In Washington State, the opponents of Referendum 71 are challenging the state's contribution limits. Don't forget, these are the people who put R-71 on the ballot:
A Lynnwood-based organization that opposes the state's domestic partnership law and is working to defeat Referendum 71 has filed suit in U.S. District Court in Tacoma seeking to circumvent campaign contribution limits of $5,000 and to keep secret the names of those who make smaller donations.At The SLOG, Dominic Holden named the Executive Director of the Family Policy Institute, Joseph Backholm, the "Douchebag of the Day." Deservedly so.
State campaign finance laws require campaigns to disclose names and addresses of those who donate over $25 to a campaign. Campaigns must also include employer names and addresses as well as the occupations of donors contributing over $100. The laws limit to $5,000 contributions from businesses and individuals made within 21 days of the general election.javascript:void(0)
The attorney for the Family Policy Institute of Washington, which filed the lawsuit through its newly formed Family PAC late Wednesday, acknowledged that there are substantial contributions in the offing that the campaign wants to accept but can't because of the limits.
In Maine, the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) is helping to fund the lies from the anti-gay campaign in Maine -- and probably breaking Maine's campaign finance law. The state is conducting an investigation. NOM is showing its disdain for Maine by suing the state:
The biggest contributor to the group trying to overturn Maine's gay marriage law is suing the state over its campaign reporting requirements.These groups are despicable. Read More...
The state ethics commission voted Oct. 1 to take a closer look at contributions by the National Organization for Marriage after it was accused of circumventing Maine law by not reporting the names of many donors. The group responded with a constitutional challenge filed Wednesday in federal court in Bangor.
The National Organization for Marriage is the biggest contributor to Stand for Marriage, which is leading a referendum drive to overturn Maine's gay marriage law. Joining in the lawsuit is a second group, American Principles in Action.