The second and final day of Senate hearings on "don't ask, don't tell," with some of the service chiefs expressing doubt or outright opposition to repeal. We'll let you know who supports and who doesn't. Meanwhile Senator Scott Brown has come out for repeal, breaking from Republicans in an interesting development.
Where is the White House? We'll go through the hearings, focus on the highlights and also speak with Chris Johnson from the Washington Blade at 4"30 ET about the White House efforts and what happened on Capitol Hill today.
At t 3:30, performance artist Tim Miller joins me to talk about his current show, getting rave reviews on tour.
Lots of other news, and more listener survey comments, the Holiday Book Bonanza and our weeklie awards: Angel, Gassie and Turkey of the Week!
These stories and so much more, today on The Michelangelo Signorile Show!
And, don't forget, you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook!
Listen to The Michelangelo Signorile Show weekdays live from 2-6 pm ET on Sirius XM's OutQ: Sirius 109, XM 98 and on the Sirius XM iPhone app. Not a subscriber? Not a problem! Listen online any time with a free seven-day pass or, if you have an iPhone or Blackberry, go to the app store and download S
Friday, December 03, 2010
Today on the Signorile Show
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Today on the Signorile Show
Highlights from the "don't ask, don't tell" Senate hearings: Lots of interesting exchanges with both heroes and villains of repeal squaring off. And of course, John McCain just getting really angry and frustrated a few times. We'll go through it all.
More on tax cuts and what the Democrats could have done and should do now.
A judge on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals set to hear the appeal by proponents of the overturned Prop 8 refused to disqualify himself as demanded by Prop 8 supporters.
Is this what the government really is concerned will get out because of the Wikileaks disclosures? Obama and GOPers work to protect George W.Bush from a torture probe.
Guest 3:30 ET The TSA patdowns and the specific concerns of transgender people: Mara Kiesling of National Center for Transgender Equality joins us to talk about the issues.
Guest 4:30 ET The civil unions bill that is about to become law in Illinois, making more history. We'll speak with Equality Illinois' Rick Garcia about the battle for civil rights in the Land of Lincoln.
As Southern Poverty Law Center's Mark Potok told us on the show the other day, hate group leader Tony Perkins of Family Research Council put out lies and distortions during their joint appearance on Hardball. Now Chris Matthews has corrected it with a follow up on something that never should have happened because Perkins shouldn't be on, period.
It's time for...the listener survey! We'll read some comments today and take your calls.
And day four of our Holiday Book Bonanza.
These stories and so much more, today on The Michelangelo Signorile Show!
And, don't forget, you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook!
Listen to The Michelangelo Signorile Show weekdays live from 2-6 pm ET on Sirius XM's OutQ: Sirius 109, XM 98 and on the Sirius XM iPhone app. Not a subscriber? Not a problem! Listen online any time with a free seven-day pass or, if you have an iPhone or Blackberry, go to the app store and download Sirius XM for free, for a 7-day trial, and listen on your phone.
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Today on the Signorile Show
The party of "NO" strikes again: Republican leaders in the Senate got the signatures of all 42 Republican senators pledging that they will block all votes, on everything -- including "don't ask, don't tell" repeal -- unless Democrats allow a vote on tax cuts to move forward. What does this mean for DADT, and how realistic is it? And what is the White House and the DNC really doing to get people to put pressure on wavering senators? Seems more like they're raising money than anything else. We'll explain how and get into it all today.
And speaking of the tax cuts, Democrats are now boxed in because they stupidly didn't have a vote before the elections. But why not just let Bush's tax cuts expire, and have Obama propose a middle class tax cut right after that? Because it would take some guts, that's why. We'll talk about and take your calls.
Guest 3:30 ET Chase Whiteside, a 22-year-old student who, as part of New Left Media, has shown how completely clueless so many of the Tea Party followers are -- and even how robotic and badly informed some on the left can be -- joins us to talk about the illuminating work he's done, attending all the big political rallies and letting the participants speak for themselves.
