Oncidium Millennium Gold 'Geon' AM/AOS
This is a funny one. I bought it an orchid show a few years ago because I liked the big oversized yellow flowers on the demo plant. I think the flower spike (the long stalk that the flowers grow on) was maybe 2 feet, or possibly 3. I thought it was kind of cool being that long, so I bought it. It's been a few years, no flowers, a bout of rot, and finally, again with the new lights, the plant started to take off. I noticed several months ago - we might be talking 4 months ago or even more - that it was starting to develop a flower spike. Cool, I thought. And the months passed, the spike grew longer, and no flowers. I kept moving the plant farther and farther away from the curtains, so it wouldn't hit the window (it grows towards the light, and then the things started branching off into more spikes, but still no flowers. Finally, a few weeks ago, the flowers starting, and the damn thing just kept growing. It stills lots more flowers to go - I counted around 45 to 50, but more keep growing at the tips. As you can see in the photo to the left, it's now taller than me, and I'm around 5-10. Check out how small the actual plant is. Oh, and this is the first time it's bloomed. That generally means, it's going to be far more spectacular in future blooms. The funny thing is, I'm not even sure if I like it anymore! That's a problem with orchids, they tend to stick around a while, the flowers do, so after a while you're like, okay, enough already. Anyway, it's kind of funny how big this thing has gotten, and is still getting. So, enjoy.
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