Tuesday, October 5, 2010

More 'Teachable Moments' via Bishop Eddie Long

Teachable moments on Bishop Eddie Long provided by Wallace Best, Ph.D., Professor of Religion, Princeton University:
Public denunciations of homosexuality often mask private same-sex desire. Just ask Ted Haggart, Mark Foley, Larry Craig, Richard Curtis, and Ken Melman. So, I was not surprised when I learned that Bishop Eddie Long, the Georgia mega-church pastor now facing charges that he abused his "spiritual authority" to win sexual favors, is a staunch opponent of gay marriage and a vocal critic of gay rights. In December 2004 Long led a "Re-Ignite the Legacy" march through the streets of Atlanta to, in his words, "present a vision of righteousness and justice." Opposition to same-sex marriage was at the top of the march's agenda, earning Long the title of "Anti-Gay Bishop."

The charges by four young men have only recently been filed, and it is not yet clear if Long broke any laws. But as we wait for this story to continue to unfold and for the facts to become clear, there is much to learn from it already. If nothing else, the Bishop Long same-sex scandal has provided us with a crucial teaching and learning moment, and we must seize it.

To my mind, one of the most important lessons is this: If your pastor drives a Bentley and wears a watch with a value equivalent to your annual salary, it is time for you to find another church. But the lessons go even deeper, cutting to the heart of black church history and culture, particularly as it relates to issues of sex and sexuality.
Is it me, or is this scandal not being covered properly in the mainstream cable media? I've seen scant segments on the continuing story and fascinating observations from African Americans on their perception of the Bishop Long news item. Read More...

Glee's Chris Colfer says 'It gets better'

It's Tuesday night, meaning it's Glee. And, the gay star of the show has an "It Get Better" message for LGBT youth.

In email to GOP colleagues, NC State Rep. Larry Brown calls gays 'queers' and 'fruitloops'

Oh boy.

When I saw this story about State Rep. Larry Brown pop up, I knew I had to check the website of my favorite North Carolinian. Pam Spaulding has the details and the reactions.

This homophobic outburst started because the Speaker of the NC House, Joe Hackney, is getting an award from Equality NC.

And, we wonder why LGBT kids are feeling beseiged. Elected officials are using the same terms that schoolyard bullies use.

Larry Brown is now garnering the national spotlight for being a pathetic, homophobic loser. Classy guy. Read More...

We've got an ally in the White House, but the President still doesn't support full equality

Kerry Eleveld talked to Steve Hildebrand, who served as Deputy Campaign Manager for Barack Obama, about his colleague, Pete Rouse, who is now serving as the interim White House Chief of Staff:
Hildebrand characterized Rouse as well versed in LGBT issues and a strong progressive.

“He’s always provided me a strong format on LGBT issues, and certainly was an advocate from the inside during the Obama campaign and since,” Hildebrand said. “I see him as an important ally, who will always be open and helpful to our community in the White House. He’s also someone who’s incredibly good about following through on the commitments that he makes, which is something we need more of in the community.”

Still, Hildebrand said Rouse very much understands his place in the chain of command.

“I would never see him bucking a boss on a policy issue,” he said.
Over the summer, Obama aide Melody Barnes told several LGBT media types, including me, that we had strong allies in top leadership of the White House including her, Valerie Jarrett, Rahm Emanuel and Jim Messina. We see where that's gotten us. Now, looks like we can replace our "ally" Rahm with Rouse. Okay. Doesn't sound like that will move the equality agenda too much.

The President runs the show at the White House. He's calling the shots on our equality. We know he thinks, on DADT repeal, we should "keep the long view in mind." Some of us consider 17 years the long view.

Remember, back in August of 2008, Obama, the constitutional scholar, told homophobe Rick Warren that he thinks god plays a key role in marriage here in the U.S.:"
I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman," the future President said. "For me as a Christian, it is a sacred union. You know, God is in the mix."
Apparently, god is still in the mix for Obama. As David Axelrod made quite clear on the day after the historic Prop. 8 decision, Obama still does not support full equality for LGBT Americans.

I thought Obama would evolve. I really did. I've been wrong so far. It doesn't matter who the Chief of Staff is as long as we've got a President who isn't on board with full equality. Nothing changes.

Can't wait to hear what candidate Obama says in 2012. If he doesn't support full equality, I suspect a lot of LGBT Americans won't support him. Read More...

Affirming Pastor in Atlanta confronts Bishop Long

The Rev. Dennis A. Meredith, pastor of Tabernacle Baptist Church in Atlanta, posted the following YouTube video in response to Bishop Eddie Long. Reverend Meredith even mentions the fact he lost members of his church to the hateful message Bishop Long espoused.

More from the Atlanta Journal Constitution.

GetEQUAL launches 'We'll Give When We GetEQUAL'

GetEQUAL wants a signal from the President that he cares about our equality. Not a speech. Not words. Action. And, the group has launched a campaign trying to force action by using the thing the Democrats seem to want most from the LGBT community -- our political money:
GetEQUAL has launched a campaign called "We'll Give When We GetEQUAL," asking LGBT Americans and straight allies to withhold time and money from political entities that are not fighting as hard for our equality as they are for our checkbooks.

We're not the first ones to voice frustration with both Democrats and Republicans for holding our equality hostage (see here, here, and here). And we're not going away -- despite the efforts of Democratic apologists who continue to raise the specter of President Palin to scare us into donating.

