The one constant I've found with this administration has been a total lack of accountability for massive, historic failures and deceptions.
Now the administration's corporate sponsors would like the same treatment. My sources tell me the administration is working with a handful of CEO types to ratchet back the one law passed in the last four years that actually holds corrupt liars accountable -- the law known as "Sarbanes-Oxley." This is the law that, among other things, punishes CEO's and CFO's directly when they lie about their earnings to investors. Naturally, Bush opposed this law at first but succumbed to overwhelming political pressure.
There's a clever strategy in place, and it's starting now. A
survey has just been released trying to make the case that Sarbanes-Oxley is bad for American business. Next thing you'll hear is a bunch of business associations and right-wing think tanks -- never the businesses themselves -- talk about how the law "goes too far." Then you'll see an increase in campaign contributions to Congressman Oxley to make sure he's not too emasuclated when they gut his law. You may even see Bush make a visit to his district. Then, realizing the majority of Americans are still against them, they'll try to pass changes to the law as part of a larger bill -- maybe a tax cut, something related to fighting terrorism, or an appropriations bill.
Remember, this is the law that prevents another
Ken Lay or
Bernie Ebbers from stealing your retirement. And this is the law they want to water down. THIS, along with more tax cuts, more roll-backs in environmental regulations, and a few other goodies, is the real republican agenda. This is what they really want. Honestly, these people don't lie awake at night worrying about what the feminists or homosexuals are doing. They just want money.
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