Every day we learn something new about how things are going terribly wrong in Iraq. And more details come out about how George Bush misled the country and took his focus from Osama bin Laden to go after Saddam Hussein," Edwards said at a rally at a community center in this south Florida town....Read More......
It was at a time when we had Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda on the run," Edwards said. "Forward bases in Afghanistan were closed, they abandoned an $80 million plan to improve intelligence, and the elite commando team in charge of finding Osama bin Laden ... lost more than two thirds (of) its fighting strength."
"Why did George Bush make this choice? So he could invade Iraq -- a country that had no connection to September 11 and no weapons of mass destruction," Edwards said.
"This is not leadership, this is incompetence. We could do better in this country," he said to cheers from the crowd.
Swedish Meatballs
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