Friday, July 27, 2007

Pay no attention to the hate crime behind the curtain

No, there's no need for hate crimes legislation...none at all. Tell that to the family of Kenneth Cummings Jr., a Southwest flight attendant, who was killed by a man who believed he was doing God's work. (Houston Chronicle):
"I believe I'm Elijah, called by God to be a prophet," said 26-year-old Terry Mark Mangum, charged with murder June 11. " ... I believe with all my heart that I was doing the right thing."

Interviewed in the Brazoria County Jail Saturday morning, Mangum said he feels no remorse for killing 46-year-old Kenneth Cummings Jr., whom relatives described as a "loving" son who never forgot a holiday and a devoted uncle who had set up college funds for his niece and nephew. He worked at Southwest for 24 years.

Mangum, who described himself as "definitely not a homosexual," said God called on him to "carry out a code of retribution" by killing a gay man because "sexual perversion" is the "worst sin."

Mangum believed Cummings to be gay.

"I planned on sending him to hell," he said.
Cummings was stabbed with a six-inch blade, and his charred body was found near San Antonio on property owned by Mangum's grandfather.

While not everyone can agree on whether there should be hate crime laws, the fact is that if it's on the books, why shouldn't sexual orientation and gender identity be added to the list, which includes religion -- protection you won't see fundies ready to give up any time soon.

In fact, it's the religious zealots of the right, the usual suspects -- the Traditional Values Coalition, the American Family Association, Concerned Women for America and the rest of the professional persecuted "Christian" set, who like to hide behind homobigoted black pastors that are all-too-willing to be trotted out there. Take a look at this ridiculous video, from a recent rally on Capitol Hill.

Rusty Lee Thomas, who's mentioned in an earlier post, is seen bleating this winner:

"Yes, I dare state that there is a direct connection between the sins and crimes of abortion and the sodomite agenda and the Islamic terrorism that threatens our nation."

As expected, black pastor puppets are also prominently featured. Here's Rev. Johnny Hunter of the Life Education and Resource Network:

"Pastors not only have a right, but they have an obligation to state emphatically that according to scripture, a man or a woman should not perform a sex act with a person of the same sex...nor with a dog...nor with a snake...nor with a hamster or any other creature."

They know that they can quote Leviticus all day long if the measure is passed. The the ACLU has outlined how free speech will be protected, but no matter. That doesn't fill the coffers of the professional hate machine.

As far as the status of the hate crimes bill on the Hill is concerned, the Matthew Shepard Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act was recently attached as an amendment to the defense authorization bill. The latter was subsequently pulled from the floor in the Senate by Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV). It's unlikely to be reconsidered until September or October, according to the Washington Blade.
Although Reid is said to be committed to Senate passage of the hate crimes bill, his decision to delay action on the defense bill upsets the timetable that gay leaders and their congressional allies had set for successive votes this year in the House and Senate on both the hate crimes bill and ENDA.

...With a number of crucial appropriations bills waiting for Senate action, said the lobbyist, who spoke on condition that he not be identified, Reid and Senate Democratic leaders would have to juggle Senate business to accommodate an ENDA vote. He said concern by some Democratic senators from conservative states that an ENDA vote could hurt their chances for re-election in 2008 provides an incentive to put off an ENDA vote this year in the Senate.
Ah yes, we put those Dems in office and they are ready to stab us in the back. Thanks very much. Read More......

Rudy and other Republicans refusing to take questions from real Americans at YouTube debate

As I wrote here, it appears that Rudy Giuliani, among others, will not appear at the GOP YouTube debate. This refusal to appear has some in the right-wing worried.
The Democrats are afraid to answer questions from Big Bad Fox News Anchors, and the Republicans are afraid to answer questions from regular people. Which is worse? It's stuff like this that will set the GOP back an election cycle or more on the Internet. No matter the snazzy Web features and YouTube videos they may put up, if they're fundamentally uncomfortable with the idea of interacting with real people online, what's the point?
(HT: Ross Douthat)

In other news, the Democracy Corps produced a poll that shows the younger generation is turning against the Republican Party. Anyone see a connection?

More from RawStory. Read More......

