Saturday, August 7, 2010

Suze Orman tips for Saving Money!

In these hard economic times it helps to have money saving tips from our favorite lesbian financial advisor, Suze Orman!


Another NOM Fail. This time in Georgia.

Via the Courage Campaign's NOM Tour Tracker, today's NOM Hate Bus tour event in Atlanta was supposed to be a big one. After all, the group was touting an appearance from Dr. Alveda King, the niece of MLK. Well, it was another NOM fail. There were 20 NOM supporters. Meanwhile, thanks to the work of Equality Georgia, there were over 250 supporters of equality.

For an organization that purports to have such broad committed support, there not really turning out the troops for the tour. Read More...

Right-winger: Prop. 8 decision wrong because marriage is really 'a necessary defense of a women's sexuality'

Just so you know what the other side is thinking, read this one from an opponent of Judge Walker's decision. It sounds like something straight out of the 1700 or 1800s:
Marriage is a necessary defense of a woman’s sexuality and her human liberty from determined assault by men who would turn her into a slave, a concubine – something less than fully human. Human communities need to give women some additional degree of protection – through law, custom, religious decree, or sacrament – generally some combination of all three, neatly summarized by the plaintiffs, who demanded the sacred and the eternal from the state of California.

Of course, marriage’s power to protect women is far from perfect, but no human institution is. Parents, too, sometimes do awful things to their children.
Hmmm. I don't know many women who would agree with this. But, I'm sure it resonates in the right-wing.

H/T to Gilberto for sending the link.

What the temporary stay in the Prop 8 case means

From NCLR (pdf):
Judge Walker struck down Prop 8 on Wednesday, August 4. On the same day, Judge Walker also temporarily “stayed” his decision, which means that the ruling isn’t effective right away. The Judge will decide whether to “stay” the decision for longer after all the parties respond to the Yes on 8 request for a longer stay. All responses have to be filed today, Friday, August 6.

Both California Attorney General Brown and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger filed responses opposing a stay and urging the court to let its decision take effect immediately so that same-sex couples in California can begin to marry. The plaintiff couples also are strongly opposing a stay.

Judge Walker can decide whether to stay the decision for longer at any time. If he grants the motion to stay, same-sex couples will not be able to marry in California until after the appeal is finished. The Judge can also delay the decision for a short time until the Ninth Circuit appeals court decides whether they will order a stay.

If Judge Walker denies the stay and permits his decision to take immediate effect, the Yes on 8 proponents can ask the Ninth Circuit appeals court to order an emergency stay.

Several counties have announced that, if Judge Walker lifts the stay, they are ready to begin issuing licenses and performing civil ceremonies for same-sex couples.
And, here's the Olson/Boies motion to stay:
Prop. 8 Plaintiffs Opp to Motion for Stay