David Sirota


Email: ds [at] davidsirota.com
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Sirota's official biography
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Sirota's theme song from the Al Franken Show

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Sirota is the morning drive-time host on KKZN-AM760 in Colorado. His show runs weekdays from 7am-10am MT. In 2010, the show was named Readers Choice for best show by Westword and Editors Choice for best show by 5280 magazine. Find the radio show's website, including podcasts and live streaming, at www.am760.net.

Sirota appears regularly as a television guest. Here are some recent clips:


CNN American Morning


NPR's To the Point

Democracy Now






CNN Newsroom

CNN American Morning


MSNBC's Morning Meeting

CNN American Morning

CNN Newsroom

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Show

CNN Campbell Brown Show

CNN American Morning

CNN Newsroom


CNN Newsroom

CNN Newsroom

CNN Newsroom

CNN Newsroom

CNN Newsroom

CNN Newsroom

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Show

CNN Newsroom

Fox and Friends

CNN Newsroom

ABC's Nightline

ABC's World News Tonight

Fox News

Fox News

CNN Newsroom

CNN's American Morning

National Public Radio

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Show

PBS's Bill Moyers Journal


Fox News

MSNBC's 1600 Pennsylvania


CNN's American Morning

Fox News

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Show

Fox News


MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Show

Grit TV

Fox News

CNN's Larry King Live


Democracy Now

CNN's American Morning

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Show

CNN Newswroom

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Show

Fox News

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Show

Grit TV

CNN's American Morning

Fox News

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Show

Fox Business

CNN's American Morning

Fox & Friends

Meet the Bloggers



Minnesota Public Radio

Hannity & Colmes

Fox News

Fox News

Fox News

Lou Dobbs Tonight

NPR's Diane Rehm Show

Fox Business

Fox News


CNN Newsroom

The Colbert Report

Full TV archive

Full radio guest-host archive


Articles by David Sirota:

To Deter Crime, Get Tough on Wall Street
(Creators Syndicate)

The High Cost of Low Price
(Creators Syndicate)

From Uprising to Hostile Takeover...and Back Again
(Creators Syndicate)

It's the Stupidity, Stupid
(Creators Syndicate)

The Tea Party Test Case
(Creators Syndicate)

The Imperial Defense of Pentagon Bloat
(Creators Syndicate)

Follow Wyoming on Fracking
(Creators Syndicate)

The Real Democratic Whiners
(Creators Syndicate)

What the Pot Legalization Campaign Really Threatens
(Creators Syndicate)

Synthetic Novelty Is Not Reality
(Creators Syndicate)

The Neoliberal Bait-and-Switch
(Creators Syndicate)

Despite Celebration, the Iraq War Continues
(Creators Syndicate)

Lessons from a Low Impact Week
(Creators Syndicate)

Insanity Is Deja Vu All Over Again
(Creators Syndicate)

Elites' Democratic Days Are Numbered
(Creators Syndicate)

The Stadium-Mob Mentality
(Creators Syndicate)

The Deception of Real-World Inception
(Creators Syndicate)

Are Low Taxes Exacerbating the Recession?
(Creators Syndicate)

A New Deregulatory Push In the Energy Heartland
(Creators Syndicate)

After 41 Years, A Belated Victory for Butter
(Creators Syndicate)

War for Resources: From Slander to Clarion Call
(Creators Syndicate)

Putting the "I" in Environment
(Creators Syndicate)

From Shared Sacrifice to Hedonism
(Creators Syndicate)

The Michael Jordan of Bailouts
(Creators Syndicate)

Laying Bare the Myth of "The Left"
(Creators Syndicate)

The Predictable and Inevitable Blowback
(Creators Syndicate)

The Motto of Mad Men
(Creators Syndicate)

Past Statements Tell Present Truth About Immigration Law's Goals
(Creators Syndicate)

Clinton's Contrition
(Creators Syndicate)

Journalism's Parasites
(Creators Syndicate)

The Pay-Any-Price Principle
(Creators Syndicate)

These Devils Wear Privilege
(Creators Syndicate)

The Difference Between Liberalism and Progressivism
(Creators Syndicate)

What's the Matter With Democrats?
(Creators Syndicate)

The Tax War Goes Online
(Creators Syndicate)

The Senate's Lesson About Democracy
(Creators Syndicate)

It Is Happening Here
(Creators Syndicate)

Rogues Gone Wild
(Creators Syndicate)

The Test of Time
(Denver Post)

Time to Get Serious About the Budget
(Creators Syndicate)