The lastest out of Illinois where the Senate is voting on a civil unions after the House already has passed it. Civil rights in the making!
Guest 4:30: Jarod Chlapowski, a gay Army veteran with Servicemembers United will discuss what is actually deep inside the Pentagon study on implementation of "don't ask, don't tell" repeal which was released yesterday.
It's World AIDS Day, a day in which some politicians have photo-ops while much of the media finally focuses on the global pandemic (if only for a day). And some AIDS activists also rightly protest the hypocrisy, like those in New York who held a protest and "bagel boycott" to point out Mayor Bloomberg's own broken promises. We'll talk about that and the "new style of AIDS activist," as described by The New York Times in a refreshing and hopeful piece.
Julian Assange of Wikileaks is now curiously wanted again by Swedish authorities, with an Interpol alert out on him. But that hasn't silenced him. He's called for Hillary Clinton's resignation in light of that fact she's broken treaties and spied on allies, as evidenced by the cables he's leaked. We'll take calls and get into the latest on cablegate.
And day three of our Holiday Book Bonanza.
These stories and so much more, today on The Michelangelo Signorile Show!
And, don't forget, you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook!
Listen to The Michelangelo Signorile Show weekdays live from 2-6 pm ET on Sirius XM's OutQ: Sirius 109, XM 98 and on the Sirius XM iPhone app. Not a subscriber? Not a problem! Listen online any time with a free seven-day pass or, if you have an iPhone or Blackberry, go to the app store and download Sirius XM for free, for a 7-day trial, and listen on your phone.
World AIDS Day Action Alert
Visit Housing Works' website today and send a tweet or email, or make a phone call, to Mayor Bloomberg to demand he not cut AIDS services even as he tries to express compassion today, World AIDS Day, for people with AIDS. Enough of the photo-ops, action is what is needed.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Today on the Signorile Show
The Pentagon’s long-awaited survey of troops regarding lifting the "don’t ask, don’t tell" policy is finally public and, just as anticipated from leaks about it for weeks -- and what we've known for years -- it concludes there is little risk to the military in allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly. Not only do the majority of troops not have a problem with gays serving openly, but a whopping 69% say they have already been serving with known gays and lesbians, and of those, 92% say there was no problem with morale and unit cohesion. Over 80% of Marine combat unites said they no problem having served with gays. All the latest polls show the American people support repeal.
The military was successfully integrated decades ago with much less support from the public and the troops for allowing black and white soldiers to serve together. The only people holding up justice now are hardliners in the Pentagon and troglodyte Republican senators pandering to religious zealots. Yes, we're talking about John McCain. It's going to be all about getting those few supposed moderate Republicans to buck their party. Lady Gaga has pulled through again, making a video and enlisting her fans in the cause. We'll be going through all the details today Time for everyone to call their senators, again! 202 224 3121. (UPDATE: Read the entire Pentagon DADT report)
We'll continue the discussion and take calls on all the reactions to the Wikileaks cablegate controversy, including the next target, big banks.
Guest / 3:30pm EST - Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center joins us this afternoon to talk about the recent addition of the Family Research Council and American Family Association, along with several others, to their list of anti-gay hate groups. Also, SPLC has released a report that shows that "homosexuals are far more likely to be victims of a violent hate crime than any other minority group in the United States." We'll discuss these issues with him today.
We'll play you the latest clips in right-wing crazy world: A Virgina legislator says the TSA patdowns are part of the homosexual agenda to feel up straight men! And the God Squad has now come out against environmentalism, claiming environmentalists want to put the word under their "destructive control" because... well, we're not sure why God wouldn't want people to save the planet, but we'll go through it all!
Guest / 4:30pm EST - Dr. Stephen Boswell, president and CEO of Fenway Health, joins us this afternoon to talk about a new study that, according to the New York Times, show, "Healthy gay men who took an anti-AIDS pill every day were well protected against contracting HIV."
