Tuesday, May 31, 2005
We were right in warning Microsoft
THIS is what we were trying to tell Microsoft. These pigs aren't attacking you because you endorse pro-gay legislation. They're attacking you, and will continue to attack you, until you revoke your pro-gay INTERNAL policies and until you actively discriminate against gay and lesbian employees.
These are hate groups, they know one thing: hate. They exist for one thing: hate. They will not stop attacking you until you become as bigoted and hateful as they.
My point: Microsoft, you did the right thing, not just because it's the right thing, but because these sick pseudo-religious fucks wouldn't have left you alone until you fired every single gay employee. Read More......
Lucy, I'm home
View of northern Virginia from the car on the way home from the airport. Home soon.
Read More......On the plane
Just boarded my flight to dc and on the way into security at the atlanta airport there's a display of prohibited items. Included in the display is a big real-life chainsaw. Yes, no chainsaws are allowed in your carry-on baggiage. And who says we don't have great security? In other news, the panel went great. Hinderaker was actually quite nice, though i did have a run in with the "liberal"
Read More......Wash. Post confirms Deep Throat
Jeff/Jim is on TV again
Each hour-long episode will present three compelling cases with one common thread - they are stories whose conclusions are unresolved for those who tell them. After viewers get a firsthand look at each subject through news footage and taped interviews, Watts goes one-on-one with each participant for an in-depth and candid conversation, giving them an opportunity to tell their side of the story.Where to begin...Where to begin....So, I know the possibilities are endless, but what questions would you ask Jeff/Jim Gannon/Guckert? Read More......
Finally, the moment of truth is revealed when the guest submits to a lie detector test administered by Dr. Ed Gelb, a leading polygraph expert in the field who has polygraphed such notables as John and Patsy Ramsey and former LAPD detective Mark Fuhrman, with the very real results all captured on camera! At the end of each segment, Watts reveals to our subjects whether they have been vindicated or branded a liar and gets their sometimes extreme reactions to the test results.
A Victory for the Pro-Cure Movement in Mass.
The Legislature on Tuesday overrode Gov. Mitt Romney's veto and approved a bill designed to propel Massachusetts to the forefront of embryonic stem cell research.And, let's be real here. Mitt's objection wasn't about policy. It was pure politics...pandering to the GOP theocrats politics. But in very, very Catholic Massachusetts, policy won anyway for a change. Consider this a victory for the "pro-cure movement." Read More......
The bill immediately became law over Romney's objections, after both chambers exceeded the two-thirds vote needed to override a veto. The vote was 112-42 in the House and 35-2 in the Senate.
Under previous state law, scientists who wanted to conduct embryonic stem cell research in Massachusetts needed the approval of the local district attorney. The new law seeks to expand stem cell research by removing that requirement but giving the state Health Department some regulatory controls.
The Republican governor vetoed the bill last week because it allows the cloning of human embryos for use in stem cell experiments - a practice Romney said amounts to creating life in order to destroy it.
Watching Blitzer interview Musharaff
Watching Wolf Blitzer interview Pakistani President Musharaff via satellite. Our panel is at 2. Hinderaker of Powerline blog is on the panel, should be interesting. Saw Christiane Amanpour in the hallway (ok I admit it, am a bit star struck :~) BTW am typing this on my phone, so necessarily a bit curt.
Read More......Breaking: Vanity Fair IDs "Deep Throat"
ABC actually interrupted the Bush press conference to announce this news. Read More......
Bush does a presser: I am not a lame-duck...I have a mandate
Two days after winning reelection last fall, President Bush declared that he had earned plenty of "political capital, and now I intend to spend it." Six months later, according to Republicans and Democrats alike, his bank account has been significantly drained.So, this morning, Bush did a press conference to let us know he's not a lame-duck. More on that in a bit as we sort through to see if he said anything that was either true or relevant. Unlikely, I know. Sounded like the same blah, blah, blah to me. Read More......
In the past week alone, the Republican-led House defied his veto threat and passed legislation promoting stem cell research; Senate Democrats blocked confirmation, at least temporarily, of his choice for U.N. ambassador; and a rump group of GOP senators abandoned the president in his battle to win floor votes for all of his judicial nominees.
With his approval ratings in public opinion polls at the lowest level of his presidency, Bush has been stymied so far in his campaign to restructure Social Security. On the international front, violence has surged again in Iraq in recent weeks, dispelling much of the optimism generated by the purple-stained-finger elections back in January, while allies such as Egypt and Uzbekistan have complicated his campaign to spread democracy.
