Jane Hamsher has
a nice rundown on how we got the "show me your junk" full-body airport scanners — and who benefits (my emphasis):
This goes to show just how how constant threats of “terror” are used to create new markets for products nobody needs. The public is then intimidated into compliance in the name of “national security,” when in reality they’re sacrificing their dignity, their civil liberties and their tax dollars for the sake of enormous profits:
2005: Michael Chertoff, as head of Homeland Security, orders the first batch of porno scanners from a company called Rapiscan Systems. After his departure, Chertoff gave dozens of interviews using his government credentials to promote the device. What he didn’t tell people was that Rapiscan was one of the clients of his consulting company, The Chertoff group.
Jane continues the tale nicely. Once Chertoff got Rapiscan's foot in the door, it was just a matter of expanding (and funding) the program. That opportunity was provided by the Christmas 2009 underpants bomber — and by most Americans'
susceptibility to fear, of course.
Which is what the TSA junk-groping is about. By making the groping as intolerable as possible, the herd will be more willing to walk through the machines. Sounds like we're going to need more of them.
Yes, ultimately this is a story about money, with similarities to the
Prisons-for-Profit story in Arizona. And ground zero is Michael Chertoff, moving from head of Homeland Security to head of his own security consulting firm, then converting his former DHS vendor into his current DHS consulting client, and continuing to flog their goods to a government eager to buy his cred and their products.
Quid pro quo: your tax dollars at work. From your pocket to Chertoff's, with a detour at the Rapiscan cash register. To put it simply, your junk being groped so Chertoff and his friends can make money.
Lame Duck connection — The relationship that current government officials have with their
future lobbying clients will be one of the biggest obstacles to getting anything decent done in the looming Lame Duck congress. You might think that all of those congress-types who are out of a job in January are now free to vote their consciences (for a change).
You would be wrong. Those people really are out of a job in January. Who do you think they're going to work for next? People with money, of course. Certainly not us citizens — we're getting poorer by the day.
What you can do. Sign
the petition. Then tell every non-flyer you know what waits for them at the airport. And be sure to tell them
ahead of their once-a-year holiday travel.
Graphic descriptions will help get the point across.
You'll have to decide for yourself whether stoking their anxious anticipation is in the nation's best interest. For me, that's an easy one to answer.
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