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Chocolate & Zucchini


[5 entries.]

March 31, 2008

Chocolat & Zucchini @ La Cocotte

On Thursday, April 10, starting from 6pm, we shall celebrate the release of Chocolat & Zucchini, the French version of my cookbook, beautifully published by Marabout. This booksigning event will be held at the adorable cookbook store La Cocotte in Paris; drinks and nibbles will be provided. (See larger-sized invitation.) La Cocotte / map it! 5 rue Paul Bert, 75011 Paris M° Faidherbe-Chaligny Phone: +33 (0)9 54 73 17 77 [For information abo...

"Chocolat & Zucchini @ La Cocotte" continues »


March 27, 2008

On Greens, and How to Keep Them Fresh

I've come across many versions of this tip over the years. Keeping one's greens fresh and happy seems to be the culinary equivalent of keeping one's skin young: it's a losing battle, but everyone hopes to find the magic technique. Wash, don't wash (we're talking about greens again now; we'll address personal hygiene another time), wrap in plastic, cloth, or a paper bag, keep on the counter or refrigerate, and even this one: put the herbs uprig...

"On Greens, and How to Keep Them Fresh" continues »


March 17, 2008

Kouign Amann etc.

Update: The pastry shop mentioned in this post is now closed, but it will be replaced by Conticini's new pastry shop, called La Pâtisserie des Rêves, scheduled to open in the summer of 2009 at 93 rue du Bac, 75007 Paris (map it!). I'm sure there are people out there who step inside a new pastry shop, glance at the display, order what they want, and walk out. I have no idea how they do it. Take, for instance, Philippe Conticini's recently open...

"Kouign Amann etc." continues »


March 12, 2008

Carottes et Betteraves Râpées

[Grated Carrots and Beets] I used to think winter produce was drab, and that the cook's only option was to wait the cold months out, squinting into the distance, longing for asparagus and strawberries to appear ("Anne, Sister Anne, do you see nothing coming?"). Now I can't imagine how I could ever be so blind: what of mâche and winter squash, what of flower cabbage and broccoli, what of endives and leeks and chard, what of carrots and beets? ...

"Carottes et Betteraves Râpées" continues »


March 6, 2008

What I brought back from Oz

It is a universal truth that, however hard you try to clear the table before you take a trip somewhere, you will come home to several pressing deadlines. Add to that the general vertigo of readjusting to your own continent, time zone, hemisphere, language, driving side, and opposing season -- the latter is probably the most disorienting --, and an entire week may slip by before you find your footing and report back on said trip. Let me first e...

"What I brought back from Oz" continues »