NY Times puff piece on the loving Cheney family
But, New York Times...one question....funny thing that kinda contradicts the whole "loving" family facade you construct. It's in your photo with the article...the one from the Republican Convention last August. Here's a hint: who is missing from your Cheney family photo?
Since it wasn't obvious in the puff piece, we'll spell it out: the lesbian and her partner are missing. There was an oblique reference to that in the article, "She and her longtime partner, Heather Poe, sometimes did not appear at big celebratory moments." Why was that? Maybe because the GOP base had been whipped in to a gay-bashing frenzy by the Bush-Cheney-RNC team?
But in case you had any doubts about Mary willingness to join in on that GOP gay-bashing agenda, we get confirmation from another GOP team member, Kenny:
Ken Mehlman, who was Mr. Bush's campaign manager last year, said Mary Cheney's influence had also extended well beyond working with her father. "She also understands and weighed in on almost everything we did in the room when we were planning our message, our surrogates, our travel schedule," he said.So Mary was in on the whole strategy. Despite all her years as a professional lesbian, Mary joined the gay-bashing. In today's suck up story, that's kinda glossed over. Although they did note, Mary
drew sharp fire from many gay rights advocates for declining in last year's campaign to address contentious topics like same-sex marriage (or Mr. Bush's support for a constitutional amendment to ban it, which her parents opposed).Sounds like she not only didn't address those issues, she helped craft the strategy. To think that people questioned John Aravosis when he launched www.dearmary.com last year. Leave her alone, they said. Not fair, they whined. She was intent on destroying our rights....she's a major hypocrite, too.
And she thinks we're going to buy her book. Ha. Read More......
Six miles (yes, miles) of street vendor shacks burned down in Zimbabwe
And protests from foreign governments for this latest attack? Still waiting on that. Read More......
Mayor West: Not anti-gay, not guilty, not sure about his sexuality
Matt Lauer did the interview with anti-gay, but not gay, Jim West, the Mayor of Spokane.
There was a pretty tough intro piece detailing all the lurid details of Jim's escapades...and a very heavy emphasis on his anti-gay record.
Stealing a page from Jeff Gannon, Jim wouldn't answer the question about his sexuality. Like Jeff, he invoked the pain this was causing his family. He said this whole mess was especially difficult for his 79 year old family, his other relatives and his ex-wife. Matt asked him how he characterized himself and he saide he wouldn't on national tv.
But we learned during the interview that Jim was not an anti-gay leader. He just voted the way his constituents wanted...that's what it was. It wasn't his fault. Hmmm. LIAR. Remember this tidbit from the Spokesman-Review:
As Spokane's incoming mayor in November 2003, West said he's opposed to extending City Hall benefits to domestic partners, citing the cost. In April 2005, the City Council approved domestic partner benefits in a 5-2 vote, enough to withstand a mayoral veto.Jim wasn't just a legislator when that happened. He was the Mayor. And, the most of the elected officials in his city supported the measure.
Basically, Jim West hasn't ever done anything wrong so stop being so mean to him. He denied any criminal activity and was adamant that he is a CONSERVATIVE. He kept telling us that.
So, to sum up the interview, he is a CONSERVATIVE man of unclear sexual orientation who never committed any -crimes and was never an anti-gay elected official.
WOW. Read More......
Chirac appoints de Villepin as PM in government shuffle
With this announcement at least it might actually speed up the departure of Chirac and his looming corruption trial which will start after he's out of office. Read More......
Update from CNN conference in Atlanta
Pretty cool cnn reception. Met alessio vinzi, ceo of all cnn, nic robertson, saw ted turner, and a slew of the cnn international crowd. Our blogging panel is apparently going to be attended by everyone at the conference. Oh yeah, also met christopher allbritton of time magazine - he's the guy who raised money online to go to iraq on his own and blog the war. Very cool guy. Off to bed, John
Read More......Monday, May 30, 2005
Today Show to Interview Gay Hating Mayor West from Spokane Tuesday Morning
Spokane's anti-gay (but not gay, of course, even though he likes boys) Mayor Jim West is going to appear on the Today Show tomorrow morning the Spokesman-Review is reporting:
According to an e-mail from West’s attorney, Bill Etter, West agreed to appear on the NBC morning show in response to many national media interview requests.Well, if Katie or Matt or any of their staff are reading this tonight, nail the bastard. Make sure you do your homework on his legacy of gay-bashing throughout his legislative career. The Spokesman-Review has the whole ugly history. And, while you are on their web page, take a gander at some of his on-line chats.
West was accused earlier this month of molesting two boys while he was a Spokane County Sheriff’s deputy in the mid-1970s and of more recently abusing his mayoral office to solicit sex from young men.
