First off, it's a lie. The groups that claim they can"cure" you of being gay themselves admit in their own literature that they can't cure you. I know, because I did a massive research project on those groups earlier in the decade. Even they don't claim to 'cure' you. And they claim they "cure" thousands of gay people every year, yet they always have the same handful of people as "proof." I mean, at this point, after this many years, they'd have a small town full of cured gay people, so where are they? It's really abominable that a
school district would permit a group to disseminate a lie to their students.
The schools are required to distribute literature that isn't deemed hate speech from any registered nonprofit organization four times a year, the result of a 2006 lawsuit, said Dana Tofig, a spokesman for the Montgomery County Public Schools.
School officials said that while they aren't always happy with everything that goes home with students, their hands are tied by the results of the litigation.
Great, then I hope the students are getting pro-gay information every quarter. And, if Aryan Nation wanted to distribute, say, recipes to the students, in the name of Aryan Nation, proudly marked all over the literature, inviting the students to join their group and give them a call, then that would be okay too? After all, recipes aren't hate speech. Why do I have a feeling the school would find a way to stop that hate group, but not the "pray away the gay" crowd.