Should we be celebrating the Civil War and the secession -- without the slavery, of course? I think a lot of you will want to jump into the discussion on this one.
And day two of our Holiday Book Bonanza.
These stories and so much more, today on The Michelangelo Signorile Show!
And, don't forget, you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook!
Listen to The Michelangelo Signorile Show weekdays live from 2-6 pm ET on Sirius XM's OutQ: Sirius 109, XM 98 and on the Sirius XM iPhone app. Not a subscriber? Not a problem! Listen online any time with a free seven-day pass or, if you have an iPhone or Blackberry, go to the app store and download Sirius XM for free, for a 7-day trial, and listen on your phone.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Today on the Signorile Show
This week begins a final push to repeal "don't ask, don't tell" in the lame duck session of the Senate, with hearings scheduled and a vote scheduled.And John McCain is promising it won't happen, along with Senator Lindsay Graham. Meanwhile Arkansas Democratic Senator Mark Pryor is saying he's opposed to repeal because homosexuality is "a sin." is this going to happen or not? We'll go through the details.
Should Wikileaks have revealed diplomatic details and information? Lots of outrage, again, over the latest dump by Wikileaks, which is less focused on war crimes and more so focused on information, even gossip, about world leaders and foreign countries' intentions. The White House called the leak "dangerous" while others are defending the dissemination by the media. How necessary was it for the public to know? How damaging is it really and is the outrage justified? Do you have a right to know? Did the media have responsibility to publish -- or not publish? Lots of questions, and we'll put them to you in a caller discussion.
As Glenn Greenwald notes, the FBI seems to have thwarted a terrorist plot it created in Oregon. What purpose to these kinds of stings serve, and was the public in Portland ever in danger? Shouldn't the FBI be tracking those who are already planning plots against us rather than enticing confused and disaffected teenagers into crazy schemes? We'll go through it.
Guest: 4:30 ET: Syndicated columnist and author Dan Savage will drop by the studio to talk again with us about the phenomenal It Gets Better Project and how it has skyrocketed and what he thinks of the President and many others making videos.
Also today, our Holiday Book Bonanza begins!
These stories and so much more, today on The Michelangelo Signorile Show!
And, don't forget, you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook!
Listen to The Michelangelo Signorile Show weekdays live from 2-6 pm ET on Sirius XM's OutQ: Sirius 109, XM 98 and on the Sirius XM iPhone app. Not a subscriber? Not a problem! Listen online any time with a free seven-day pass or, if you have an iPhone, Blackberry or Android, go to the app store and download Sirius XM for free, for a 7-day trial, and listen on your phone.
Holiday Book Bonanza
Back on the show live today, kicking off our annual Holiday Book Bonanza, giving away books by authors who've been on the show throughout the year. At any point in the show I'll put out a question about something we've discussed within the hour. The first person to call in with the correct answer gets the book. We'll do a book or so a day -- we have many! -- and then toward the last days of the year we'll give a way Book Bundles on specific topics. We'll kick it off today giving away a copy of Harvard neuroscientist Simon LeVay's Gay, Straight and the Reason Why: The Science of Sexual Orientation.
Listen to The Michelangelo Signorile Show weekdays live from 2-6 pm ET on Sirius XM's OutQ: Sirius 109, XM 98 and on the Sirius XM iPhone app. Not a subscriber? Not a problem! Listen online any time with a free seven-day pass or, if you have an iPhone or Blackberry, go to the app store and download Sirius XM for free, for a 7-day trial, and listen on your phone.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Saturday Back Talk
Finally posting some of the listener survey comments we read on the show in recent weeks. If you're a listener to the show and haven't taken the survey, please do so by scrolling down and clicking through on the right. Thanks!
