Whether it's Mr. Bubble or Republicans, the pro-free trade crowd always makes it sound so easy and as if it made 100%, perfect sense. What bad could come from free trade? It sounds so, well, free and isn't freedom what America is all about? If only it was so easy. The down to earth reality is that there is always a hitch, something that makes it
not quite as "free" in reality as it is on paper and this is yet another example.
People in Costa Rica are worried, just like many in the US, that such a free trade agreement will damage the local system and take away jobs. What makes these "free" trade agreements difficult is that when you combine the size of the US farms (for example) and then add to that the healthy benefits of government subsidies to those farms, it's not really much of a free trade system where everyone receives an equal opportunity. It's also quite different from the whingers at Boeing and Airbus who complain every time the other side receives billions from their respective governments.
Across Africa and the developing world the complaints are similar, with governments often signing up for these great new trade agreements despite rarely found benefits to the local populations. Global trade can deliver a lot of great benefits, many of the benefits that the "free" traders talk about but the system we offer today is anything but fair and needs to be updated. It's time to move away from holding the small and poor nations over a barrel and serving big business interests and start thinking more about how these agreements actually impact humans. The possibilities exist but we need to modernize the first draft and start addressing real world issues instead of theory.
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