Not a political ad tonight, a political song:
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Swedish Meatballs
17 hours ago
As the scandal surrounding Abramoff has inched closer to the White House, Mehlman has gone from claiming Abramoff was "someone we don't know a lot about" in January, to knowing him "in various capacities" in April and conceding that he had known Abramoff since the mid-1990s in October.The Chair of the RNC has a major ethics issue involving the most notorious, disgraced lobbyist in recent history. Yet, Ken's flitting around the country campaigning against Democrats. How can any reporter let Mehlman get away with bashing Democrats when he has Jack Abramoff draped around his neck?
Mehlman is a tough, unsentimental guy — a stickler for detail who is also eager to deal in big ideas and big issues. Not yet 40, a graduate of Harvard Law School, he got his political training in Texas as a protégé of Karl Rove.That's it. Abramoff's name never appeared in the column. From what I can tell, they had dinner last night -- after the LA Times article appeared.
Mehlman has been “Karl Rove’s Karl Rove” for nearly a decade: tinged, though not singed, by controversy — and yet was voted “Campaign Manager of the Year” by fellow political consultants for his handling of Bush-Cheney in ’04.
Domestic violence has no place in our society, and we have a moral obligation to help prevent it. The terrible tragedies that result from it destroy lives and insult the dignity of women, men, and children. National Domestic Violence Awareness Month is an opportunity to underscore our commitment to bringing an end to violence in the home.On October 19th, Bush will certainly raise awareness of domestic violence by headlining an event for the most renowned abuser in the Congress: Don Sherwood. Bush should bring a copy of his proclamation to Sherwood. He can address the issue directly with the Congressman.
A home should be a place of stability, comfort, and love. Domestic violence shatters this important foundation. My Administration is strongly committed to addressing domestic violence and helping those who have been victimized.
He offers his standard homage to tax cuts, a warning about how terrorists are still trying desperately “to cause mass death here in the United States” and a derisive cataloging of the various “Dean Democrats,” congressmen including Charles B. Rangel of New York, Henry A. Waxman of California and Barney Frank of Massachusetts, whose influence would grow if the apocalypse came and Democrats took over Congress.Yes, I'm sure it's just a coincidence. Read More......
The crowd boos.
“Don’t hold back,” Mr. Cheney urges.
Former Gov. Mark Warner and Vice President Dick Cheney’s daughter, Mary, both have written checks to help opponents of a proposed state constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, according to campaign reports filed Monday.... Cheney, daughter of the Republican vice president, gave $1,000 to the group.To help defeat the amendment in Virginia, support the Commonwealth Coalition here. Read More......
Overseers of the House page program this week discussed a camping trip that Rep. Jim Kolbe, R-Ariz. took with two former pages and others in 1996 - an outing now under review by the Justice Department, a congressional source said Tuesday.Read More......
The House Page Board, consisting of three lawmakers and two senior House officials, did not have any new information beyond recent news stories on the Kolbe trip. The source is familiar with the discussions but is not authorized to speak publicly on the matter.
The conference call Monday involving the Kolbe trip shows that the people responsible for the teenage page program are casting a wider net following revelations that ex-Rep. Mark Foley was sending overly friendly e-mails and sexually explicit instant messages to former male pages.
Here's what one former colleague of Solomon's said last week: "I worked [X] years in the same office as Solomon, sometimes with him. The consensus: he's lazy, and takes hit jobs handed him on a platter by opps research teams (and anyone will do.) And doesn't do much to clean it up. I also know one of his fave and frequent sources is Barbara Comstock, former DOJ spxwoman and GOP attack dog."Now correct me if I'm wrong...but isn't it the job of editors to make sure the work of their reporters is to report, not to have vendettas against public officials? Solomon's reporting on Reid is bordering on the absurd....actually, it has become absurd. Reporters are used to dealing with unethical Republicans who hide their behavior and blame others. On the other hand, Harry Reid goes beyond the ethical requirements. So Solomon is foiled again. Read More......
I've heard the same from numerous oppo researchers and journalists. (Here are some thoughts on legitimate and illegitimate ways journalists use material from oppo researchers.)
If you're interested in finding out more about this, you might also look at this 2004 article in The Atlantic Monthly about how oppo researchers get their goods into articles. Look at the articles referenced and then go back and see the bylines.
On Reid, I think it's a combination of two things. One, as I said, he's an easy mark for oppo researchers peddling stuff that other journos didn't think met the laugh test. And two, he hasn't really landed a punch yet and Reid's fought back. So now it's a bit personal.
Meanwhile, Allen stood side by side last night with Sen. John Warner (R) in a two-minute commercial broadcast on television stations statewide. Warner, the state's senior senator, is almost as popular as the former governor, according to the Post poll, which listed Warner's favorability at 66 percent.A couple weeks ago, Allen did the two-minute ad ploy, he used his wife as a prop. Literally, she just stood in the background. Now, Allen is actually running ads featuring only his wife.
"[Bush] praised Islam for bringing 'hope and comfort to more than a billion people around the world.' "The bigots hate it when Bush is nice to dark people. Read More......
U.S. Rep. Sherrod Brown has pulled significantly ahead in what has been a tight race for the seat of Republican U.S. Sen. Mike DeWine, a poll released today shows.But yesterday, according to Hotline On Call, Mehlman made a very strong commitment to Ohio:
Brown, a Democrat, was favored by 53 percent of voters surveyed in The Quinnipiac University Poll conducted Oct. 10-15, compared to 41 percent who favored DeWine. The same poll found a statistical tie in the race in September.
Mehlman: “Ohio is and remains an incredibly top priority for us. It’s one I’m very confident Mike DeWine can and will win. The evidence of our commitment is that we’re putting our money where our mouth is. No state will receive more resources from the Republican National Committee than Ohio. From this point forward, we will spend millions more on turnout and millions more on message. We have a huge staff. And intend and have right now a very aggressive program.”But the numbers tell a different story. Just because Mehlman says something, doesn't make it true. He's either lying or he's out of the loop. Which is worse? Begs the question of who really is in charge of the GOP campaign apparatus. Read More......
The intelligence agencies' finding that the weapon was based on plutonium strongly suggested that the country's second path to a nuclear bomb — one using uranium — was not yet ready. [...] As president, Mr. Clinton negotiated a deal that froze the production and weaponization of North Korea's plutonium, but intelligence agencies later determined that North Korea began its secret uranium program under his watch. The plutonium that North Korea exploded was produced, according to intelligence estimates, either during the administration of the first President Bush or after 2003, when the North Koreans threw out international inspectors and began reprocessing spent nuclear fuel the inspectors had kept under seal.I'm shocked -- shocked! -- that the bomb's nuclear fuel was created not under Clinton, as hyperventilating conservatives alleged, but either before or, more likely, after his term.
On Jan. 10, 2003, they [North Korea] withdrew from the Non-Proliferation Treaty. However, they also said they would reverse their actions and retract their declarations if the United States resumed its obligations under the Agreed Framework and signed a non-aggression pledge.The Bush administration refused to negotiate, then made a bunch of empty threats, and then failed to respond when North Korea called the bluff. Why such atrocious foreign policy? Wait for it . . .
What explains Bush's inaction before North Korea crossed the red line--and its weak response afterward? Historians will surely debate that question for decades. Part of the answer probably lies in the administration's all-consuming focus on Iraq. [...] In January, a senior administration official told The New York Times, "President Bush does not want to distract international attention from Iraq."The short version of the news? North Korea has a nuclear bomb because . . . President Bush was more worried about Iraq than competent foreign policy. Perhaps we need to add another very, very big strategic debacle to the list of harmful Iraq effects. Read More......
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