Our Addiction to Disaster Porn
(Creators Syndicate)

Democratic Corporatism Brings Reagan Back from the Grave
(Creators Syndicate)

Right Is Not Center - But 2010 Resembles 1984
(Creators Syndicate)

Go Back to the Health Care Drawing Board
(USA Today)

Learning from the Last Decade
(Creators Syndicate)

What Happens When We Can't Trust the Verifiers?
(Creators Syndicate)

The "Candidate vs. President" Canard
(Creators Syndicate)

Political Moral Hazard
(Creators Syndicate)

Colbert Conservatism
(Creators Syndicate)

Intelligentsia Against Intelligence
(Creators Syndicate)

Where Are the Real Deficit Hawks?
(Creators Syndicate)

We Are What We Trade and How We Trade it
(Creators Syndicate)

TARP on Steroids
(Creators Syndicate)

A Party With No Punch
(In These Times)

A Tale of Two Supermen
(Creators Syndicate)

Good Health Care Policy Makes Good Politics - And Vice Versa
(Creators Syndicate)

The Zombie Zeitgeist
(Creators Syndicate)

Mad Men 2.0
(In These Times)

Who Are "The Deciders"?
(Creators Syndicate)

Country Club Etiquette Trumps Legislative Results
(Creators Syndicate)

We've Seen This Trigger Before
(Creators Syndicate)

Selective Deficit Disorder
(Creators Syndicate)

A Party Is Not a Movement
(Creators Syndicate)

The Science Fiction of Military Marketing
(Creators Syndicate)

Freedom from Fear
(Creators Syndicate)

Don't You Forget About Him
(Creators Syndicate)

The Me-First, Screw-Everyone-Else Crowd
(Creators Syndicate)

Health Care Tyranny
(Creators Syndicate)

Attack of the 1-Percenters
(Creators Syndicate)

China Is Here
(Creators Syndicate)

Getting Off the Grid
(Creators Syndicate)

Daring to Dream
(Creators Syndicate)

All Politics Is Still Local
(Creators Syndicate)

The Teabags vs. The Douchebags
(In These Times)

Whither the Sacred Campaign Promise?
(Creators Syndicate)

Democracy Needs A Bailout
(Creators Syndicate)

The House That Taxpayers Built
(Creators Syndicate)

Health Care's Enigma In Chief
(Creators Syndicate)

Piggish Capitalism
(Creators Syndicate)

Magic Bullet Means Dems Have No More Excuses
(Creators Syndicate)

Newsflash - Populism Is Popular
(Creators Syndicate)

Columbine Questions We Still Don't Ponder
(Creators Syndicate)

The Best Investment Money Can Buy!
(Creators Syndicate)

This Is the Truth On Drugs...Any Questions?
(Creators Syndicate)

From Newspaper to Commercial Paper
(Creators Syndicate)

A Government of Men, Not Laws
(Creators Syndicate)

For Competition Before They Were Against It
(Creators Syndicate)

Robin-Hood Republicanism?
(Creators Syndicate)

Past the Point of No Return
(Creators Syndicate)

Addicted to Fake Outrage
(Creators Syndicate)

A Team of Zombies
(Creators Syndicate)

Energy Taxes' Faustian Bargain
(San Francisco Chronicle)

Making Him Do It
(Creators Syndicate)

The Gulf Between Hope and Change
(Creators Syndicate)

That Old Saying In Tennessee
(Creators Syndicate)

U.S. Moving Toward Czarism, Away from Democracy
(San Francisco Chronicle)

Mind the Gap
(In These Times)

FDR Prolonged the Depression? Really?
(Creators Syndicate)

FDR Prolonged the Depression? Really?
(Creators Syndicate)

Economic Death & Millionaire Taxes
(Creators Syndicate)

We Told You So
(Creators Syndicate)

Those Other Elections
(Creators Syndicate)

Our Dear Leader
(Creators Syndicate)

Tuning Out the Braindead Megaphone
(Creators Syndicate)

Knowing When to Walk Away
(Creators Syndicate)

The Better Way Is the Only Way
(Creators Syndicate)

Mandate '08: Reagan vs. FDR
(Creators Syndicate)

Banking on a Confederacy of Dunces
(Creators Syndicate)

Signs of an Earthquake in Oregon
(Creators Syndicate)

Remembering Those Other American Dreams
(In These Times)

Crony Communist or Businessman?
(Creators Syndicate)

No Deal to this New Deal
(Creators Syndicate)

Back in the USSR
(Creators Syndicate)

