Friday, February 19, 2010

CPAC speaker attacks conference for including gay group, actually gets booed

Must see t.v. from CPAC. The homophobe's name is Ryan Sorba from Young Americans for Freedom. He did his organization proud today. Clearly, he's another one of those hard-core right wingers who is obsessed, just obsessed, with the gays. It's odd, really:

Stephen Colbert visits the Pride House at the Olympics

Should broadcast this coming Wednesday. OutQ News did a nice write up of Colbert's visit. Read More...

Gay Repub has a question for NOM: 'Who's the pansy at CPAC?'

I always love it when the right-wingers fight among themselves, but it's really something when a gay Republican questions the manhood of NOM:

GOProud's Jimmy LaSalvia at CPAC from sarahposner on Vimeo.

HT Right Wing Watch.

Global gay role model sought in Norwegian pageant

My smart aleck snoring machine of a partner sent me this link with the snark, "You were born twenty years too early."
OSLO (Reuters Life!) - Nearly two dozen men from five continents sashayed down the stage of an Oslo club on Saturday (13 February) night competing to be crowned Worldwide Mr Gay, the winner of an international pageant for gay men.
Of important political importance.
Six contestants, from countries in the Middle East, Africa and Asia, chose not to travel to Norway for fear of harassment at home.

Mr. Gay China was chosen in a secret competition after authorities raided the venue where the selection was to have taken place in January. Authorities said the event did not have the proper license.
I'm rooting for Mr. China to send the Chinese a loud positive message. The article states Mr. China will probably get in trouble with "Chinese authorities" when he returns from his participation. Oh, and my partner is right, snark or not, twenty years ago I would have won. Read More...

Rabid homophobe, favored by White House and DSCC, to run for Evan Bayh's seat - supported FMA, voted to kill ENDA, silent on DADT

Wonder if they'd support a racist?

From Cillizza at the Post:
Indiana Rep. Brad Ellsworth has decided to seek the seat being vacated by Sen. Evan Bayh and will announce his intentions in a statement to be released shortly, according to a source briefed on the matter.

Ellsworth emerged as the favored candidate of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and the White House in the immediate aftermath of Bayh's stunning decision that he would not seek a third term.
And from Bil Browning we learn that Ellsworth has a whopping 30/100 record on gay rights - even the Republican Senator from Indiana beats him by a factor of two - and Ellsworth supporting putting anti-gay bigotry in the United States Constitution:
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the nation's largest LGBT political organization, ranks Ellsworth as one of the ten worst Democratic Congress members when it comes to LGBT issues; he scored a meager 30 out of 100 possible points.

Asked how the organization would react if Ellsworth were chosen as the Democratic nominee, Michael Cole, spokesperson for HRC, said, "We do not generally get involved in these types of state party decisions. During his 2006 campaign, Brad Ellsworth voiced his support for the federal marriage amendment, making him ineligible for our endorsement."

Motivating the Party Faithful
Senator Bayh, on the other hand, earned 90 points on the same ranking and even Republican Senator Richard Lugar scored 60. After Bayh announced he wouldn't seek re-election, the Indiana Stonewall Democrats chapter praised Bayh's commitment to LGBT rights.
It's pretty deplorable that being an anti-gay bigot doesn't seem to matter to the White House or the DSCC. But I'm sure they'll be looking for your money to help this homophobe, so he can get into office and screw the Obama administration on every campaign promise they've ever made. As we've said before, it's time to take the pledge to stop donating to the Democratic party until they keep their promises to our community.

Stonewall Dems has a petition up about this, and Adam Bink at OpenLeft has more on Ellsworth's conservative leanings:
Ellsworth, as many of you know, is a Blue Dog who voted against the stimulus package, voted for Stupak [anti-abortion], voted against federal funding for stem cell research three years ago, voted for the GOP motion to recommit on health care reform [i.e., to kill HCR]. Yes on FISA [domestic spying], Yes on the bailouts, Yes on the war supplemental, No on Helping Families Save Their Homes Act of 2009. As Taniel pointed out in Quick Hits this morning, he is as far to the right as you can get for a potential Senate Democrat. He's a virtual Parker Griffith, the right-wing Democrat who just switched parties.

There are out gays at CPAC this year

Now, if I had to bet (and I haven't been to CPAC this year so don't don't know for sure), but if I had to bet, I'd bet that the GOProud guys aren't the only gays at CPAC. They may be the only out gays at CPAC, but they're not the only gays, by far:
GOProud has a booth at CPAC just two spaces away from the exhibition for the National Organization for Marriage, which wants the government to define marriage as between a man and a woman.

The organizations obviously see social issues differently.

"It's the ultimate Washington power grab to say let's have a federal constitutional amendment that will federalize the question of marriage," said GOProud chairman Christopher Barron.

Through speaking at the event, exhibiting a booth and co-sponsoring the conference, GOProud hopes to highlight the views it has in common with other Republicans -- limited government and fiscal responsibility.

But the members' nontraditional conservative views are rankling some attendees at CPAC.
They may not have Maggie Gallagher and Elaine Donnelly on their side, but they've got Dick and Liz Cheney. It's a start. Read More...

Mitt Romney's views on DADT repeal are unchanged

During the 2008, Mitt was a vociferous opponent of LGBT equality, which was a flip flop from his previous pro-gay positions. Now, as Romney begins his next campaign for President, he's allegedly retooling his views again.

Last week, the Boston Phoenix reported on the next incarnation of Mitt, "New and Improved Romney":
"He got himself caught up in the social-issues debate," says Bill Achtmayer, chairman of business-strategy consultants the Parthenon Group and a supporter of Romney, his former colleague at Bain Consulting. "It diverted people's attention from what he does bring to the table."

As a result, the new Romney is now de-emphasizing social issues like abortion, same-sex marriage, and illegal immigration. He has made no public comment, for instance, about last week's announcement that top military leaders intend to end the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, has scrupulously avoided association with the Tea Party movement, and has refrained from backing conservatives that other presidential hopefuls have endorsed, such as Doug Hoffman in New York or Marco Rubio in Florida.
This week, Deb Price from the Detroit News has excerpts from an interview Mitt Romney did with that paper. He discussed a range of issues, including the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell:
Don't Ask, Don't Tell: Says his view is unchanged: Policy will "at some point" end, but doesn't make sense to change it "during wartime."
That answer doesn't make sense.

And, come on, Mitt. Even Dick and Liz Cheney are on board. Read More...