And, whatever you do, don't settle for that "I'm a victim" crap he's tried to peddle. And, if he pulls the "I'm reformed now" thing, really nail him. Read More......
Jonathan Alter: Launch the "Pro-Cure" Movement
From there he notes:
After all, every American who has a relative with one of these diseases—which means nearly every American—is beginning to understand the issue in a new way: it's "pro-cure" versus "anti-cure," with the anti-stem-cell folks in danger of being swept into the medical wastebin of history.But Bush is so beholden to the theocrats, he doesn't care. Nor do many of the members of the House who voted against the stem-cell bill....and the nuts in the Senate, like Brownback, are going to filibuster. This is going to be a political issue in 2006:
Unless there's another war [key caveat from Alter given the Bush crowd], stem cells will become one of the defining issues of the 2006 campaign. Look for smart Democrats to run ads with relatives of the afflicted ("My sister has Parkinson's," "My father has Alzheimer's") pointing out that Congressman X is so extreme, he voted against a bill supported by many Republicans to begin curing these diseases. This will inevitably lead to backpedaling and compromise and the victory of a broad-based "pro-cure movement" that may help save not just my life, but your cousin's or your mother's or your own.I am part of the pro-cure movement. My 5 year old god daughter has been fighting leukemia for over a year now. And, there is so much cancer, diabetes and other diseases in my family and circle of friends -- and I know it's true for almost everyone -- that if the issue can be raised high enough, it can be decisive. As Alter says, quoting Tip O'Neill, "all politics is local."
Bush and the Catholic Church are so out of their minds on this one, they deserve to lose badly. Alter wrote a great piece for a great cause, but this was my favorite line:
Only Bush bitter-enders and the pope are in the perverse position of valuing the life of an ailing human being less than that of a tiny clump of cells no bigger than the period at the end of this sentence.I have this feeling that the Democrats are getting a lot of gifts, like stem-cell nationally and coin-gate in Ohio. The question is whether they can and will capitalize on them. Read More......
Greetings from Atlanta
View of centenial park from my hotel room. Cold and rainy in atlanta. Off to the opening reception at 7. Anderson better be there :-) more later.
Read More......Great Scathing Toledo Blade Editorial on GOP Coin-gate
I have been so busy reading the Toledo Blade's amazing and ground-breaking coverage of the Ohio GOP Coin-gate scandal, I never took the time to read their editorials. Yesterday's was great. Apparently, the paper has been getting pummeled by critics, including the Governor.
Payback is sweet.
In the editorial, they smack Taft and other GOP leaders:
the resignation on Friday of James Conrad, director of the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation, is grossly inadequate penance. His total lack of oversight aggravated this crisis, and he simply gets to walk away? No matter what, he must be held accountable.Ouch. Taft deserves it. Maybe he should just resign. And, he's not the only GOP leader wrapped up in this mess.
But the buck didn't stop at Mr. Conrad's desk. Governor Taft belatedly accepted full responsibility for the scandal at a press conference Friday. Maybe he should follow Mr. Conrad's lead and get out.
He also should apologize - first to every citizen in this state for his utterly inept stewardship of public funds and his abuse of public trust, and second, to this newspaper for his verbal assaults on our reporting.
Now that criminal charges are imminent, and prosecutors say they believe Mr. Noe may have converted a huge chunk of the public's investment to his personal use, we hear a much different tune from Mr. Noe's defenders.Both Petro and Montgomery are running for the GOP nomination for Governor next year. The third candidate is Secretary of State Ken Blackwell. He was also a big defender of Noe.
Attorney General James Petro and Auditor Betty Montgomery kept their heads down for weeks, which provides an ironic twist to a quote by Ms. Montgomery in one of our Friday stories: "I hope my record will reflect after all these years that I am guilty of doing nothing."
Though she didn't mean it like it sounded, we couldn't have said it better ourselves. She and the attorney general did nothing until they were shamed into it. You can bet that the two of them have erased any trace of Tom Noe from their Palm Pilots; suddenly they are on the side of all that is good and righteous.
Imagine if there were a few more newspapers like the Toledo Blade in America. Imagine a press willing to stand up to elected officials. Imagine that.
Maybe the Toledo Blade could give a seminar on reporting to the White House press corps. Read More......
Lying on Memorial Day
Today, Bush gave a speech at Arlington Cemetery. AP has the story, but the key passages aren't about what he said today. They are the paragraphs that describe what Bush said two years ago:
Before his Memorial Day remarks in 2003, Bush had declared major combat operations at an end, the U.S. government confidently predicted that weapons of mass destruction would be found and American generals said troops were in the process of stabilizing Iraq.In his remarks today, Bush talked about dead soldiers and their sacrifice. Of course, he used the same lying language he's used for years now:
At that time, some 160 American soldiers had been killed in Iraq. Today, the total is over 1,650.