$700 Billion Questions
(In These Times)

No Time for a Minimalist
(Creators Syndicate)

"Country First"
(Creators Syndicate)

Making Goliath Walk
(Creators Syndicate)

An Unconventional Convention
(Creators Syndicate)

The Conquest of Presidentialism
(Creators Syndicate)

Will Obama Wave Bayh Bye to the White House?
(Creators Syndicate)

A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to Denver...
(Creators Syndicate)

Sanity From the Silver Screen
(Creators Syndicate)

Six Little Words
(Creators Syndicate)

"Centrists" Running the Asylum
(Creators Syndicate)

Anywhere Becomes Everywhere
(Creators Syndicate)

This Summer's Trilogy of Truth
(Creators Syndicate)

Countering Race with Class
(Creators Syndicate)

An Anti-Clinton for VP
(Creators Syndicate)

The Populist Uprising
(Creators Syndicate)

The Lamont Lesson
(Creators Syndicate)

Drilling for Defeat?
(New York Times)

A Different Kind of Democracy
(Creators Syndicate)

Toward a New Washington Consensus
(Creators Syndicate)

Acknowledging the Race Chasm
(Creators Syndicate)

The Plague of Potomac Fever
(Creators Syndicate)

Matthews vs. McNulty
(Creators Syndicate)

The Ludlow Legacy, Part II: Colorado
(Creators Syndicate)

The Ludlow Legacy, Part I: Colombia
(Creators Syndicate)

Confessions of an Economic Hitman
(Creators Syndicate)

Presidential Politics & the Race Chasm
(The Oregonian)

The Race Chasm and '08
(Denver Post)

The Clinton Firewall & the Race Chasm
(In These Times)

Is Wright Right About Racism?
(Creators Syndicate)

The Upside of Nationalism
(In These Times)

New Crisis, Old Isms
(Creators Syndicate)

Remembering What Nixon Learned
(Creators Syndicate)

Hope In the Time of NAFTA
(Creators Syndicate)

The New Permament Campaign
(Creators Syndicate)

A Trade Transformation
(Creators Syndicate)

The Candidate of the Permanent Will
(Creators Syndicate)

It's Also the Congress, Stupid
(In These Times)

The Democrats' Class War
(Creators Syndicate)

Rocky Mountain Realities
(Creators Syndicate)

The Stimulus Swindle
(Creators Syndicate)

Digging In the Right Place
(Creators Syndicte)

Stay Classy, Mike Huckabee
(Creators Syndicate)

The Path to a National Popular Vote
(Creators Syndicate)

Fear, Loathing & the Crisis of Confidence
(Creators Syndicate)

When Barbarians Take Hostages
(Creators Syndicate)

The Last Row of the Plane
(Creators Syndicate)

Conservative, Or Just Plain Corrupt?
(Creators Syndicate)

Was Ross Perot Right?
(Creators Syndicate)

The Immigration Con Artists
(Creators Syndicate)

The Huey Longs of Iowa
(Creators Syndicate)

Halloween & The Lead Monster
(Creators Syndicate)

Captive-Industry Populism
(Creators Syndicate)

The Invisible Culture of Corruption
(Creators Syndicate)

Confronting the Hollow Men
(Creators Syndicate)

Immoral, Not Inept
(Creators Syndicate)

Tyranny of the Tiny Minority
(Creators Syndicate)

Over the Dead Bodies...Again
(Creators Syndicate)

The Lesson of the DMV
(Creators Syndicate)

Get Busy Living, Or Get Busy Dying
(The Nation)

New Ways of Thinking On Election Reform
(The Oregonian)

When the Class War Goes Local
(San Francisco Chronicle)

Welcome to the Republican Asylum
(Radar Magazine)

Obama Struggles to Find His Line
(Radar Magazine)

Chicken Soup for the Outsourced Soul
(Radar Magazine)

Windows Into Populism's Rise
(San Francisco Chronicle)

Protesting & Legislating to End the War
(Baltimore Sun)

Pro-Union Hillary Harbors Labor Foes
(Radar Magazine)

The Marriage of Hypocrisy & Corruption
(Denver Post)

Democracy Haters
(In These Times)

Fast Track Hurts Montana Farmers, Workers
(Billings Gazette)

'Good Cop, Bad Cop' Needed
(San Francisco Chronicle)

What They Said, And When They Said It
(San Francisco Chronicle)

Flattening the Great Education Myth
(San Francisco Chronicle)

Embracing Populism
(In These Times)

A Majority Leader, Not a Follower
(Baltimore Sun)

