Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Question: Does Candidate Rahm support marriage equality?

Political Wire reports that Rahm Emanuel could be quitting his job "within weeks" to begin his campaign for Mayor of Chicago. He wants out so badly he may leave before the midterm elections -- the elections that could be a disaster thanks, in part, to Rahm's failed strategy.

Chief of Staff Rahm has been one of the leading political homophobes in the White House. He still thinks it's 1993. You think it's a coincidence that the White House did almost nothing to fight the GOP filibuster of the Defense bill? It was a concerted strategy.

So, what's Rahm going to do as a mayoral candidate?

Mayor Richard Daley has been a strong and vocal supporter of marriage equality for years.

Where does candidate Rahm stand on marriage? Maybe one of those way inside pundit types can ask him.

And, I hope the LGBT community in Chicago won't give Rahm a pass. Hospital visits, which is the one policy for which Rahm claims credit, don't constitute equality. Read More...

Another homophobic preacher in gay scandal

Eddie Long is famous for being virulently homophobic, so this just adds more fuel to the fire of what many of us have said for a long time. The more homophobic a preacher is, the more likely that preacher is struggling mightily hard to hide something. The media really does need to start digging harder when preachers and politicians are perniciously homophobic and determine whether it is faith or their own struggle with their sexual orientation that is driving them to preach homophobia.

So many times, whether it be preachers like Ted Haggard, or homophobic political officials like Senator Larry Craig, Ed Schrock, Charlie Crist, Ed Koch, Jim McCrery, David Drier, and Ken Mehlman, as detailed in the movie, "Outrage," the homophobia serves as a mechanism to allow them to compartmentalize what they consider their unacceptable side of themselves. They end up being these horrendous "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" caricatures until they are forced to integrate their personalities. Unfortunately, for them, it usually takes some horrible publicized example of acting out or the public humiliation of being outed for them to finally come to terms with themselves. Then, surprise, many times they become big advocates for equality and civil rights for LGBT Americans. In the meantime, the damage done to both themselves and our community is immense.
ATLANTA — The prominent pastor of a 25,000-member megachurch outside Atlanta denies allegations in a lawsuit that he coerced two young men from the congregation into a sexual relationship, his attorney said.

Lawyers for the men, now 20 and 21, say they filed the lawsuit Tuesday in DeKalb County Court against Bishop Eddie Long. The Associated Press generally does not identify people who say they were victims of sexual impropriety.

The men were 17- and 18-year-old members of Long's New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Lithonia, when they say Long abused his spiritual authority to seduce them with cars, money, clothes, jewelry, international trips and access to celebrities.
The Christian Science Monitor asks a good question, and that is will this case finally alter the black church's view of gays? Will Obama take note and evolve, as well, since this is another one of those issues where, supposedly, "God is in the mix?" Read More...

Decision in Witt's DADT trial expected on Friday

I haven't given Major Margaret Witt's trial the attention it deserved over the past week and a half. The trial wrapped up yesterday -- and a decision is expected on Friday. The decision in Witt's case in the Ninth Circuit redefined the standard for discharge under DADT. In short, the new standard is not whether the servicemember is gay, it's now whether the gay person's discharge had an impact on military readiness. The burden is on the government to prove a gay person's presence impacted the unit. The judge will decide if the government has met its burden:
A lawyer for a decorated flight nurse discharged for being gay urged a federal judge Tuesday to reinstate her to the Air Force Reserve, and the judge indicated he might have no other choice.

U.S. District Judge Ronald B. Leighton said he would issue a ruling Friday in the closely watched case of former Maj. Margaret Witt. As her trial closed, he expressed strong doubts about government arguments seeking to have her dismissal upheld.
This will give the DOJ another opportunity to appeal a DADT lawsuit -- and, if they lose, you know they will. Read More...

Now that DADT, DOMA and ENDA are all dead, please vote for Democrats. Maybe next time they'll keep their promises. Or not.

President Obama promised us during the campaign that he would repeal DADT and DOMA, and pass ENDA. He's done nothing to advance the latter two, and on the former, he blew it off for over a year, finally came up with a crappy last-minute compromise, and then hardly lifted a finger to get it to pass. And it didn't.

Yesterday, when "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" was going down in flames, where was our self-proclaimed Fierce Advocate? Was he manning the phones, calling Senators and twisting their arms to vote against the filibuster of the Defense Bill? No. He was busy calling the WNBA champions. President Obama couldn't be bothered to help pass a major campaign promise to a major Democratic constituency. (And don't think the Republicans won't notice that he couldn't be bothered to help pass a major defense bill while the nation is in two wars.)

He did, however, have a low-level aide issue a statement in support of the bill. I'll bet that sent shivers down Mitch McConnell's spine.

