The Election Results
Voters punish incumbents when elections occur during a period of high unemployment. That conclusion was reaffirmed in last night's elections. In this latest Taking Note blog post, Greg Anrig explains how these results should be interpreted. View video of Anrig speaking about the election results.
Voter Apathy in the 2010 Elections
Ruy Teixeira and John Halpin produce an analysis of the 2010 election results. How did the 2010 exit poll results compare to those from past elections?
Photo: UPI Photo/Kevin Dietsch
In Remembrance: TCF Trustee Ted Sorensen
Theodore C. Sorensen, a Century Foundation Trustee since 1984 and chairman of our board from 1994 to 1999, passed away on Oct. 31 at the age of 82. Sorensen was an active participant in the activities of TCF and served on three important task forces. In April, he spoke with TCF's John Baronian about the Cuban Missile Crisis. Sorensen describes in vivid detail the possible human and biologic consequences of this monumentally historic event.Photo: UPI/Mike Theiler
Ted Sorensen: Wise Counselor, Great Friend
Ted Sorensen was famous for his ability to transform ideas and vision into words. In his latest Taking Note blog post, TCF President Richard C. Leone writes that Sorensen will be remembered by those who knew him as a wise counselor in both public policy and in personal friendship. Vice President of Programs, Greg Anrig also writes about Sorensen's liberal convictions in the Taking Note blog.
Maggie Mahar's Post-Election Analysis
Maggie Mahar writes that even with the Republicans gaining control of the House in the mid-term elections, health care reform should not be affected.
Berlusconi in the Internet Age
Silvio Berlusconi is the most powerful man in Italian TV, newspapers, and magazines. But, Peter Osnos asks, can he continue to dominate in the Internet age?
Photo: UPI/Ahikam Seri/Pool
Turnaround in Magnet Schools
A Power Point presentation from Richard D. Kahlenberg's keynote speech at the Magnet Schools of America National Technical Assistance Training Conference, entitled “Including Magnet Schools in Turnaround Programs.”
President Obama, Don’t Move to the Center
On this day of mid-term elections, there is a chance that Republicans could win a majority in the House and gain a sizable number of seats in the Senate. In Health Beat blog, Naomi Freundlich writes that health reform could be in danger. What can President Obama and his supporters do?
Photo: Creative Commons
Our Fiscal Security
Our Fiscal Security is a one-stop shop that features extensive commentary, research and analysis on crucial budget issues, including tax policy, public investment, healthcare spending and economic recovery. Visitors to the website can check out the “Man Made Monster” video, as well as two other provocative videos—“Attack of the Baby Boomers” and “The Doomsday Scenario“ —that expose the scare tactics used to drive the current discourse about Social Security and our long-term fiscal outlook. -
America's Fiscal Choices
TCF's Maggie Mahar and Commonwealth Fund's Karen Davis participated in the panel on the long-term challenges in health care reform at this conference hosted by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, The Century Foundation, Demos, and the Economic Policy Institute.
Public Says, “No Thanks on That Repeal Thing”
In his weekly column, The Snapshot, TCF senior fellow Ruy Teixeira learns how the public feels about the supposed mandate to repeal health care reform.
The G20 and the United States
This new report by Stewart Patrick, director of the international institutions program at the Council on Foreign Relations, argues the G20 as far more than another talk-shop, but a major new development for effective international policy making.
Human Rights in Iran
In this new report, Geneive Abdo and Sebastian Gräfe identify five key recommendations for U.S. and European governments to consider in regards to human rights violations in Iran. On October 28, TCF's Abdo participated in this related Brookings event in Washington, D.C.
Photo: Creative Commons
Militancy in Pakistan’s Borderlands
In this new paper from the Afghanistan in its Regional and Multilateral Dimensions project, Hassan Abbas offers a sharp-edged assessment of Islamabad’s erratic efforts to assert authority in this volatile and historically autonomous region. Neil Bhatiya highlights more from the paper on the Taking Note Blog.
Housing Policy Is School Policy
Heather Schwartz suggests that a promising strategy to make high-poverty schools better involves providing low-income families a chance to live in more-advantaged neighborhoods, where their children can attend low-poverty public schools.
Photo: Creative Commons
Economic Integration and Schools
The Century Foundation hosted a luncheon forum marking the release of “Housing Policy is School Policy: The Academic Success of Montgomery County” by Heather Schwartz, Associate Policy Researcher, The Rand Corporation. View video from the event.
Investing in Strategic Policy for Recovery
Vice President of Program, Greg Anrig, spoke at an event sponsored by the New America Foundation and Economists for Peace and Security to discuss actionable plans to deal with America's budget problems in light of high unemployment and a shaky economic recovery.
Affects of Declines on Boomers
As baby boomers head toward retirement, many are facing a financial bust. Those retirees could face a grim future without the support of strong social insurance programs, according to this issue brief "The Impact of Housing and Investment Market Declines on the Wealth of Baby Boomers,” by Greg Anrig.
Photo: Creative Commons
Featured Fellow
- Senior Fellow Ruy Teixeira
Ruy Teixeira is a senior fellow at both The Century Foundation and the Center for American Progress, as well as a fellow of the New Politics Institute.
Setting the Framework: Economic Growth, Investment and Deficit Reduction
This Powerpoint from the first panel of the the "America's Fiscal Choices: Strengthening the Economy & Building for the Future" conference show how America can set on a path towards economic recovery and long-term growth. -
Turnaround in Magnet Schools
Presentation from Richard Kahlenberg's keynote speech at the Magnet Schools of America National Technical Assistance Training Conference.
Voter Fraud Hysteria
Tova Andrea Wang writes about voter fraud in Politico.
The Long-Term Challenge: Next Steps for Healthcare Reform
Maggie Mahar participated in this discussion during the American Fiscal Choices conference on Strengthening the Economy & Building for the Future.
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The Trafficker
Patrick Radden Keefe investigates the decades long battle to find international arms dealer, Monzer al-Kassar, in The New Yorker. -
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Afghanistan in its Regional and Multilateral Dimensions
This project is guided by a task force of American and international figures who have had significant governmental, nongovernmental, or U.N. experience in the Afghanistan region.
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The Platform
Peter Osnos's weekly column on the state of the media world.
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Social Security is Not the Problem
Social Security is not a major contributing factor to the long-term fiscal imbalance facing the United States, says Greg Anrig.