Pinstriped Populist
(New York Times)

Learning from Lamont
(In These Times)

The War on Workers
(San Francisco Chronicle)

Big Money vs. Grassroots
(Washington Spectator)

Where Economics Meets Religious Fundamentalism
(San Francisco Chronicle)

Addressing America's Health Care Taboo
(Washington Examiner)

Who Must Really Answer for 9/11?
(Washington Examiner)

Legislating Under the Influence
(In These Times)

Who's Lieberman Represent? Not You.
(Hartford Courant)

Trivializing Corruption
(PBS Now)

Find Your True Center
(Washington Post)

Mr. Obama Goes to Washington
(The Nation)

Money Plus Secrecy Equals Trouble
(Baltimore Sun)

The Hostile Takeover of American Democracy
(Chicago Sun-Times)

Rick Santorum's Hostile Takeover
(Philadelphia Daily News)

Fighting the Hostile Takeover
(San Francisco Chronicle)

Supply-and-Demand Solutions
(San Francisco Chronicle)

The Seinfeld Strategy
(In These Times)

A Primary Concern
(In These Times)

Undermining the Ownership Society
(San Francisco Chronicle)

Workers On the Slag Heap of History
(Philadelphia Daily News)

The New Battle for States' Rights
(Tom Paine)

Fusion's Third-Party Path to the Center
(San Francisco Chronicle)

Free-Trading Away America's Security
(San Francisco Chronicle)

The Battle for the States
(In These Times)

It's Time for a Windfall Profits Tax
(Costco Connection)

Newt's New Con
(The Nation)

The Corruption Eruption Continues
(Washington Spectator)

A Health Care Solution
(Baltimore Sun)

Don't Ask, Don't Tell - Just Do It
(Washington Spectator)

On the Verge of Political Reform
(San Francisco Chronicle)

Why Not Get Warrants?
(Memphis Flyer)

Will the Dems Step Up In the New Year?
(In These Times)

This Is The Race
(In These Times)

Partisan War Syndrome
(In These Times)

Divvying Up Ohio
(American Prospect)

Hurricanes Rain on Bush's Tax Cut Parade
(In These Times)

The Deafening & Dangerous Silence on Taxes
(San Francisco Chronicle)

The Resurgence of Movement Politics
(The Nation)

Watergate's Lost Legacy
(American Prospect)

Fear, Loathing & the GOP
(In These Times)

Sending a Message on Trade

Conversions on the Road to Reality
(Knight Ridder Newspapers)

Edwards' Own Trade Spotlight
(Charlotte Observer)

Debunking Centrism
(The Nation)

Green + Red = Blue
(In These Times)

The Democrats' Da Vinci Code
(American Prospect)

Top Billings
(Washington Monthly)

Vote for Bush or Die
(The Nation)

You Call This a Democracy?
(In These Times)

Debate School
(American Prospect)

The Greed Factor
(American Prospect)

Tricky Dick
(American Prospect)

Late, Great Middle Class
(Los Angeles Times)

Follow the Money
(Washington Monthly)

The Big Squeeze
(American Prospect)

They Knew
(In These Times)

When Left is Right
(In These Times)

These Dogs Don't Hunt
(American Prospect)

When Ignorance Isn't Bliss
(In These Times)

The $700 Million Question
(American Prospect)

Being Dick Cheney
(In These Times)

It's the Stupidity, Stupid
(In These Times)

The Fox of War

Clarke's Vindication

Bad Rerun, Worse Consequences

On Second Thought
(Ft. Worth Weekly)

Married Gay Martians on Steroids

The Failure of Populism?

G. Walker Bush, Texas Ranger

Will America Follow?

Bring On the Truth

The Motives of Intimigate

Profit America

The CEO-In-Chief

No Question, the Media Is Right

Use Trade as a Tool
(Baltimore Sun)


September 2007
August 2007
July 2007
June 2007
May 2007
April 2007
March 2007
February 2007
January 2007
December 2006
November 2006
October 2006
September 2006
August 2006
July 2006
June 2006
May 2006
April 2006
March 2006
February 2006
January 2006
December 2005
November 2005
October 2005
September 2005
August 2005
July 2005
June 2005
May 2005
April 2005
March 2005
February 2005
January 2005
December 2004
November 2004
October 2004
September 2004
August 2004
July 2004
June 2004
May 2004
April 2004
March 2004

Latest News: Sirota Appears on MSNBC to Discuss Progressive Pressure on President Obama

11/18/10: David Sirota appeared on MSNBC with host Cenk Uygur and radio host Bill Press to discuss how to apply more progressive pressure on the Obama administration. Watch the clip here:

10/12/10: David Sirota appeared on CNN with FireDogLake.com founder Jane Hamsher to discuss the potential for a Democratic "enthusiasm gap" in the 2010 election - and how to fight such an enthusiasm gap. Watch the clip here.