And he did have the DNC's "Organizing for America" group, formerly "Obama for America," send an email to "some" of their members urging them to call - get this - John McCain. No effort was made to have OFA's members contact the actual targets we needed to contact, moderate Republicans and wavering Democrats. Instead, they wasted their effort having people call John McCain, someone who no one thought would change his mind. Which begs the question: Why contact McCain and not the actual targets? One possible reason: The Democrats aren't willing to risk angering moderates "just" to help the gays get their civil rights. So sic everyone - sorry, "some" of the list - on McCain. Even though it's useless, it'll look good, and the gays will think the Democrats tried to help, when that was never their intent.

And today, the day after Democratic Senator Blanche Lincoln joined the Republicans in filibustering the Defense Bill, and thus dooming the already weak-tea DADT compromise, was the President teaching Lincoln a lesson about slapping the President of the United States - her party's leader - in the face on one of his top priorities for the year? Hardly. Today VP Biden is out fundraising for Lincoln's re-election.

That'll show her who's boss. (That'll also put to rest the notion that the leader of the free world is powerless to influence legislation before Congress. He had the power to influence Lincoln via the fundraiser. He chose not to.)

But surely, you'd think, the President would at least be lambasting the Republicans in Congress for leading the charge against passage of a major defense bill while our nation is at war(s). You'd be wrong. No searing criticism from the White House. They've moved on.

That'll show the Republicans who's boss.

Had the shoe been on the other foot, had the Democrats torpedoed a major defense bill, six weeks before the election, while the nation was involved in two wars, the Republicans would have annihilated us, branding us as the second coming of Benedict Arnold. And it might have won the GOP the election.

But President Obama doesn't do mean. At least not against people who are out to destroy him. So the White House's response to yesterday's utter humiliation of the President and Senator Reid is muted at best.

That'll show the American people who has the backbone to run this country.

At this point, anyone who tells you that they're going to pass the DADT compromise during the lame duck session (i.e., after the November election but before the new Congress gets seated in January), is either naive or simply lying to you. This Congress and this President wouldn't even hold a vote on the health care reform bill - the President's #1 campaign promise - after we lost Senator Kennedy's seat and before Scott Brown was seated. Do you honestly believe that Barack Obama and the Democratic Congress care more about passing gay rights legislation than they did about health care reform?

All three of Barack Obama's most important promises to the LGBT community - DADT, DOMA, ENDA - are now dead in the water, in large part due the White House's own malfeasance and neglect. And you're expected to wipe the tears, open your wallets, and once again go to polls and vote for the same people who weren't competent enough - who didn't care enough - to keep their promises to you the first time around.

That'll show them who's boss.

Equality California running ads against Whitman and Cooley

Via Karen Ocamb:
Meanwhile, the statewide LGBT lobbying group Equality California has been warning that if Prop 8 supporter Meg Whitman is elected governor, she will order the new Attorney General to try to intervene in the federal Prop 8 case, now before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Additionally, while current AG Jerry Brown believes Prop 8 is unconstitutional and has refused to defend it in court, the man seeking to replace him as Attorney General, moderate Republican Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley, says he will uphold the laws of California, which includes defending Prop 8.

With the election now about six weeks away, EQCA is shining the spotlight more brightly on this possibility. On Wednesday, EQCA released two TV ads that will begin airing on Monday, Sept. 27, on the CNN, FOX and MSNBC affiliates in the Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento, San Diego and Palm Springs metropolitan areas. The ads were produced by Mark Armour Media with a voice over by LGBT activist Ben Patrick Johnson.

EQCA Executive Director Geoff Kors says:
“Meg Whitman and Steve Cooley have stated that they would spend California’s limited tax dollars in litigation to overturn the Federal District Court’s ruling that Prop. 8 is unconstitutional. It is unconscionable that they would use state resources to take away the rights of Californians at a time when our state is cutting vital services and laying off teachers. We are calling on Californians to urge Whitman and Cooley to change their position and to pledge not to waste our state’s precious resources to perpetuate inequality.”
Here's the Whitman ad:

And, the Cooley ad:

FL Court of Appeals rules adoption ban is unconstitutional

Great news, via email from Nadine Smith at Equality Florida:
This morning the Third District Court of Appeals in Miami, FL upheld a lower court ruling that declared Florida's ban on gay and lesbian adoption to be unconstitutional.
"We affirm the judgment of adoption, which holds subsection 63.042(3), Florida Statutes, violates the equal protection provision found in article I, section 2, of the Florida Constitution."

You can read the full decision here.
While the Appeals Court has affirmed the ban is unconstitutional, it is likely the case will end up in the Florida Supreme Court.

What a phenomenal day for Martin Gill and his family who have challenged this ban head on. A big congratulations to the legal team at the ACLU of Florida who worked so hard on this case.

Thank you to all the Floridians who have helped to expose the bigotry of this ban.
Seems like we're getting all of our good news from the courts these days. Read More...

