Top 50 blogs

Here is an updated list of political blogs, ranked by their authority on Technorati. Some are ideological, others are journalistic. We've broken out top 20 lists of liberal and conservative blogs, below.
[The Editors, January 2009]

Top 50 Political Blogs

  1. HuffingtonPost
  2. Boing Boing
  3. Daily Kos
  4. CNN Political Ticker
  5. Daily Dish (Andrew Sullivan)
  6. The Caucus (New York Times)
  7. Treehugger
  8. Threat Level
  9. Think Progress
  10. 538
  11. Talking Points Memo
  12. Washington Wire (Wall Street Journal)
  13. Michelle Malkin
  14. Ben Smith (Politico)
  15. The Corner (National Review Online)
  16. Pajamas Media
  17. Hot Air
  18. Political Radar (ABC News)
  19. Crooks and Liars
  20. Newsbusters
  21. Glenn Greenwald (Salon)
  22. Marc Ambinder (The Atlantic)
  23. Swampland (Time)
  24. Powerline
  25. Redstate
  26. Americablog
  27. Firedoglake
  28. Gateway Pundit
  29. Matthew Yglesias
  30. Hit & Run (Reason)
  31. Feministing
  32. TruthDig
  33. Buzzmachine
  34. CQ Politics
  35. Open Left
  36. Hullabaloo
  37. Talk Left
  38. Taegan Goddard's Political Wire
  39. Mother Jones
  40. Pam's House Blend
  41. MyDD
  42. Balloon Juice
  43. Stop the ACLU
  44. The Next Right
  45. The Moderate Voice
  46. Feministe
  47. Real Clear Politics
  48. Atrios
  49. Little Green Footballs
  50. Wizbang

Top 20 Liberal Blogs

  1. HuffingtonPost
  2. Boing Boing
  3. Daily Kos
  4. Think Progress
  5. 538
  6. Talking Points Memo
  7. Crooks and Liars
  8. Glenn Greenwald (Salon)
  9. Americablog
  10. Firedoglake
  11. Matthew Yglesias
  12. TruthDig
  13. Feministing
  14. Open Left
  15. Hullabaloo
  16. Talk Left
  17. Mother Jones
  18. Pam's House Blend
  19. MyDD
  20. Balloon Juice

Top 20 Conservative Blogs

  1. Michelle Malkin
  2. The Corner (National Review Online)
  3. Pajamas Media
  4. Hot Air
  5. Newsbusters
  6. Powerline
  7. Redstate
  8. Gateway Pundit
  9. Stop the ACLU
  10. The Next Right
  11. Real Clear Politics
  12. Little Green Footballs
  13. Wizbang
  14. Ann Althouse
  15. Confederate Yankee
  16. Flopping Aces
  17. The Foundry (Heritage Foundation)
  18. Patrick Ruffini
  19. Soren Dayton
  20. Eye on 08

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