These are the bigots who took away our right to marry in California. Who tell our children that they don't deserve to love or be loved. That God would never want us to be gay. It's bigots like this who are responsible for our children thinking they have no option other than suicide.
Boyd K. Packer, president of the Mormon "Quorum of Twelve Apostles":
“There are those today who not only tolerate but advocate voting to change laws that would legalize immorality, as if a vote would somehow alter the designs of God’s laws and nature,” Boyd K. Packer, president of the church’s Quorum of Twelve Apostles, said in a strongly worded sermon about the dangers of pornography and same-sex marriage. “A law against nature would be impossible to enforce. Do you think a vote to repeal the law of gravity would do any good?”Good one! By the way, what does nature say about polygamy?
[T]he power to create offspring “is not an incidental part of the plan of happiness. It is the key — the very key.” Some argue that attraction that is “impure and unnatural” is “pre-set and cannot [be] overcome, Packer said. “Not so! Why would our Heavenly Father do that to anyone? Remember he is our father.” Alluding to the Utah-based church’s support of laws such as California’s Proposition 8 that would define marriage as exclusively between a man and a woman, Packer said, “Regardless of the opposition, we are determined to stay on course.” “We cannot change; we will not change,” the senior apostle declared unequivocally.Good. Because it will be a pleasure to continue exposing how hateful and bigoted Mormons really are, and how they won't be appeased until they force every American to live as Mormons. It's the reason they tried to steal Ann Frank's soul. It's the reason they had the audacity to baptize Obama's own mother into Mormonism without his consent.
As Dan Savage has explained all too well, bigotry like this helps convince gay kids to kill themselves. People who tell them that God would never have made them this way. People who tell them that they're immoral, that they're sick, that they don't deserve to love or be loved.
I know the Mormons like to think of themselves as Christians (well, Christians who believe that Jesus had sex with Mary). But if they really want people to believe that they're Christian, maybe they should start acting like one. Read More...