More pressure on Obama as House Dems. to say: Don't Appeal DADT Decision

Getting word that House Democrats, led by the three openly gay members (Barney Frank, Tammy Baldwin and Jared Polis) will be sending a letter to the President urging him not to appeal the recent decision that found DADT is unconstitutional. The letter is being circulated now for additional signatures. I got an early version, which reads in part:
Mr. President, in this critical time when military readiness is paramount we must recognize the importance of every linguist, flight nurse and infantryman. As you announced our official end of combat operations in Iraq we must prepare for what is to come. To stay above the rest, to remain the most formidable military force in the world, we must innovate, change and grow. As we update our weaponry and strategy, so too must we open our policy to encourage as much cohesiveness and camaraderie as possible. In the military where lives rely on trust and determination, DADT represents neither.

We consider this matter a top priority to our service members, the American people and the security of the United States. We acknowledge and appreciate your support and hope that together we can end this dishonorable policy once and for all. We hope that you, as the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Services, will take this opportunity to restore integrity to our military and decline to appeal Judge Phillips’ ruling.
Look forward to seeing and posting the final version of this letter. And, I hope and expect a lot of our supporters in the House will sign on. It will show who are friends really are.

In the Senate, our allies, Mark Udall (D-CO) and Gillibrand (D-NY), started this "Don't Appeal" strategy rolling on Capitol Hill last week.

Let's hope someone at the White House and at DOJ (for example the so-called LGBT liaison Matt Nosanchuk) are paying attention.

The DOJ is supposed to file a response to LCR's proposed injunction with Judge Phillips tomorrow. That should give us an indication of DOJ's strategy moving forward.

If DOJ pursues an appeal, Obama's administration will be defending the constitutionality of DADT and DOMA in court -- right smack in the middle of his reelection campaign. Perhaps Jim Messina should think about how that will affect their LGBT outreach. Read More...

An editorial cartoon that says it all on DADT

Click here.

Pressure builds on Obama: Don't Appeal DADT Decision

I'm going to use a sports metaphor: The DADT ball is now in Barack Obama's court. He promised to end the ban. So far, he's failed. Moving forward, the President has to state that DADT is unconstitutional -- and he needs to tell DOJ not to appeal the decision in the Log Cabin case. DADT is unconstitutional. Let it go. We've been saying that since the decision came down. Check out this statement from Richard Socarides.

Tomorrow, the DOJ will respond to the Log Cabin Republican's proposed injunction, which can be viewed here. We'll get a sense of DOJ's strategy moving ahead from tomorrow's filing. Will the Obama administration ask the judge to limit the scope of the decision so that it's doesn't cover the entire military? Will the DOJ ask for a stay?

I'm sure the usual apologists will start their usual screeching that Obama has to defend the law. That's not true. Last week, Senators Udall and Gillibrand wrote to Attorney General Holder asking him not to appeal the LCR decision. (Their letter is below.)

A New York Times editorial today says the same thing:
If the military’s unjust policy is not repealed in the lame-duck session, there is another way out. The Obama administration can choose not to appeal Judge Phillips’s ruling that the policy is unconstitutional, and simply stop ejecting soldiers.

But that would simply enable lawmakers who want to shirk their responsibility. History will hold to account every member of Congress who refused to end this blatant injustice.
Advocacy groups, including the Courage Campaign and HRC, are also urging Obama not to appeal.

And, we need to see more of our allies writing letters to the Attorney General and the President telling them not to appeal.
Letter to Eric Holder on DADT Ruling

John McCain: Meet Major Mike Almy who had his private emails searched under DADT

Igor Volsky posted the video of Major Almy appearing on Rachel Maddow last night, responding to Senator McCain's falsehoods about DADT. Kerry Eleveld got this story rolling yesterday by challenging McCain's version of reality:

Will any of those Capitol Hill reporters get McCain to admit he's wrong? Because McCain is wrong. Read More...

Rachel Maddow breaks it down

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Rachel Maddow reacts to the Senate vote to not even debate the Defense authorization bill. Later, on her show, she had video of Joe Biden telling her the reason the Obama Administration continued to allow servicemen to be kicked out of the military for being in violation of DADT was it was part of a compromise with Republicans to ensure they would vote with them on the Defense authorization bill. Time for that Executive "Stop Loss" Order, President Obama, or a harsh statement from your Attorney General Holder that the unconstitutional policy will not be defended in court. This kind of compromising with the enemy is making Obama a laughing stock or proving he doesn't believe in the change he supposedly espoused. Continuously compromising with the other side in bad faith makes no sense whatsoever. The only sensible response from the Obama Administration is to hit back hard and show he is no longer willing to play games with Republican enemies, or he is in danger of permanently losing his young progressive base over the continued perceived weakness and sideshow.

For a group of people who pride themselves from learning from the mistakes of the Clinton Administration, maybe they should look into the not so recent past and ask themselves if they want to go out like the Carter Administration? Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of Carter but part of the reason he lost his second term was perception he didn't know how to work effectively with congress. This kind of political circus doesn't help Obama's reputation with anyone. Read More...