This week in science
by DarkSyde
Sat Nov 06, 2010 at 06:00:04 AM PDT
What might a GOP House mean for science? We'll start at the top science agencies and work our way down over the next few weeks:
Smith said the Republican victory likely will put more political pressure on Obama to do more to rein in federal spending as he looks ahead to the 2012 presidential election. She also said NASA’s Earth science program, which is earmarked for spending increases by the Obama administration but has long been a target of Republican lawmakers, “may encounter rough seas ahead instead of the smooth sailing it enjoyed this year.”
The next time a talking head is lamenting science and math education in the US, maybe someone could point out that a million homeschooled kids being taught that NASA climatologists are part of an international conspiracy and the earth is 10,000 years-old might help produce parants with a contempt for facts.
- Speaking of facts, corporate profits have risen faster in the last year than during any post WW2 boom period.
- Gliese 581d may or not be a statistical ghost in the machine, but the menagerie of exo-solar planets grows, and perhaps a quarter of them are 'earth-like'.
- Another anniversary of a failed Intelligent Design Creationist prediction: "In the next five years, molecular Darwinism–the idea that Darwinian processes can produce complex molecular structures at the subcellular level–will be dead." Uh-huh.
- Will Teabaggers permit Republicans who support embryonic stem cell research to exist?
- Haha, pretty soon it'll be battlin bots!
Tired of arguing with climate change deniers in 140 character quips, the programmer wrote a script to do it for him. Chatbot @AI_AGW scans Twitter every five minutes searching for hundreds of phrases that fit the usual denier argument paradigm. Then it serves them up some science.