I love to cook and love to make big, hearty meals together with friends. After years of last minute stressful cooking I discovered slow cooking and daube. Daube is a typical Provencal meal that is essentially a beef stew (with cheap cuts) cooked with tomatoes and carrots though over the years I've added red peppers and eggplant because I'm convinced that anything which includes tomatoes, red peppers and eggplant is good. Anything. This meal takes a few hours though it's easy to make and can be made even a day in advance and warmed up for guests. No last minute stress and the slow cooking at a low temperature is what makes it so tasty. In this case I had enough to serve an army so we had leftovers for the week. Throw in some wild, seasonal mushrooms and you're set to go for another meal.
I have no specific recipe other than what's in the photos below but there are plenty of great recipes available online. Just ignore the ones who tell you to use red wine because it's always white wine. Adding red peppers and eggplant is "limit limit" but red wine is absolute heresy.
Take out the meat, add in the tomatoes, red peppers, onions, carrots and garlic.
After heating up, turn down for a low, slow cook. Eventually I move them to the oven at around 150C for a few hours. A half hour or so before serving, saute the eggplant and mix in to the daube. The eggplant should melt in your mouth and add a creaminess to the meal. (Too far in advance and it blends in and you will miss it.)
The final step...serving. Homemade mashed potatoes with roasted garlic and of course, lots of cream and butter. A nice Rhone wine and life is good.
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