The people get to ask questions now. Let's see how this goes....
That first question on Iran was great. Both the mother and the son were very powerful.
Did Joe Biden just say the I-word? Yes, he did.
Now, Hillary has to defend her vote for the Iran resolution. That vote is going to haunt her for the next couple months. She talks about aggressive diplomacy, but that's what she said about Iraq in 2002. Bush is STILL the President and she expects aggressive diplomacy? Come on, Hillary.
NOTE TO CANDIDATES AND THEIR CONSULTANTS: STOP, just stop, saying "This President" and "This administration." Say "George Bush" or "the Bush/Cheney administration." The approval ratings of Bush and Cheney are abysmal. You need to drive home the point that it's Bush who has damaged the country -- not "this president."
Love the guy who smacked the hateful, anti-immigrant vitriol of Lou Dobbs. CNN owns his hatred -- and fosters it, btw.
Richardson is right: Stop demonizing immigrants.
Okay, I'm getting a little tired of pro-Hillary hecklers making noise in the audience any time another candidate tries to call Hillary on something. I don't like it. As Joe noted, it's a very George Bush kind of move. I don't know if Hillary's people have organized this, but it's an effort to censor the candidates and it doesn't look good. And I just noticed in CNN's clips from the debate, Hillary did not get booed or interrupted for going after Obama and Edwards.
Would you require Sup. Ct. nominees to be pro-choice?
Biden: Would require nominees believe in a right to privacy.
Richardson: Wants nominees who believe Roe v. Wade is settled law.
Kucinich: Didn't answer the question.
Clinton: Yes. Have to share my view on privacy. [NOTE FROM JOHN: Oh pleez, what have any of these people done to help promote the right to privacy? Give me a break, the Democratic Congress has totally ignored the issue of privacy for years now - we've begged them to do something, anything, on the issue, and they've dropped the ball for years. They can take their putative support for the right to privacy and shove it.]
Obama: Have to believe in the right to privacy.
Edwards: I would insist that they recognize the right to privacy and that they recognize that Roe v. Wade is settled law.
Oh my God. Idiotic female student sets women's movement back 50 years. Do you prefer diamonds or pearls? Are you insane?
Um, James Carville is a CNN political analyst? Yes. He's also a declared Hillary supporter. CNN doesn't think that's relevant to mention? Come on, guys.
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