Sunday, July 04, 2004

Family Research Council criticizing Cheney?

It's a bit between the lines, but not by much. Is the radical right not criticizing Cheney a bit here?
Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, a conservative group that is a crucial White House ally, said in a telephone interview that Cheney's outburst contributed to the coarsening of politics. Perkins said that the decision not to apologize is 'telling of who he is as an individual -- if he's fine with it, that's who he is.'
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Army Stage-Managed Fall of Hussein Statue

Gee, they lied to us again. Big surprise. I'm beginning to wonder if Capricorn One wasn't true after all...
As the Iraqi regime was collapsing on April 9, 2003, Marines converged on Firdos Square in central Baghdad, site of an enormous statue of Saddam Hussein. It was a Marine colonel - not joyous Iraqi civilians, as was widely assumed from the TV images - who decided to topple the statue, the Army report said. And it was a quick-thinking Army psychological operations team that made it appear to be a spontaneous Iraqi undertaking.
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Hatch: Senate supports stem cell research

Interesting that Hatch is alleging this, but annoying that he won't move ahead because of the election (at least that's my read, he's afraid of embarrassing Bush):
Sen. Orrin Hatch, a Republican supporter of embryonic stem cell research, said Sunday there is wide support in the Senate to ease the Bush administration's restrictive policy.

Hatch said supporters have more than the 60 votes needed to end a filibuster, but he's unsure whether Congress would act 'in this hot political atmosphere.'
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Anti-gay congressman from the DC area, you could be our next family values hypocrite!

I've received some pretty solid information about the gay exploits of an anti-gay congressman from the larger DC tri-state area (visiting gay phone sex lines, hooking up with guys at the gym, etc.) There are witnesses, and witness' lawyers, already involved. Obviously, I won't release this info until we have all our ducks in a row.

And, as always, the congressman's alleged sins aren't that he's having sex with men, or the way he's having sex with men - all that is fine. His sins are the hypocrisy of publicly and legislatively bashing us for having the same kind of sex and the same kind of relationships that he is allegedly having.

Stay tuned. Read More......


It's hard to know what to even say about this ridiculousness, other than, welcome to George Bush's vision of a pure America:
A rural sheriff's dispatcher says she was given this agonizing ultimatum for living with her boyfriend of 12 years in North Carolina. The state is one of seven with laws against cohabitation by unmarried, unrelated men and women.

As Debora Hobbs tells it, she was approached by her supervisor in Pender County for violating a statute that dates back to 1805. She then had a decision to make: Leave her job, get married, or move out.
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Cardinal Bernard Law continues to be rewarded by Vatican

Talk about thumbing their nose at the victims of the church, this one is incredible! The Vatican just keeps rewarding Cardinal Law despite the mess that he ran in Boston. Fortunately criticism of his appointments are coming from both the right and left. It's only the Pope and his cabal that don't get it.

"He is playing an active role in governing the world's largest religious body, serving on an unusually high number of Vatican congregations charged with, among other things, the appointment of bishops and the oversight of priests around the world.

''The maneuver is always the same: Move the priest or bishop who has committed the political or moral infraction to another church, and in this manner you preserve the dignity of clergyman and the church," said Luigi De Paoli, spokesman for the Italian association Noi Siamo Chiesa (We are the Church), a liberal Catholic lay movement that advocates for church reform. De Paoli said he believes the Vatican will ultimately have to apologize for giving Law the new post, as it has had to apologize for other decisions in the past.

''This is a city that lives according to certain basic Christian values, and we don't think it's right to have a priest who defended criminals, and they were truly criminals who were guilty of atrocious acts, working here," said Roberto Bevilacqua, regional coordinator for the far-right political party Fiamma Tricolore. ''There are many people who are upset and have joined our cause -- local residents, parishioners, Catholics who do not accept the fact that Law defended priests guilty of such horrific crimes. We will continue this fight for as long as necessary."
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Iraq destablized by neighboring countries, US fails to secure borders

Brillant move by the Bush team. Now the borders are much more open, money, guns and spies easily passing back and forth. Iran has not seen an opportunity like this in years and they could not be happier. What a long term strategy by the neocons. Read More......