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From People for the American Way. Open thread below....

About bluegal
bluegal's picture
Queen of the indy blogs at http://bgalrstate.blogspot.com, mother of three, and she knits. Podcasting weekly with Driftglass at http://professionalleft.blogspot.com
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Edwin's picture

These are going to be the longest two years of our lives.

Amitola's picture

a) the 'cartoon' is right on;
b) I sure hope we don't have some liberal nutcase doing a McVeigh - because it wouldn't rally folks to Obama, it would create awful havoc ....and it wouldn't be good.

Edwin's picture

More Taiwanese animation summing up American banking theft.

Wall Street gorges on record bonuses


I particulalry like the feeding scene!!

"Top Anchor Lady" Chair. You go girl!


If English was good enough for Jesus Christ it's good enough for the schoolchildren of Texas.

Attributed to Miriam A. "Ma" Ferguson, Governor

So it won't raise many nickels. With fundraising, fear sells. And kids and puppies with beaten, swollen bellies.

If English was good enough for Jesus Christ it's good enough for the schoolchildren of Texas.

Attributed to Miriam A. "Ma" Ferguson, Governor

futt the wuck's picture

I don't know how many of you remember this guy from 2003.

Once upon a time, there was this guy who wanted to be Governor of California.

He spent more than a million dollars to bankroll an effort to get rid of the Governor
(Gray Davis)....

The guy made a mistake.


(start at 4:34)

For all you christians out there---read the book of Esther sometime---it tells
the story of a man named Haman...a fellow who got hung on a gallows he made
for somebody else.

Up thine, Darrell!

burningbush's picture

I belong to no organized political party -- I am a Democrat.
--Will Rogers