Video: The Unauthorized Christians United for Israel Tour

Max Blumenthal, released a whale of a video that I blogged about last week that I highly recommend, Generation Chickenhawk: a look at The College Republicans. He's got another spot-on film on the Christians United for Israel's annual Washington-Israel Summit, organized by a Texas-based megachurch pastor named John Hagee. Seriously, watch the whole video, these religious extremists border on insane. It's truly disturbing.

The end times are near for these folks; Max actually asks one of them if he can have his car when the Rapture comes and takes them away.

Appearing in the video at the conference: Tom DeLay, Holy Joe Lieberman and -- get this -- Rick Santorum, man-on-dog himself.

Rapture Ready: The Unauthorized Christians United for Israel Tour from huffpost and Vimeo.

But CUFI has an ulterior agenda: its support for Israel derives from the belief of Hagee and his flock that Jesus will return to Jerusalem after the battle of Armageddon and cleanse the earth of evil. In the end, all the non-believers - Jews, Muslims, Hindus, mainline Christians, etc. - must convert or suffer the torture of eternal damnation. Over a dozen CUFI members eagerly revealed to me their excitement at the prospect of Armageddon occurring tomorrow. Among the rapture ready was Republican Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay. None of this seemed to matter to Lieberman, who delivered a long sermon hailing Hagee as nothing less than a modern-day Moses. Lieberman went on to describe Hagee's flock as "even greater than the multitude Moses commanded."

...I was forbidden from asking Hagee about statements he made in his book, "Jerusalem Countdown," that appeared to blame Jews for their own persecution. After doing just that during a press conference, I was removed from the conference by off-duty DC cops summoned by members of Hagee's family.

I have covered the Christian right intensely for over four years. During this time, I attended dozens of Christian right conferences, regularly monitored movement publications and radio shows, and interviewed scores of its key leaders. I have never witnessed any spectacle as politically extreme, outrageous, or bizarre as the one Christians United for Israel produced last week in Washington. See for yourself.
Read More......

Please visit our advertisers has been generous enough to buy a one-week ad on AMERICABLOG. CleanMyRide is built by some brilliant friends of mine, and it pushes a good cause. Do check it out.

Also check out the ad about SCHIP, the children's health insurance program that has been remarkably effective and that Bush is now trying to kill.

Obama for President is also advertising. A nice change of pace since the presidential campaigns haven't done much lately to show their financial support for the blogosphere.

And finally, the Windy City Rubber Ducky Derby to benefit Special Olympics Illinois. They're going to drop 20,000 rubber duckies in the Chicago river. Sponsor one for 5 bucks and you might just win a prize. Read More......

Malkin Throws O'Reilly Under The Bus

Bill O'Reilly's decision to take on Kos has started a war in the blogosphere, where each side combs through the comment sections to prove the other is a "hate site." John has done an excellent job showing that O'Reilly's own site is guilty of the same crimes he accuses Kos of committing.

Basically, John exposed O'Reilly for "cherry-picking" (the phrase used by Howard Wolfson, Sen. Clinton's spokesperson, on the O'Reilly show) comments from various Kos diaries to slander an entire on-line community. It's a deceitful tactic and its not surprising that the left is hitting O'Reilly for it. What is surprising is that some on the right have also slammed O'Reilly for it.

For instance, there is Michelle Malkin's website. Our friend Michelle got attacked by Glen Greenwald for having some tough comments on her site. Her administrator wrote a reply to Greenwald, explaining that Malkin did not cherry pick from the comments section, but then added this telling line.
These posts were not “cherry picked” comments as inferred by Mr. Greenwald, although Mr. O’Reilly evidently used that tactic when confronting a spokesman for Senator Clinton.
See Bill, even your own kind know what your doing is fundamentally dishonest. Read More...... The best thing that could happen to Rosie O'Donnell is that she die

I'm just wondering how FOX's supporters, Home Depot and jetBlue, feel about a dead Rosie O'Donnell. Read More......

Did O'Reilly promote "burn down the Capitol" fan on his TV show?

Jack Kincade suggests we burn down the Capitol, Jack Kincade gets quoted by Bill O'Reilly on his TV show two years before.