Los Angeles, CA (Sirius)
I think you treat callers you don't agree with just fine...Still waiting on that chocolate tofu pie recipe ...Cheers!
Johnson City, NY (Sirius)
I will not be listening for the immediate future, and it's a shame because I'm a loyal listener of more than 4 years. Last night I heard the rebroadcast of your second "gays voting Republican" show and, sadly, I heard, for the first time, the intolerance, smugness, the intellectual superiority of the activist overwhelm the radio host - and it was really ugly. Basically, any gay who admitted they voted Republican for any office was vilified, called "stupid", called "greedy." I'm going to take a vacation from "The Michelangelo Signorile Show" for a while. To be honest, Michelangelo, last night you know what you sounded just like? The Christian Right - the intolerant bastards we've been fighting all these years. You need to rethink your intolerance and name-calling, Michelangelo, before you turn into the Fred Phelps of the Gay Left. I am so disappointed.
Riverhead, NY (Sirius)
I enjoy listening to your show because it shows me why it is so difficult to get DADT repealed, gay marriage and many other issues. When I listen to some of the callers, it tells me we are our worst supporters. When I hear GLBTQ people identifying as a Republican I see all the inner homophobia our community suffers from. All due to the attitudes of our laws, political leaders, religious and ourselves.
Tallahassee, FL (Sirius)
Heard the show today, 11/10/10. As a straight ally, listening to people who voted republican really makes me wonder about their mental state.
Gleneden Beach, OR (Sirius)
As an older straight woman I enjoy hearing another view of the world I might not ordinarily be exposed to. I have come to realize that the new civil rights movements are for the LGBT community and the Latino community (I can't believe that new immigration law in Arizona was written with the help of the private prison groups. thank you NPR for exposing that). Your listeners who say they voted republican because they are not experiencing discrimination remind me of the decedents of slave holders who bragged that after their slaves were emancipated they stayed on at the plantation because they "loved their masters". When you explained to Todd how he had no civil rights he didn't see it. I am old enough to have lived in the times when my sister's brother in law died of aids in the early 80's he was refused burial in his families cemetery plot in a catholic cemetery, The fear and cries that it was somehow god's punishment were incredible. Why would you elect a party full of people who still think this way. Anyhow, I love your show and usually agree or at least am challenged by your conversations.
Tibury, ON Canada (Sirius)
First of all, I listen as much as I can and have never seen any pictures of Mr. Signorile. I saw him on the Joy Behar show and he looked nothing like I imagined. Just want to say, what a hottie!! I would like to say that it is a mixed bag of emotions listening to the show depending on the topics. It just floors me with the mentality of some people in this world and especially in the States as you still fight for equality. I'm Canadian and feel very lucky, my grandfather was American and I sometimes wonder what it would be like to live under such bullshit. I love listening to this show as Mr. Signorile is a brilliant man and gets to the heart of the issues and allows free thought but shoots down the stupid! Love listening and will call in one day again!
Dallas, TX (Sirius)
I really like to listen to your show. You are very passionate and that passion comes through in a lot of your shows. I have to say thank you, Michael: recently you had a discussion about the use of the word "gay." At first, I did not have a problem with it, until I heard a co-worker keep using it to refer to things that went bad, or things that were broken. I have corrected him several times. He did it again last night and when I corrected him, he apologized for using it. He said that he would make an effort to stop using it and to make his teenage sons stop using it. Thank you again Michael, and keep up the good.
Grand Rapids, MI (Sirius)
Though I'm straight, Michelangelo is a breath of "Fresh Air." I live in an ultra conservative part of the country; my hubby and daughter are both Aspie's and my son is dyslexic so I'm no stranger to adversity. LGBT is another way of life with struggles I understand. I love Michaelangelo's thoughtful monologues, and usually respectful conversations with the audience.
