The latest Republican talking point is that Abramoff is a bipartisan scandal, Democrats and Republicans alike are involved.
Oh really?
I haven't heard of a single Democrat who accepted a bribe from Jack Abramoff in exchange for official favors. Not a one. This scandal isn't about politicians accepting donations - they all do that, and if it's a crime then all 535 members of Congress are criminals. I doubt the GOP really wants to go there, especially when there are more of them in Congress than us.
The scandal is about bribery; accepting those donations
in exchange for official acts.
To quote the plea agreement posted below on the blog:
Abramoff and Scanlon provided "a stream of things of value ... in exchange for a series of official acts and influence." ... These things of value "included but are not limited to, foreign and domestic travel, golf fees, frequent meals, entertainment, election support..., employment for relatives, campaign contributions."
If the Republicans want to now claim that Democrats accepted bribes, I say "bring it on." I don't want any elected official, Democrat or Republican, accepting bribes. But so far, the only ones I'm hearing about who actually accepted bribes, who participated in a quid pro quo, are Republicans.
It is, however, sad to see that conservatives are yet again justifying yet another crime. To the modern day Republican party, law and order is just a TV show.
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