Same Jack Kincade? I went to to double check but found out that I was banned for exposing the terrorist threats posted there against Democrats. We really need an answer to this. If O'Reilly actually promoted "burn down the Capitol" guy on his TV show, then all bets are off. We have the ultimate proof that this guy isn't a liberal plant, and he isn't fringe, he's a mainstay on O'Reilly's site and O'Reilly's TV show - O'Reilly knows of him and embraces him. Now we have the link between O'Reilly's hateful Web site and O'Reilly's extremist TV show. O'Reilly needs to come clean and tell us did he promote on his TV show a man who has suggested a terrorist attack on the US Capitol? Home Depot and jetBlue can no longer deny that they are quite literally promoting terror and bigotry. Read More...... Islam is "nothing more than a cult that condones murder"

Why do Home Depot and jetBlue sponsor these anti-religious bigots? Do Home Depot and jetBlue think Muslim-Americans, and the world's one billion Muslims, are members of a cult? Do Home Depot and jetBlue think Muslim-Americans condone murder? Well, both companies have no problem lending their good name to Bill O'Reilly, a man whose eponymous Web site talks of taking a loaded gun to Hillary and burning down the Capitol. I many people's eyes, that's the talk of a terrorist. Why would Home Depot and jetBlue want to associate their brands with people who talk about physically harming Hillary and assassinating the entire Congress? Read More......

Home Depot and jetBlue should stop supporting terrorist threats

Bill O'Reilly said on his show last night that come this Monday he is going to destroy DailyKos. Why? Because O'Reilly and FOX can't handle that they're no longer the only game in town. The liberal blogs pose a serious threat to FOX's monopoly on partisan news, and FOX is running scared. So they've decided to try to destroy us by quoting some of the crazies that visit our sites and leave the rare crazy comment. FOX is hoping that they can convince the public, and our sponsors, that we're akin to the Nazis and the KKK (O'Reilly actually said this) because a couple loons leave nasty quotes on our sites.

Fine, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. It's time to apply the same standards to FOX and its sponsors. Just this past week, Bill O'Reilly's Web site contained threats against the life of Hillary Clinton, suggested that someone should launch a terror strike against the US Capitol building, and labeled the world's one billion Muslims as members of a cult. Forget the KKK and the Nazis, murdering a presidential candidate and assassinating 535 members of Congress sounds just like Osama bin Laden.

And who supports and enables this hateful un-American crap? Home Depot, jetBlue and scores of other American companies. Well, we're in a war on terror, and Home Depot and jetBlue need to decide whose side they're on - the side of the terrorists and the anti-religious bigots or the side of real Americans. We need to go whole hog against these companies until they stop supporting people who think the best response to Hillary is a loaded gun.

jetBlue's contact:

Home Depot Web contact form.
Phone number 1-800-553-3199

Mailing address:
2455 Paces Ferry Road
Atlanta, GA 30339 Read More......

Friday Morning Open Thread

It's Friday. There's been bad news all around. But, there is one glimmer of hope: The Simpsons Movie opens today.

What's the news? Read More......

Where is Alan Greenspan now?

What an absolute fraud. The man who never saw a problem with the stock market bubble or who never saw a housing bubble is amazingly silent these days as the stock market tanks because of a complete lack of traditional oversight during his tenure at the Fed. It seems like we're seeing a bit more than slight froth in the market, thanks to his ignorance. As much as I would like to have him just go away from the limelight it would be fun to listen to someone in the media press him on his BS, but asking tough questions and holding people like this accountable has gone out of style. Read More......

Australia "terror" doctor has charges dropped

The John Howard team strikes again. Howard never fails to play the race card and the fear card - much like his friend Bush - and despite recent denials by the Government, the supposed case against Indian doctor Mohamed Haneef has been crumbling day by day, exposing the Bush-friendly government for the scaremongers that they really are. The only issue that is a surprise at this point is that Haneef is still being detained despite the charges being dropped.

Haneef appears to be guilty of nothing more than being related to a failed attacker and being a Muslim. What a relief to know that the Coalition of the Willing (and Going) is made up of leaders like John Howard, who struggle to appreciate what democracy actually means. Read More......