Ben Crittenden was not shocked by a survey suggesting nearly 40 percent of gay, lesbian or bisexual young Tulsans have attempted suicide.I doubt very few who grew up gay in my generation would question the results of that survey. Of course, there are now parts of the country where it is easier for LGBT teens, but there are still many areas where they are more socially and culturally repressed. For instance, any community existing within what is commonly referred to as the nation's Bible Belt presents special challenges to anyone who might exist outside what the Fundamentalist Talibangelicals consider acceptable, according to their interpretation of the Bible. Bullying of gay youth exists across our nation, but I suspect it is worse in the Bible Belt, and any positive changes the LGBT leaders, and other progressive members of society, make in this area have a positive ripple effect across the country, simply because places like Tulsa, Oklahoma could be considered "ground zero" for more gay inclusive cultural change.
"It doesn't really surprise me," the Catoosa High School junior said.
"Coming from my own experience, before I came out I had thoughts of suicide because I wanted to be accepted in the world," he said.
That said, I hope our readers read this important article and then also choose to register at the Tulsa World so you can make some positive supportive comments to our LGBTQ teens, who might just be reading them, to counteract some of the hideous comments I've just read in response to the article, like this gem:
marine2.0 writes:And this one:
Shocking an abnormal behavior, homosexuality, follwed by another abnormal behavior, suicide. Would never have made that connection.
How about we ask any grade schooler, or anyone for that matter-have you ever experienced bullying or harassment? I can safely say without a scientific study being conducted that 100% of the population has experienced some form of bullying and harassment. I think the root cause has something to do with that little thing called HUMAN NATURE.
What's with the Q?
"He said he realized he was gay at age 13 and came out at age 15."
Barely culpable of committing a crime and distinguishing right from wrong at that age. Why is that the mental maturity is ageless when it comes to homosexuality? Thanks for exploiting this young man.
scooter2 writes:"Livestyle." Uh huh. Again, it would be nice to see supportive comments especially for those brave young future LGBT leaders who were featured in the article. Read More...
They need to turn their lives over to Jesus Christ and be set free. I have to agree with alot of Marine2.0's comment. It is an unacceptable livestyle with God. That is sound Bible teaching.