Saturday, July 17, 2010

Gay swans set up household in swannery in UK

Of course, I'm sure we will be hearing from NOM and conservatives being absolutely furious the other swans allow them the same rights and privileges as other nesting bird couples.
The pair show no interest in their female companions and only have eyes for each other.

Dave Wheeler, from the swannery, said: "The two birds both hatched in 2002 and are sort of together.

"They have been together for several nesting seasons and basically keep territory as if they are a nesting pair."
Then again, this is in the United Kingdom and they respect the rights of the LGBT citizens. Lucky the swans didn't try being treated equal over here in the "Land of the Free." Read More...

The smiling family photos on NOM's hate bus aren't real families. They're models. From stock photos.

NOM apparently bought the family photos for its hate bus. They're "pros" -- not real people. And, of course, Jeremy Hooper uncovered it. He calls it "NOM's traveling stock photo collection on wheels."

Seriously, not much gets by Jeremy.