9/28/10: National Public Radio's "Tell Me More" featured David Sirota's recent newspaper column on the Great Education Myth. Listen to the segment here.


Latest Column: To Deter Crime, Get Tough on Wall Street

Creators SyndicateBy David Sirota, 11/5/10

Often, the most provocative ideas arise after swigs of whiskey. This is especially true when a Rolling Stone reporter is around - and, as I recently learned, it's all but guaranteed when that Rolling Stoner is Matt Taibbi, aka the heir to the magazine's gonzo throne.

I had the chance to hang with Taibbi last week after he spoke to a Denver audience about his new book, "Griftopia," which argues that Wall Street's bubble-bailout cycle has been one of the greatest - and least prosecuted - crimes in history. His presentation was serendipitously timed, coming the same week as a local Bonfire of the Vanities-esque scandal was underscoring the speculator class's privilege. In Colorado's own Bonfire of the Rockies, a local prosecutor had just reduced hit-and-run charges against a fund manager because the prosecutor said a felony would have "serious job implications" for the Sherman McCoy in question.

Over drinks in my living room, Taibbi and I pondered the financial Masters of the Universe and their maddening infallibility. I asked him why they never fear facing legal consequences. Do they believe they're untouchable? Or do they know law enforcement won't pursue them?

Read the rest of Sirota's newest nationally syndicated column here...

CONTACT YOUR LOCAL EDITOR: If you would like to see Sirota's weekly column in your local newspaper, just go here to find the contact info for your local newspaper editor and send them a message with the request (remember - be polite and respectful!).


Who Is David Sirota?

David Sirota is a political journalist, nationally syndicated weekly newspaper columnist and bestselling author living in Denver, Colorado. As one of the only national columnists living and reporting outside of Washington, D.C., he is widely known for his coverage of political corruption, globalization and working-class economic issues often ignored by both of America's political parties. He blogs at OpenLeft.com.

BIOGRAPHY: See Sirota's full biography here.

ARTICLES: See all of Sirota's writings in the lefthand column of this website.

MEDIA APPEARANCES: See Sirota's recent newspaper television appearances here.


Media Resources & Contact Info

David Sirota in Newsweek CONTACT: Email David Sirota at ds [at] davidsirota.com. You can also contact Sirota through his MySpace site and Facebook page.

PHOTO: Download a high-res press photo of Sirota here.

THEME SONG: Download Sirota's Al Franken Show theme song.

PROFILES: Read profiles of Sirota in Newsweek, the Rocky Mountain News and The New Republic.


The Uprising

The Uprising Hostile Takeover

David Sirota is the author of the New York Times bestsellers Hostile Takeover (2006) and The Uprising (2008). Order Hostile Takeover at its official website here. Order The Uprising at its official website here.


follow davidsirota at http://twitter.com



Sirota has published stand-alone articles in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, The Oregonian, The Hartford Courant, The Baltimore Sun, The Chicago Sun-Times, The Nation, The Washington Monthly, In These Times and The American Prospect. His weekly, nationally syndicated newspaper column appears in publications with a combined daily readership of 1.6 million. Here is a list of publications that run his column weekly and/or regularly:

The Aiken Standard
The Alamagordo Daily News
The Bennington Banner
The Colorado Springs Gazette
The Cookeville Herald-Citizen
The Daily Iberian
The Denver Post
The Everett Herald
The Florida Times-Union
The Ft. Collins Coloradoan
The Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star
The Grand Haven Tribune
The Grand Junction Daily Sentinel
The Green Valley News & Sun
The Idaho Post Register
The Idaho Statesman
In These Times
The Jackson Hole Daily News
The Lancaster Eagle Gazette
The Lewiston Sun-Journal
The McAllen Monitor
The North County Times
The Ocala Star-Banner
The Oregonian
The Panama City News Herald
The Pawtucket Times
The Progressive Populist
The Richmond Times-Dispatch
The Rochester Democrat & Chronicle
The San Francisco Chronicle
The Seattle Times
The Statesville Record & Landmark
The Sterling Journal-Advocate
The Summit Daily News
The Troy Record
The Vail Daily
The Washington Examiner
The Woonsocket Call
