Oh well, Kyle and I went all the way to CNN this morning, hung out in the Green Room for an hour, then got back in the fabulous black sedan they sent (bless CNN) and headed home.
The good new is that the Green Room was fascinating. Met one of the guys from Powerline blog. He was nice. Senator George Allen (R-VA) was there as well. He went to get a cup of coffee and said, very Homer-Simpson-like, "ooh, French vanilla!" I said, "Senator, I don't think Republicans are supposed to drink that." He said, "but I really like vanilla." I responded, "yeah but that French part..."
We also met Wolf, who bounded into the room and said "Hi, Wolf Blitzer!" Kyle thought that was kind of cute. Talked to Howie Kurtz for a few minutes, who apologized for bumping us - Howie was very nice. I joked about how it was the fairest interview he'd ever done. And finally, I introduced myself to Jonathan Turley, GW law professor and legal pundit at large. VERY interesting guy. Nice, friendly, smart, fun, bouncy, just a very interesting mind. I asked him about Rove, he basically said nothing new, but he did say it's a bit odd that Fitzgerald is still poking around.
Anyway, kind of sucked going all the out there, but Kyle got to see the inards of CNN, which was fun, and it actually was a lot of fun talking to Turley.
And now we know George Allen likes girlie coffee.
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