Blackjack (also known as Twenty-one, Vingt-et-un (French for Twenty-one), or Pontoon) is the most widely played casino banking game in the world.[1] Much of blackjack's popularity is due to the mix of chance with elements of skill, and the publicity that surrounds card counting (calculating the probability of advantages based on the ratio of high cards to low cards). The casino version of the game should not be confused with the British card game Black Jack (a variant of Crazy Eights).

In casino blackjack, the dealer faces one to seven players from behind a kidney-shaped table. Each player plays his hand independently against the dealer. At the beginning of each round, the player places a bet in the "betting box" and receives an initial hand of two cards. The object of the game is to get a higher card total than the dealer, but without going over 21 which is called "busting" or "too many." (The spot cards count 2 to 9, the king, queen, jack, and 10 count as ten, while an ace can be either 1 or 11.) The player goes first and plays his hand by taking additional cards if he desires. If he busts, he loses. Then the dealer plays her hand. If the dealer busts, she loses to all remaining players. If neither busts, the higher hand total wins. In case of a tie, no one wins -- the hand is a "push." It is possible for the dealer to lose to some players but still beat the other players in the same round.

Cards are dealt either from one or two hand-held decks, or from a box containing four to eight decks called a "shoe." When dealt by hand, the player's two initial cards are face-down, while the dealer always has one face-up card, called the "upcard." The dealer also has a face-down card, called the "hole card," although in European blackjack, the hole card is not actually dealt until the players all play their hands. When dealt from a shoe, all player cards are normally dealt face-up, with minor exceptions. It shouldn't matter to the player whether his cards are dealt face-down or face-up since the dealer must play according to predetermined rules. If the dealer has less than 17, she must hit. If she has 17 or more, she must stand (take no more cards), unless it is a "soft 17." With a soft 17, the dealer follows the casino rules printed on the blackjack table, either to "hit soft 17" or to "stand on all 17's." (A soft 17 is a hand that includes an ace valued as "11," for example a hand consisting of an ace and a 6.)

The highest possible hand is a "blackjack" or "natural," meaning an initial two-card total of 21 (an ace and a ten-value card). A player blackjack is an automatic winner unless the dealer also has blackjack, in which case the hand is a "push" (a tie). Whenever the dealer upcard is an ace, the player is allowed to make a side bet called "insurance," supposedly to guard against the risk that the dealer has a blackjack (i.e., a ten-value card as a hole card). The insurance bet pays 2 to 1 if the dealer has a blackjack. Whenever the dealer has a blackjack, she wins against all player hands except those that also have a blackjack (which are a "push").

The minimum and maximum bets are posted on the table. The payoff on most bets is 1:1, meaning that the player wins the same amount as he bets. The payoff for a player blackjack is 3:2, meaning that the casino pays $3 for each $2 originally bet. (There are some single-deck games which pay only 6:5 for a blackjack.)

Dealer soft 17

There are two slightly different dealer strategies. In the "S17" game, dealer stands on all 17s. In the "H17" game, dealer hits on soft 17s; of course, he stands on hard 17s. (In either case, the dealer has no choice; he must or must not hit.) The H17 game is substantially less favorable to the player. Which game is customary depends on locality. Las Vegas Strip rules are about equally split.

Number of decks

All things being equal, fewer decks are more favorable for the player. (This is true for basic strategy players, even without card counting.) In fact, all things are not equal; multi-deck games almost always have otherwise better rules than single-deck games.

Late surrender

The player may "give up" and get back half his bet, before taking any other action. (In some places, this is posted, "surrender is available", while in other places, it is available, but it is not posted.) In some cases (15 vs. ten, 16 vs. 9, 16 vs. ace), this is slightly favorable. In one important case (16 vs. ten), it is definitely favorable.

Resplit to nn

(In other words, the option to split exists for a two-card hand from a split the same as the first two cards.) The simplest rule is "resplit infinite"; this means that the player may continue to split so long as he receives same-value cards and is willing to put up the additional bet. More typically, the rule is "resplit to four." These rules are practically identical, since even four hands is fairly unusual.

Resplit aces

In general, after splitting aces, the player gets only one card even with the above rule. With this rule in effect, an exception is made: if the second card is an ace, the player can resplit. (This is a favorable rule.)

Double after split

In other words, the option exists to double for a two-card hand from a split the same as the first two cards. Generally, the player should play a hand after a split the same as the first two cards. However, this rule does slightly change which hands should be split in the first place.

Double on 10 or 11 only

Often called "Reno" rules. (Also seen is "double on 9, 10, or 11 only".) It is annoying to many players because doubling soft hands is considered part of the game.

European no-hole-card rule

In some places, the dealer does not receive a hole card, but if the dealer is later found to have blackjack, the player loses only his original bet but not any additional bets (doubles or splits). This has the same advantage as the usual game, and as such does not change basic strategy.

Altered payout for natural

In some places, a natural pays 6:5 or even 1:1. This is the most unfavorable variation, increasing the house edge significantly more than any other player restriction.

Dealer wins ties

This is catastrophic to the player, though rarely used in standard Blackjack. It is sometimes seen in "blackjack-like" games.

Five card charlie/Five card trick

With this rule, the player always wins when five cards have been drawn without busting unless there is a blackjack on the table.





スプリット (Pair splitting)

配られた2枚のカードが同じ数字の場合、初めのベットと同額のコインを追加することで、それを2つに分けてプレイすることができる。10と数えられるカード (10,J,Q,K) は全てペアと見なすことが出来るカジノもある。また、ほとんどのカジノでは A のペアのスプリットでは、それぞれ1枚しか引くことができない。スプリット後にさらに同じ数字が配られた場合に、重ねてスプリットが可能なルールもある。

ダブルダウン (Doubling down)


サレンダー (Surrender)


インシュアランス (Insurance)



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