Friday, February 26, 2010

George Berkin on Don't Ask Don't Tell

Oh boy. Try, like me, to get through this editorial without your head exploding. It's impossible.
Similar to the efforts to re-define marriage, it seems the fix is in. In his State of the Union address last month, President Obama pledged to work to overturn the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. He vowed to “finally repeal the law that denies gay Americans the right to serve the country they love because of who they are.”

Unfortunately, President Obama wasn’t being entirely straightforward with his audience. First, although the law says that homosexuals may not serve in the military, the current “don’t ask” policy in practice allows them to do so – just so long as their sexual practices don’t become known.
Knowing which side of the paper their paychecks are printed on, Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Michael Mullen have fallen in line. Each has voiced his “personal belief” that the gay ban should be overturned. A study is pending.
Yes, because the military was forced to agree with Bill Clinton in 93 as well, since they knew what side of the paper their paycheck was on - except it's not true, they were willing to take Clinton on. So their support of Obama now would appear to be genuine.

Where does find their editorial writers? I guess if they are looking to get attention, they definitely got mine. I couldn't stop reading the article in the same way it is impossible to not stare at a nasty car wreck. Read More...

Hey, that liar Geoff Morrell at the Pentagon is back!

The last time we heard from Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell he was busy lying to us last May, claiming that the Pentagon was already working on the details of the implementation of a Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal. And I quote, from May 22, 2009:
"Although this will require changes to the law, the Secretary and Chairman are working to address the challenges associated with implementation of the President's commitment."
Right. It took the Secretary and the Chairman eight and a half months to figure out that they needed a study, which they announced a few weeks ago. The past eight months DOD has been holding meeting after meeting to decide that they want a study. I'd love to see the notes of all those meetings, they must be fascinating.
Gates: How about a study?
Mullen: Sure.
Basically, Morrell lied to us. It doesn't take eight months to come up with the idea of having a study to defer repeal for yet another year. Had Morrell been telling the truth, had Gates and Mullen been working on the details of implementation eight months ago, they'd have almost been done by now, and we'd be able to fully repeal the legislation.

With that in mind, today we hear from Mr. Morrell yet again, this time to throw cold water on the notion of a DADT moratorium:
Democratic Senator Carl Levin, who chairs the Armed Services Committee and agrees with Obama that gays should be able to serve openly, has suggested a possible compromise — a moratorium suspending discharges of gays from the military under the current policy.

Such a moratorium could be added to legislation authorizing defense programs as it moves through Congress in the coming months, Levin told Reuters earlier this week.

[Pentagon spokesman Geoff] Morrell said Gates agreed with top brass that it would be a “mistake” to pass a moratorium before the review is completed. He said the proposal amounted to a “repeal by another name.”
Of course, SLDN and Servicemembers United don't want a moratorium either - they want a full repeal. But the fact that the Pentagon is coming out against a moratorium means that the White House isn't helping Levin to even get the moratorium. We already knew that the White House wasn't helping Levin get DADT repealed this year. But now they're not even helping Levin throw us a less-than-adequate bone.

Make no mistake, I'm dead set against a moratium. It's a sneaky way to get the President off the hook by putting a hold on full repeal, just in time for the Democrats to lose the House next November, or at the very least, lose enough seats in the House and Senate to make them even more gun-shy on our issues than they already are. But it's rather horrifying that things are so screwed up in the White House that they're not even helping us with the cop-out position, let alone with their promise to get DADT repealed this year.

So where is HRC, which told us that everything was on track just two weeks ago, even though SLDN, Nathaniel Frank from the Palm Center, Senator Levin, Barney Frank and staffers in the House and Senate all have now publicly said that the administration isn't showing the leadership it needs to show on DADT repeal? Everything is not on track, and groups like HRC and the Center for American Progress, which we only recently learned has been at the center of HRC's "work" on this issue in the guise of their staffer Winnie Stachelberg (a former HRC staffer), are going to be held accountable if they continue to claim that everything is going well while the White House so obviously undercuts the effort to repeal DADT. It's almost as if HRC and CAP are intentionally lying to America's gay community and our straight allies, trying to convince us that everything is moving ahead swimmingly, when they know it's not. That would be an unfortunate turn of events for both organizations, and their donors. Read More...

From Maryland: 'I never thought I would live in any place where I would be treated with dignity and respect.'

An article in today's Washington Post addresses the the real world impact of Maryland's decision to recognize marriages of same-sex couples -- by talking to real people:
Same-sex couples and gay rights advocates in Maryland rejoiced Thursday, a day after Maryland Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler (D) said the state will recognize same-sex marriages from other places and ordered state agencies to immediately begin giving gay married couples the same rights as heterosexual couples.

"When I looked at the newspaper headline this morning, I was just stunned," said Tibby Middleton, 71, who lives in Frederick with Barbara Kenny, her partner of 44 years. "I was very moved by it, really. I never thought I would live in any place where I would be treated with dignity and respect."
44 years. Wow.

The Post reported that there has been the perfunctory blowback and hysteria from the anti-gay forces in Maryland.

And, after 44 years:
Middleton said she and Kenny are now considering marrying in the District.

"People would say to us, 'Go to Canada, or one of the other states,' and we said, 'Well, what is the point' " if the marriage would not be recognized?

Now that they can marry near their home, with their friends and colleagues in attendance, "there's a real possibility that we will do that."

If they do, she vowed of the wedding, "It will be an affair. It will be an affair."

If we can't get DOMA, ENDA or DADT, there's always the White House Easter Egg roll

If you want to apply, go here. I've heard talk of possible civil disobedience during the event to protest the White House's inaction on gay rights. Have no idea if it's going to happen, but you could have a front row seat if it does. Read More...