Are we asking you not to vote? Absolutely not -- too many social movements have fought for that hard-earned right that must not be thrown away. Are we asking you not to donate or support pro-equality candidates? That's up to you -- there are several pro-equality candidates that need support, especially because they are minority voices in their party.

Are we asking you to withhold money and time from those who refuse to find concrete ways to work toward our collective equality? YES!

Our tolerance and patience -- while we lose our jobs, are denied our right to marry, are forbidden to serve our country openly, and are forced to watch our youth kill themselves because they have no dignity or hope -- is gone. We are asking you to withhold your support from political parties and committees until President Obama, the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, takes the first step toward LGBT equality and signs an Executive Order to IMMEDIATELY halt all military discharges of lesbian, gay, and bisexual soldiers.

Why continue to organize on behalf of politicians when we need to be organizing for ourselves?
Is that too much to ask from our "fierce advocate"? Doesn't seem like. Robin McGehee explained in GE's press release:
We intentionally set the bar low with this campaign. We want to believe they are honestly interested in pursuing equality for all Americans. Therefore, we gave them the easiest possible step to show their commitment before the mid-term elections because, to quote Barney Frank, ‘Things would have sucked worse without me’ is not a valid reason to support candidates for office.
I have thought for a long time that the Democratic leaders have underestimated the anger in the LGBT community -- that is, if they even care (and I have my doubts about that.) The Democratic leaders are protected by a cadre of apologists that includes party hacks, lobbyists with clients interests that outweigh their own equality and various job-seekers in the community. This administration has worked against us on a number of occasions, which is why we launched Don't Ask, Don't Give last year. We want DADT repealed, ENDA passed and DOMA repealed. We're not getting any of those from this President or this Congress -- despite many, many promises. Asking for an Executive Order to stop the discharges is setting bar low. But, keep your expectations in check.

These latest youth suicides have really hit a nerve. We're not equal -- and we're reminded of that every day, from pulpits and from politicians (even those who purport to be on our side.) Right now, I'd tell anyone who wants to contribute politically to be very careful. Give to candidates only. And, only give to candidates who think you're equal and will fight for your equality. Otherwise, use that money to help protect LGBT youth or to help fight anti-gay campaigns, like the one in Bowling Green, Ohio. Read More...

Bishop Long and congregation remain defiant

Long's sermon made no obvious references to his recent troubles. Long, however, mentioned that a church mother told him that he had to be the most "prayed for person in the world." He said she reminded him to also pray for himself. He talked to the congregation about prayer and said: "God is listening for your sound."

If you never have a challenge, Long said, you never know how faithful you are.

He also spoke about being strong in your declaration and affirmation when seeking God's ear and seeking change in your life.
No mention of praying for the young men who came forward with the allegations that this homophobe manipulated them into sex with the Bishop. Shouldn't there be any praying for the potential victims?

Speaking of prayer, a group of 32 pastors descended on Long's church this past Tuesday to pray for him and show their undying support for him. The whole sorry situation is being characterized as "spiritual warfare" against the good Bishop.
"I'm not speaking about the individuals and all of that," he said, according to Channel 2 Action News. "This is spiritual warfare."

Long said that if he thought people believed media reports on the scandal, "I'd be scared to show up, I'd be scared to look at you. But there's something in me bigger than the situation."

A group of 32 ministers attended the Lithonia church Tuesday night to pray with Long and show their support for the embattled pastor.
Poor Bishop Eddie Long. What is a nasty homophobic minister accused of being a hypocrite to do? Read More...

Signorile has had it with the religious-types who are killing our kids with their messages of hate

Watch this video of Mike Signorile's conversation with a right-wing Christian caller from the show yesterday. I think Mike captures the anger in the LGBT community. And, I don't think a lot of people outside the LGBT community and our close allies understand just how pissed off people are. The haters are killing our kids. And, our elected leaders are telling the world that we're not equal. From Mike's blog post:
The hate coming from the pulpits of most faiths cannot be denied as a factor in these suicides, and in gay-bashings. But many Christians don't want to believe that, even as they condemn homosexuality. One of them, James from Louisiana, called in yesterday. I was definitely not in the mood to put up with any crap!
I think Mike is speaking for a lot of us here:

Homophobes at the Stonewall Inn: Two arrested for gay bashing

Gay bashing at Stonewall:
Two homophobic Staten Island men brutally bashed a man in the restroom of the famed Stonewall Inn -- the birthplace of the gay rights movement -- after demanding to know if it was a gay bar and calling him a "f------," authorities said yesterday.

But their victim, 34-year-old Benjamin Carver, bravely fought back against their cowardly attack -- and his boyfriend and Stonewall Inn staff pursued them out of the bar.

"I was never afraid, throughout the whole experience," Carver told The Post yesterday.

"To so many of these bullies, they think that gay people are an easy target, and that we're just going to give in. Those two guys found out that night that's not the case," said the scrappy Washington, DC, resident.

Cops later nabbed Matthew Francis, 21, of Holgate Street and 17-year-old Christopher Orlando of Doane Avenue -- who now face charges of assault as hate crimes and attempted robbery by Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr.'s Hate Crimes Unit for the Stonewall Inn smack-down.

The shocking assault Sunday in the iconic West Village watering hole was the second vicious overtly anti-gay attack in Manhattan this past weekend. The second occurred Friday night in Chelsea, another heavily gay Manhattan neighborhood.
So, Stonewall and Chelsea. The gay bashers are getting brazen.

Be on guard, everyone. The haters are feeling empowered. National leaders send the message that LGBT Americans aren't equal. That sure sends a signal. Read More...