The message is getting through on Capitol Hill, although the White House still seems a little tone deaf. Progressives in the House are showing that they've got power -- and are willing to use it. According to her hometown paper Speaker Pelosi said the "House must pass an overhaul that includes a public option." I take that to mean the initial bill and the bill that comes back from conference. She added:
"I agree with the president when he said a public option was the best way to keep the insurance companies honest, that it would be the best way to increase competition so that we can lower costs, improve quality of care, retain choice and expand coverage," Pelosi said.Pelosi agrees with what Obama said, so do I. On Wednesday, I wrote that it was Barack Obama who convinced me of the need for a public option to provide a counter to the out-of-control insurance industry. Now, if only Obama would put his words into action and fight for the public option. Really fight for it. To do that, he's going to have to overrule his top staffers, Rahm and Messina. They've been busy kissing the asses of the Blue Dogs and Max Baucus. Rahm already screamed and swore at the liberal groups, which was supposed to leave everyone quaking. Maybe that freaked out some of the D.C. groups, who worry about things like White House access, but the rest of us are still fighting for good policy. Policy that works.
The last chair of the DNC, Howard Dean, continues to be a champion. Today, the DNC chair before Dean, Terry McAuliffe, stepped up in a big way, too. We've got momentum. It's time for Democrats, including the President, to be Democrats.
I'm sick of Democrats in D.C. not keeping their word or coming up with half-assed compromises that won't work or selling out to Republicans and insurers and drup companies. This is too important to screw up.
We're being heard. And, the ActBlue page is one important way to get our message through. A lot of small contributions are having a huge impact. Read More......