"We must honor them by completing the mission for which they gave their lives; by defeating the terrorists."Maybe Bush should have read his 2003 speech before he started talking today. Most Americans now understand that invading Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 or WMD or any of the other plethora of lies contocted by Bush and co. But he can't help spinning his lies....even on Memorial Day...even while talking about the soldiers who died in his war.
What a bastard.
Meanwhile, the mayhem in Iraq continues. Read More......
Open thread
Photo from conyers' panel
I'm testing a new feature on blogger, or at least new to me, where I can take a pic with my mobile phone and immediately post it to the blog with a headline. Cool. Not sure if I can also write text, but for the next day at CNN headquarters, I'll send anything cool I can find (maybe a pic of the panel while we're talking). Ain't technology fun. Read More......
NCFR professor speaks
Keep up those calls and emails. We've already proven we can't be ignored.
Professor William Doherty (bdoherty@che.umn.edu) of the University of Minnesota gets credit for being the first member of the NCFR anti-gay website team to speak, though you may not like what he said. And interestingly, it appears he's said one thing to his colleagues at U of M and another to us.
At the urging of AMERICAblog readers, B. David Galt, the Director of the University's GLBT Programs Office contacted Dr. Doherty, who will "identify existing and emerging community healthy marriage initiatives" for the anti-gay website.
Doherty responds:
On the propriety of the University's involvement in this project, I can say that University researchers frequently accept funding to study or work with subgroups in the population, excluding other subgroups. This is a judgment call about which reasonable people can disagree. I have chosen to accept funding for a project that will help many American couples, including GLBT couples, even though I regret the limitations of current federal law and policy.So Professor Doherty regrets discriminating against gays, but not enough to prevent an anti-gay website from paying for ten percent of his salary. And he seems to think that a website that "as defined by ACF, has exclusive focus on heterosexual marriages" will help gay people, because basically, they can type in the same web address as straight people and see information that doesn't apply to them.
But there's SO much more.
When asked about the university's own non-discrimination policy, Doherty says:
There has been many questions why this research project was not reviewed by the Office of Equal Opportunity & Affirmative Action and the GLBT Programs Office. The simple answer is that as an institution that embraces academic freedom, research efforts by students and faculty are not restricted. There is no standard institutional process for review of research proposals that requires such consultation.But in an email to our fabulous AMERICAblog reader fabfemme, Doherty says:
First of all, it will be a virtual center - a Web site with information for the public. It will offer no training and conduct no original research.When he's talking to university officials, he's pleading academic freedom. When he's talking to outsiders, he backs as far away from this thing as he can.
Doherty's own words. It's not research. "Academic freedom" doesn't apply when even the person conducting the activity says it's not research. Do people on college campuses engage in discriminatory activities that the people admit are NOT research? Do they avoid scrutiny?
Did Doherty tell his own GLBT office the anti-gay website isn't research? Of course not -- if it isn't research, he can't use his academic-speak effectively.
Also, by citing a letter he wrote back in October, Doherty clearly leaves Galt with the impression that the issue over including research on gay marriage is still under consideration.
In a letter and fact sheet dated May 3 from NCFR:
As defined by ACF, the project has an exclusive focus on heterosexual marriages.Did Doherty tell his own GLBT office the decision had been made?
Oh, has there been any explanation why gays are so explicitly verboten? The closest we can come is from anti-gay NCFR executive director Michael Benjamin (mbenjamin@ncfr.org, (202) 659-1190) himself:
Everything is wrapped up in politics these days.The one honest thing he's said. Read More......
Minneapolis Star Tribune obliterates Bush on Memorial Day
....In exchange for our uniformed young people's willingness to offer the gift of their lives, civilian Americans owe them something important: It is our duty to ensure that they never are called to make that sacrifice unless it is truly necessary for the security of the country. In the case of Iraq, the American public has failed them; we did not prevent the Bush administration from spending their blood in an unnecessary war based on contrived concerns about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. President Bush and those around him lied, and the rest of us let them. Harsh? Yes. True? Also yes. Perhaps it happened because Americans, understandably, don't expect untruths from those in power. But that works better as an explanation than as an excuse....Read More......
The Gay Goalie
Here's an excerpt:
There are a handful of gay professional athletes – David Kopay, Billy Bean, Esera Tuaolo – who came out after their careers ended. There are a number of talented gay collegiate athletes, some who play individual sports at the Division I level (such as California gymnast Graham Ackerman), others from team sports at the Division II and III levels.Read More......
