RECENT  POSTS:  » Log Cabin seeks vacation (*and not like the way they helped vacate DADT hero Patrick Murphy by endorsing his opponent) » Video: Kurt's BFF, or one 'f' away from something more? » ♫ The comedy is that it's serious ♫ » Forget birther movement: Fischer's moved on to born-eight-years-ago claims » 'Healing gays': The one 'cure' that still makes house calls » French kisses Iowa vote; we think anti-gay side using too much tongue » Video: Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter's Lez » 'Yes there are, actually' » Video: NOM News,real » Forget virgins: Iowa Supreme Court justices are God's newly ordered sacrifice  


Log Cabin seeks vacation (*and not like the way they helped vacate DADT hero Patrick Murphy by endorsing his opponent)

Screen Shot 2010-11-05 At 4.56.43 PmThe Log Cabin Republicans have filed with SCOTUS, seeking to vacate the Ninth Circuit Court order staying Judge Phillips's injunction pending appeal. Translation: The gay GOP group thinks the stay stinks, so they want it go the way midwestern Democrats did on Tuesday night:

"If the Court vacates the stay order, DADT is dead pending the appeal, and we have for all intents and purposes won. If it doesn't, we will next move in the Ninth Circuit to expedite the Judge Phillips's decision."
Log Cabin Republicans File U.S. Supreme Court Appeal Of DADT Overturn Stay [J.M.G]

We'll have to wait and see if this goes anywhere. You DADT watchers are used to that by now, yes?

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Video: Kurt's BFF, or one 'f' away from something more?

(H/t: Queerty)

Wonder if this will pump in the head of NOM's Mary Beth as she churns out yet another gay love-condemning press release?

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The comedy is that it's serious

Westboro Baptist's latest song parody, this time covering Jason Mraz's "The Remedy", includes the following charming passage:

I heard two fags talking on the radio
It was Anderson Cooper and Rachel Maddow
Uncovering the ways to plan the next fag attack
They were counting down the ways to stab their brother in the be right back after this
The unmistakable hiss, Satan calling God a liar, wallowing in the mire, trying to sanitize, sodomize
You’re drunk on the poison but we gots the remedy


Mmmm, poison. I was planning on red wine tonight, but hey -- if poison is what my cable news overlords are peddling, then okay, "uncle."

We're just glad to finally know for certain that Westboro has made the consumer choice of XM radio. After all, the only place one can hear both Rachel and Anderson is on satellite -- and everyone knows WBC can't possibly be Sirius!


*Cleanse your palate:


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Forget birther movement: Fischer's moved on to born-eight-years-ago claims

He's the most powerful man in the free world. But now the American Family Association's incredibly incendiary Bryan Fischer is suggesting that at his heart, President Obama is actually little more than a petulant third grader:

"The president developed a habit during the campaign of subtly flipping people off by scratching his face with his middle finger"..."Now I believe the president has done it again. Go to the 1:27 mark in this video to catch Jake Tapper’s question, and watch the president flip him off at the 2:19 mark for asking such an irritating and awkward question"

Screen Shot 2010-11-05 At 1.59.03 Pm

"If this indeed is what is happening, it reveals something dark and thuggish about the president’s character, something far beneath the dignity of the office. The president is beginning to remind me of a juvenile delinquent as much as anything else: immaturity, an absence of moral values, and a perverse delight in destroying things (like the American economy) just for the pleasure of it."

FULL PIECE: Bryan Fischer: Did The Predient Flip Off Jake Tapper? (see videos) [AFA]

Stay tuned for Bryan's next article, where we hear he'll finally reveal secret, unearthed footage of the President first taking his toys and then proceeding to go home.


**FOR THOSE NOT FAMILIAR WITH FISCHER: He's the guy who's said that "homosexuals in the military gave us...six million dead Jews," who's said "homosexuals should be disqualified from public office," who has called on Christian conservatives to breed gays and progressives out of existence, has called gay sex a "form of domestic terrorism," who's said only gays were savage enough for Hitler, has compared gays to heroin abusers, has directly compared laws against gay soldiers to those that apply to bank robbers, who once invoked a Biblical story about stabbing "sexually immoral" people with spears, saying we need this kind of action in modern day, and who has spoken out against gays serving as public school teachers, and who has blamed gay activists for dead gay kids, saying that: "If we want to see fewer students commit suicide, we want fewer homosexual students."

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'Healing gays': The one 'cure' that still makes house calls

From a reader:

The Rev Ralph Ovadal (sp?) from Monroe Wisconsin has targeted a very liberal neighborhood of Madison by distributing door to door pamphlets with the title “What the Bible Says About Homosexuality”.


Very disturbing to come home to this crap hanging on the front door.

We reply: Thanks, Mr. O, but we'll stay with the sushi coupons that sometimes find their way to our door handles. Because while both our and your knob jobs might be cold, fishy, and designed to make us feel eel, it's only the former that embraces our much love concept: Two hard sticks...


