LEAKS: Palin Family Suffers Slings and Arrows of Fame
Willow Palin uses terms the terms “gay ” and “faggot” in a derogatory way on Facebook. Tammy Bruce has a good excuse:
The ‘slur’ used here is one you could hear on the streets of West Hollywood or Chelsea every day of the week. Apparently, it’s only a ‘homophobic slur’ when it comes from the daughter of a conservative female leader.
Bristol is still lead-footin’ her way into America’s heart as one of the final three on Dancing with the Stars which I guess shows the power of the people.
Meanwhile Sarah Palin herself is kinda upset because excerpts of her new book, an analysis of her family and American culture, are hitting the internets.
Uh, see, that’s publicity. And when you sign a contract…
Speaking of contracts implied or otherwise, I wonder what will happen when one of the Palins is pulled aside for TSA screening. Here’s a clue from America by Heart:
This is my America, from my heart, and by my heart. I give it now to my children and grandchildren, and to yours, so they will always know what it was like in America when people were free.
She also REALLY likes Simon Cowell, writing that he could be:
a little harsh at times, but he upholds the highest standards, and something in us recognizes and responds to that.
Remind us of that next Monday when it’s time to vote on DWTS.