Confab & Meet Your Personal Luggage-Lifting Rent Boy

Tony Perkins invites you to this year's NARTH convention, where you might just spot Family Research Council co-founder and famed rent boy patron George Rekers. The male hookers of Phoenix are going to have a VERY busy weekend!

RELATED: I participated in last year's hilarious protest of NARTH's convention in Philadelphia, where Truth Wins Out led a gaggle of gays in lifting pink luggage of their own.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Sissy Boy Experiment, Part 4

A follow-up with Box Turtle Bulletin blogger Jim Burroway.

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Friday, June 10, 2011

The Sissy Boy Experiment, Part 3

This is the third and final segment of Anderson Cooper's excellent report. For much more detail about George "Rentboy" Rekers, reparative therapy and the Family Research Council, please visit Box Turtle Bulletin.

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Thursday, June 09, 2011

The Sissy Boy Experiment, Part 2

Confrontation with George Rekers at 3:30.

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Wednesday, June 08, 2011

The Sissy Boy Experiment

Another horror story from the evil minds of George "Rentboy" Rekers and the Family Research Council. Please check out Box Turtle Bulletin's extensive multi-story investigation into this outrage.

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Friday, January 28, 2011

NARTH Files DOMA Amicus Brief

The luggage-lifters at NARTH have the hilarious nerve to file a DOMA amicus brief after their now-disgraced leader went on a ten day European vacation with a lithe young Latino hottie rentboy.

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Quote Of The Day - Tony Perkins

"The Southern Poverty Law Center is a massively funded liberal organization that operates under a veneer of public justice when, in fact, they seem more interested in fundraising ploys than fighting wrongdoing.

"This is a deliberately timed smear campaign by the SPLC. The Left is losing the debate over ideas and the direction of public policy so all that is left for them is character assassination. It's a sad day in America when we can not, with integrity, have a legitimate discussion over policy issues that are being considered by Congress, legislatures, and the courts without resorting to juvenile tactics of name calling.

"The Left's smear campaigns of conservatives is also being driven by the clear evidence that the American public is losing patience with their radical policy agenda as seen in the recent election and in the fact that every state, currently more than thirty, that has had the opportunity to defend the natural definition of marriage has done so. Earlier this month, voters in Iowa sent a powerful message when they removed three Supreme Court justices who imposed same-sex marriage on the state. Would the SPLC also smear the good people of Iowa?

"Family Research Council will continue to champion marriage and family as the foundation of our society and will not acquiesce to those seeking to silence the Judeo-Christian views held by millions of Americans. We call on the Southern Poverty Law Center to apologize for this slanderous attack and attempted character assassination." - Family Research Council president Tony Perkins.

Notice how all these reactions are coming on Thanksgiving, when none of their followers will hear about it?

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Friday, November 05, 2010

At Philadelphia's Westbury Bar

Sorry for the last minute notice, but based on suggestions from the Facebook gang, we've decided on the Westbury Bar for tomorrow's 8pm JMG reader meet-up in Philadelphia. Westbury is at 261 South 13th Street in the heart of the gayborhood and (I'm told) meets our requirements of dive-y, friendly, and not too loud. I hope to meet lots of you there!

And remember, tomorrow is Truth Wins Out's protest at the opening of NARTH's annual convention at the Philadelphia Renaissance Airport Hotel. If you need a ride, TWO has room for up to 90 "luggage lifters" on their bus, which departs from the LGBT Center at 11:30am. Hit the Lift My Luggage site for suggestions if you're making signs.

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Tuesday, November 02, 2010

REMINDER: Truth Wins Out NARTH Protest This Saturday In Philadelphia

This here website thingy is a proud co-sponsor of this Saturday's protest at the NARTH annual convention in Philadelphia. Truth Wins Out reminds us:
The National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) is having its annual convention in Philadelphia (Nov. 5-7). The notorious "ex-gay" group is hoping that Americans have amnesia and don't remember that its most "prominent" board member, George Rekers, was forced to resign in May. Rekers stepped down after he was caught vacationing with a male escort he met on When asked why he had hired the young man, Rekers said it was to, "lift his luggage." As the infamous quacks at NARTH gather for their annual convention, let's Remind America that NARTH is a pseudo-scientific organization that is more about Rent Boys than research.
PROTEST SPONSORS: Equality Forum, William Way LGBT Community Center, MCC Philadelphia, Pam Spaulding (Pam's House Blend), Joe Jervis (Joe.My.God) and Jeremy Hooper (Good As You).

Hit the link for details and directions to NARTH's host hotel, the Renaissance Philadelphia. I hope to see lots of JMG'ers there! And since I'll be in Philly that night, how about a reader meet-up? Location suggestions welcomed.

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Thursday, October 07, 2010

Truth Wins Out Announces Philadephia Protest Of "Ex-Gay" Group NARTH

Truth Wins Out, our heroes in the battle against the cruelties of the "ex-gay" industry, have launched the Lift My Luggage! website to promote their November 6th protest at the annual convention of NARTH in Philadelphia.
The National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) is having its annual convention in Philadelphia (Nov. 5-7). The notorious "ex-gay" group is hoping that Americans have amnesia and don't remember that its most "prominent" board member, George Rekers, was forced to resign in May. Rekers stepped down after he was caught vacationing with a male escort he met on When asked why he had hired the young man, Rekers said it was to, "lift his luggage." As the infamous quacks at NARTH gather for their annual convention, let's Remind America that NARTH is a pseudo-scientific organization that is more about Rent Boys than research.
PROTEST SPONSORS: Equality Forum, William Way LGBT Community Center, MCC Philadelphia, Pam Spaulding (Pam's House Blend), Joe Jervis (Joe.My.God) and Jeremy Hooper (Good As You).

As noted above, JMG is a co-sponsor and I'm already on the hunt for a fabulous pink suitcase to wheel up to the doors of the NARTH convention. Visit the Lift My Luggage! site for directions to the event. I hope to see lots of you in Philly on November 6th! Drinkies at Woody's after?

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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Focus On The Family Cites George "Rentboy" Rekers In Anti-Bullying Attack

This morning I noted Focus On The Family's repulsive attempt to prevent schools from teaching that it's wrong to beat up gay kids. Over at Alternet blogger Alvin McEwen has discovered that Focus is actually citing Dr. George "Lift My Luggage" Rekers in their anti-gay materials.
You read that right. Our “beloved” solicitor of “luggage lifters,” George Rekers. Even after the scandal involving the rentboy and the knowledge that his very presence at anti-gay judicial cases almost ensures victories of the lgbt community (due to the fact that judges don’t find him credible), Cushman and Focus on the Family still think of him as a credible source when it comes to LGBT issues. The big irony is that Cushman contends that Focus on the Family wants to establish an anti-bullying program to help all students. I find that hard to believe on so many levels. The citation of Rekers as a reliable source is one reason. The entire campaign in general is another.
Shortly after the Rekers scandal broke, he resigned from the "ex-gay" group NARTH. And the Family Research Council tried to pretend they'd never heard of him, even though he was listed on their site's "about" page as one of FRC's co-founders.

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