...coming together as a package!

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French kisses Iowa vote; we think anti-gay side using too much tongue

The Alliance Defense Fund's David French is using the Iowa judicial retention vote to question whether same-sex marriage is actually inevitable:

I don’t have my head in the sand. I see the poll data indicating that young people increasingly support same-sex marriage, but I also believe that much of that support is soft — dependent on the unique peer pressures and ideological environment on college campuses. Once students emerge into the “real world” will they be so willing to further experiment with an institution already so damaged by no-fault divorce and cohabitation? We shall see.

But until then, can we please hold off on the “inevitable” talk until same-sex marriage can actually win elections?

If Same-Sex Marriage is Allegedly Inevitable . . . [Speak Up blog]

But here's the thing: The Iowa judge vote was a battle between one hyper-motivated, highly-funded, out-of-state-supported coalition solely focused on the single issue of same-sex marriage vs. everyone else in the state. That hyper-motivated coalition told supporters that they had to cast a non-retention vote to send a message and/or appease god. They told supporters that this was the most important vote in Iowa, if not the nation. Meanwhile, the ragtag "everyone else" coalition did not have one unifying message, since it included marriage equality supporters who supported the judges, marriage equality supporters who opposed retention for other reasons, indifferent voters, apathetic voters, gay marriage non-supporters who weren't involved with the "Iowa For Freedom" campaign (and therefore either retained or not for a myriad of other reasons), people who forgot to turn their ballot over, people who didn't give a damn enough to vote on retention, young voters who always turn out at disproportionately low rates (esp. in midterm elections), etc. etc. So of course the deck was stacked towards non-retention! This site, which covered the IFF campaign with the finest of fine tooth combs, felt that way from the very beginning.

The retention vote was only a same-sex marriage test for the anti-LGBT crowd that turned it into one! In a perfect Iowa, citizens of any political stripe or sexual orientation would have been free to follow their own minds and do their own research into the judges' full records, then cast whatever vote was on their conscience for whatever reason. The judge vote, by its very design, should not have been politicized in any way. There certainly shouldn't have been a national takeaway about whether or not gay Americans will ever be free to resume their lives from the pause they've had to place on it in order to fight this needless marriage battle. But the anti-gay crowd, ever in search of a vindictive "harumph!" against equality and the supposed "judicial activism" that decides in its favor, turned Streit/Baker/Ternus' careers into a lopsided us vs. them game. We only had to play along because of their own choice to roll the discriminatory dice.

The truly remarkable thing to this writer's eyes: That people like David French keep coming out and fully admitting that they wanted this to be a de facto referendum on same-sex marriage. At first these kids were more coy about it, seemingly realizing that the concept was anti-intellectual and anti-judicious. But now they seem to fully embrace it. Perhaps a majority of Americans will go along with this bizarrely revelatory ride, offering up a "right on!" to this undeniably shortsighted misuse of one state's retention system -- stranger things have happened. But I know if I were politically consulting their side, I'd advise toning down the out-of-state gloating that's been de rigueur in the "protect marriage" movement since Wednesday morning.

Though the beauty part: Since I'm instead working to educate and embolden the team that values judicial fairness, equal protection, due process, intellectual assessment of careers rather than solitary decisions, church/state separation, and state votes that are less like games of Moral Monopoly and more like exercises in moving the jurisdiction along its civil course, I can I come out and say: Keep talking, judge-ousters! After all, an obfuscator's overplayed hand often has a way of speeding up inevitability's predestined arrival.

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Video: Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter's Lez

You know those popular "Babysitters Club" books that were all the rage in the '80s? Yea well -- now imagine one penned by someone who calls himself "FaggotryIsOfSatan," where the plot revolves around finding the title caretaker in a lesbian embrace, searching said caretaker's Internet history, then calling her father to warn him of the gay and Gaga "evils" that have captured his child's mind:


**NOTE that the video maker uses a screen cap from Peter LaBarbera's AFTAH site to highlight Obama's supposed gay agenda. Telling.

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'Yes there are, actually'

Edcouch, TX:

EDCOUCH - A message of hate on an Edcouch-Elsa High School marquee was a reminder to parents and school officials that they have work to do.

Two words, "no gays," posted in front of Edcouch-Elsa High School was an ugly reminder of what some endure everyday.

Anti-gay Message Found on Edcouch-Elsa High School Marquee [KRGV]

A peculiar waste of time, if you ask us. You'd think biased bullies would at least post a slur or a threat or something that makes them feel tough. But just a simple, factually inaccurate assessment of the homosexual contents within their learning institution? Yawn.

Authorities don't seem to have any leads. Though should they find "..but lesbians are cool" written on another part of school, they will know to look to men who'd like life to be more like a beer commerical.

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