Valley Stream, NY (XM)
I very much enjoy your insight on current events. You keep me challenged, informed and very much aware of current events. I also am very much impressed with the way you handle your callers, and with the man (sorry I didn't get your name!) who screens your call. There's a lot of compassion and passion in the Signorile show. Thank you for sharing it with your audience.
Fort Worth, TX (Sirius)
You get a bit edgy and condescending during listener/guest interactions for my taste. That Said, You provide a unique and valuable service to our community.
Indianapolis, IN (XM)
Michael, I love your show and the terrific job you do on keeping us informed and exposing hypocrisy. I listen to you, Keith Olbermann, and Rachel Maddow nearly everyday. I feel you made a mountain out of a molehill with the Glaad/Glee/"Tranny" situation. I can't believe you wasted so much valuable air time on this subject. YOU blew it out of proportion. I really think you simply enjoyed the attention of being in a pissing match with Glaad and being on Joy Behar show. Make a comment, state your opinion, and be done. Let it go! There are much more important issues you could be investing your time with. Again, love your show, love and appreciate most of your hard work.
Sac City, IA (XM)
Thank you for your coverage of the mid-term elections. I especially appreciated your commentary on the Iowa Supreme Court retention vote. Living in a county that had more than 70% of its voters vote to oust the justices, it is refreshing to hear your voice of reason and sanity. In the weeks prior to the elections, the robocalls were rampant; my personal favorite was being blessed by Mr. Huckabee for supporting his cause because I listened to the entire message (of course, when I hung up early, the phone rang again with the same message and would not stop calling until I heard the message in its entirety!) I do hope that those outside the state of Iowa know not all people are as closed minded as the vote would indicate.
Las Vegas, NV (Sirius)
Love the show, listen daily on my drive from Vegas to AZ as a medical courier. Only complaint is the talking to death of certain topics. I understand that many can't hear all the show each day and that is probably why you revisit topics repeatedly. Would like to hear more variety on the topics and maybe less about Obama and what he isn't doing and won't ever do. Keep up the good work Mike!
Hemet, CA (XM)
I really, really appreciate that you are actually talking about some of the things that get ignored or just covered up with stuff throughout the days. It is very important to me to hear both sides and to listen closely to what is being said and done by everyone involved. Thank you for pointing out disturbing facts, kool-aid moments, and (I'm sure at times) the other side of thought to help us down here to make important decisions about voting and communicating with our government officials. It's crazy out there, and in this frantic time, I am grateful for someone who is there to shine the light for the sane of us who don't have time to succumb to the craziness. So, thank you again.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
The Biggest Turkey of 2010
Biggest Turkey of 2010?
After we give out dozens of awards on today's Turkey of the Year Awards show, we'll all vote on who gets the not-so-coveted Biggest Turkey of 2010 award. Who will it be? These three are definitely candidates, but it could be any one of many other losers this year. Here's last years award winner, complete with audio statuette.
Turkey of the Year Awards
Today is our annual Turkey of the Year Awards show, and I'm so excited to be back on the air after my rib-busting accident. I'll fill you all in on what happened. Thanks to Lizz Winstead for guest-hosting. Always a spectacular job!
Today listeners call up throughout the show with nominations while we slice and dice the winners and dole out the audio statuettes. These are all the big losers of 2010 -- as opposed to our Gassy Awards for all the dangerous gasbags, which we give out at the end of the year along with our Angel Awards -- and you can give me your nominations here too. We'll be giving out awards and then voting on the Biggest Turkey of the Year and announcing the winner at the end of the show. Be there, 2-6 ET, Sirius 109, XM 98 or on your smart phones or online, lots of fun!
Listen to The Michelangelo Signorile Show weekdays live from 2-6 pm ET on Sirius XM's OutQ: Sirius 109, XM 98 and on the Sirius XM iPhone app. Not a subscriber? Not a problem! Listen online any time with a free seven-day pass or, if you have an iPhone or Blackberry, go to the app store and download Sirius XM for free, for a 7-day trial, and listen on your phone.