But Andrew Goldstein, according to those who document these things, is the most accomplished male, team-sport athlete in North America to be openly gay during his playing career.
So where does the EU Constitution go now?
Ultimately the problem with this constitution is that it has been trying to be all things to all people so every country reads into it what they want to read into it and perhaps everybody is right and everybody is wrong. Even many of the "non" voters believe in Europe (there's really no alternative) but there's a strong undercurrent of resentment about the Euro-ruling class jamming decisions through without consultation to the voters.
Chirac has so completely bungled this process I will be amazed if he can hold off until 2007 for the elections. He is so incredibly unpopular and he took for granted a "oui" vote and only reacted in the final weeks. His last minute brainstorm to bring in Gerhard Schroeder and other foreign leaders to promote the "oui" vote was even worse than Kerry's talk of foreign leaders who supported him. Chirac actually brought in these foreign leaders to speak in front of crowds which had to hurt him in the final days of the campaign.
So where now? Beyond a government shuffle, who knows? The EU is the only choice moving forward but it's hard to say where this will al go. Somewhere in the 40,000 word document is a pile of mushy-worded nothingness that gives some wiggle room for possible changes and of course there's always the possibility of another vote on the constitution. It's going to happen but it will be later rather than sooner. With the Dutch prepared to vote "no" as well on Wednesday changes will have to come. Read More......
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Evening open thread
Toledo Blade on Political Implications of Ohio GOP Coin-Gate
If you've been following the scandal, or even if you haven't, it's worth a read. Read More......
French say NON to EU Constitution
Video of my appearance at the media bias forum in the House
Open thread
Arlen Specter gets personal on THIS WEEK
Brownback then says:
BROWNBACK: George [Stephanopoulos] and Arlen, when did each of your lives begin? When did your life biologically start? And we shouldn't be researching on that life at any time during its continuum unless we have your consent. When did your life start?Read More......
SPECTER: Well Sam, I'm a lot more concerned at this point about when my life is gonna end.
General Meyers calls media and civil rights advocates irresponsible
Here's what he said about Americans, like us, who are upset about what the US government is doing in Guantanamo, Cuba (from his appearance on Face the Nation, today):
This is about other people that are criticizing operations down there, in what I view, in many cases, an irresponsible way, and relishing the fact that they can put a spotlight on what should not be the debate.Irresponsible? And "relishing" the fact that you're trashing the Constitution and the Geneva Convention? Thanks for confirming what an un-American jerk you are. Read More......
What's cookin' for dinner at the Hastert house?
The Freedom of the Press panel, the one I spoke at, is on CSpan now
Open thread
Saturday, May 28, 2005
King Sihanouk's blog
I got to get to know his granddaughter, Princess Rattana-Devi Norodom, a few years ago at the world AIDS conference in Barcelona - I helped her craft her address to the conference, and we hung out a bit as I was in charge of making sure everything went smoothly for her address, attendance, etc. Totally TOTALLY cool woman, and only in her mid-twenties. Her handlers were quite protective, as you can imagine with a "princess," but like I said, she was totally cool.
This is a picture I took of Her Royal Highness in the VIP area before her speech. And yes, of course, that's our man with her. (As an aside, you should have seen the crowd react when Clinton arrived on the stage. Almost a thousand people from around the world - including some of the most critical AIDS activists on the planet, people who were highly critical of the US - and they went nuts when Clinton arrived. We're talking rock star status. It's amazing the goodwill we have out there to be tapped into, if only we had a president who wasn't an idiot.)
I'm having a hard time finding the "blog" itself, but his Web site is cute, including some songs that he apparently played and recorded himself on, I think, a synthesizer (think Soviet cocktail hour (of which I've attended a few, but that's another story)). Read More......
Bush rewards analysts behind faulty Iraq war intel
Two Army analysts whose work has been cited as part of a key intelligence failure on Iraq — the claim that aluminum tubes sought by the Baghdad government were probably meant for a nuclear weapons program rather than for rockets — have received job performance awards in each of the past three years, officials said.Read More......
Judge orders Bush to release all photos of abuse to public, Abu Ghraib and more
Global protests against US Koran mishandling
The US admitting that they erred is a good first step but it's not really enough now, is it? When is Rumsfeld going to be asked to step down? How many more incidents are we going to have to hear about before he is asked to leave? He's been the one running the ship in the Pentagon and it's just one bad story after another but the military and the administration always seem to prefer low level scapegoats instead of the people in charge. And what about Gonzalez who approved torture for detainees? What a bunch of gutless wonders we have in charge. It's always "the buck stops over there with that other person...good old what's her name." Read More......