Armao and her colleagues should read the featured wedding story in today's Post. It tells the story of Ed Urbaniak and Erwin Lobo, who got married in DC in August. They're the parents of two young boys. And, Erwin is fighting a deadly cancer. Marriage equality matters:
"Everyone knows their time is finite, but you think about it more when something like this happens," says Urbaniak. "Make sure you do today what you can't do tomorrow."Take a few minutes to watch the video. It's a tear-jerker.
Lobo wept as he followed Urbaniak and their sons down a path between 50 friends, all dressed in white, who'd gathered in the sunlit garden of the Meridian House on Aug. 14. Urbaniak's parents watched via webcam as the men promised to care for each other in sickness and health. Urbaniak's parents would have been there, but his father had learned that he had lung cancer.
The day was, in Lobo's words, "a celebration of life."
"I'm very, very lucky," he says. "A lot of people just leave their homes and get shot or get in an accident. They won't have the chance to say goodbye to their families."
Lobo worries that he won't be able to repay the caring Urbaniak has given him. But he worries more about leaving the two young boys at the heart of their union.
"It's unfair for them to lose me at this time," he says. "That's why I'll hold on until I can't."