NOTES: My take on Gerald Ford's passing
A great read: DMI's end of the year public policy roundup (see the good, the bad and the Limbaugh)
A great podcast of an interview done by my friend Sean-Paul Kelley at Radio Agonist of my friend Jen Abrahamson about her book Sweet Relief: The Marla Ruzicka Story (and a special bonus if you act now, the book salon I hosted on it at Firedoglake).The Week That Was 12/29/06Another week. More preposterousness to report.
Pop quiz folks:
Is Joe Lieberman insane (or to put it less delicately...well
go here)? Or is he simply the most grotesque, maladjusted, oil-soaked, sociopathic
Morlock who really knows the truth about Iraq, but is willing to send more troops to die needlessly when he actually understands how screwed things are?
(Pride, or
superbia, is a deadly sin ya know Joe).
See with President Dumbass, I don't have to ask that question. I know his
moral catheter Dick is inserting fantasy into The Decider's vacuous noggin while he lays prone slurping SpaghettiOs and navigating the many complexities of "the google" to find the Cartoon Network.
I was always under the impression that this yapping, little, self-promoting Shitzu (with my apologies to canines everywhere) had a brain, if not a heart. My bad.
You may have seen Holy Joe's piece in
The Washington Post today, which argues that we need more troops in Iraq because:
On one side are extremists and terrorists led and sponsored by Iran, on the other moderates and democrats supported by the United States.
Really Joe, it's
that simplistic? You mean that Shia and Sunnis who are killing each other and have often done battle for 2,000 years are all on the same side against us? Baathists and whatever Al Qaeda contingent is there, Sunnis all, are taking orders from Shiites in Iran? Are you a complete moron?
C'mon Joe, you can tell us, are you involved in Judith Regan's next book project, "If I FUBARED it?" Do you troll
Hannidate late at night with a profile stating, "Has personally turned the entire Middle East
into Debbie Schlussel's 2nd night of Hanukah present right after hydrogen peroxide"?
I think Matt Browner Hamlin had the best take today:
Shorter Joe Lieberman: Our long national nightmare must go on! Very timely, considering a Republican president whose words this line is based upon just passed away, and it was revealed that he thought this war inane from the beginning (If only what happened in the minds of the Republican Establishment, didn't stay in the minds of the Republican Establishment).
Of course for uttering these anti-Iraq War sentiments even in private and allowing them to be released upon his death, Gerald Ford
was attacked by Liebermoron's fellow corrupt moralizer, Bill Bennett. Yup, old cut the deck, jokers are wild, all my money's on red, snake-eyes, Blackjack Bill Bennett and his gargantuan, hairsute corpus questioned whether Ford had "courage" and was "decent" for not making sure that these comments stayed out of the press until Bush & Cheney leave office in disgrace.
In other words, after Bennett has watched more of your kids die for a war I guess he is still enough of an ass to support while sacrificing absolutely nothing for it.
Now, I do think Ford should have had the courage to speak out, but what he did, ie saying something that eventually made its way to the press, was a helluva lot more "decent" than spending your Christianist speaking fees having a room at the Bellagio filled with oxygen so you can pull an all-nighter to get that perfect royal flush while Americans die.
So quite frankly Joe and Bill, suit up or shut up.
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