Wednesday, August 04, 2004

What Alan Keyes really believes

Keyes says gay rights akin to adultery, pedophilia, rape:
If we’re going to have special legal protections for homosexuals, shouldn’t everybody else’s uncontrollable sexual orientations be protected? Shouldn’t adulterers, pedophiles, rapists, and other sorts of sexual aberrants be eligible for the same benefits?
Gay rights akin to public sex:
Starting with the laws that regulate public decency--because, after all, homosexuals want to say they can't control their inclination to do it with people of the same sex. What about folks who can't control their inclination to do it in front of other people, to do it on the swing, to do it in the public place, to do it in the library, to do it in the schoolyard, wherever?

....let us even assume, for the sake of argument, that we are going to say that, well, yes, it's somehow got a genetic basis or a biological basis or whatever. Well, so does adultery, I think. It's pretty deeply rooted, too, in the biology of most people.
What one of Alan Keyes' guest writers says on Keyes' Web site:
If one claims to be "born gay," one is claiming to be a biological mistake, a freak of nature. America must never allow this unnatural, unhealthy and immoral life style to become normalized.
Keyes wants to reinstate the full ban on gays in the military, i.e., the old policy:
"I have signed the following pledge: In the interest of national security and the morale of our armed forces, if elected president of the US I pledge to reinstitute the ban on homosexuals serving in our nation’s military."
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THERE IS A GOD!!!!!!!!

Illinois Republican leaders have asked far-right African-American nutcase Alan Keyes to be their candidate for the US Senate race against Barack Obama. Yes, yes, yes! Keyes says he needs a few days to think about it. Probably so he can consult with the men who keep sending those radio transmissions to his brain. This is gonna be fun. Read More......

Oh, I'm sorry, DO be afraid

Apparently, the White House is now backing off yesterday's downplaying of Sunday's up-playing of the terrorist threat. Today's big shocker from the Big House? This Reuters headline says it all:
"Al Qaeda May Still Be Plotting Against U.S."
Yes folks, in case you've been living under a rock for the past three years, the president would like you to know that Al Qaeda MAY still be plotting to harm the United States. There's a reason we pay him the big bucks. Read More......

The right-wing assault on Teresa continues...

More from the Bigots for God:
...A California radio talk-show host says America is taking note of the differences between First Lady Laura Bush and the woman who wants to take her place: Teresa Heinz-Kerry, wife of John Kerry. Responding recently to the chant of "four more years" by Bush supporters, Mrs. Kerry said: "Four more years of hell!" That followed the prospective first lady's instructions to a reporter to "shove it" when he asked about a statement she had just made about "anti-American" activities. Sharon Hughes hosts "Changing Worldviews," a radio talk show heard in the San Francisco area, along the California coast, in Knoxville, Tennessee, and online at While Hughes notes that Mrs. Bush "has class" and was "very gracious" about Mrs. Kerry's remarks, the talk show host believes the candidate Kerry has his hands full.
[Ok, that phrase here sounds vaguely sexist, but we'll go with it.]
"I'm afraid John Kerry will continue to have to make excuses for his wife's responses," Hughes says. "You can only say 'she's just outspoken' so many times." And according to Hughes, at least one Democrat sees the importance of having a gracious First Lady. She quotes one Democrat on the news who asked: "Can we have John Kerry for President and Laura Bush for First Lady?"
[What "Democrat" said this, Zell Miller?]
Hughes does not deny that the pressures of campaigning are real, having experienced them herself when her husband ran for Congress in California. But such times, she says, bring out the real person. "We want to take seriously the comments and attitudes of those running for office and their spouses because they are no small matter," she says. "They reveal character, all excuses aside. What's inside does come out -- and American is taking note."
Yes, they sure do reveal character. Like when President Bush, while campaigning in the 2000 election, called NYT reporter Adam Clymer a "major league asshole," and Cheney replied "yeah, big time."

And while we're comparing First Ladies and character, at least Teresa never killed anybody.

PS An astute reader just found this little gem in the story I link to above:

At the Republican National Convention in 1988, [George W. Bush] was asked by a Hartford Courant reporter about what he and his father talked about when they weren't talking about politics.

"Pussy," Bush replied.
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Bauer blasts Muslim-Americans, since apparently lots of them have ties to terrorists

Oh, is this gonna be a FUN convention or what?!

From my favorite radical right propaganda organ, the AgapePress:
A conservative activist and former presidential candidate hopes the Republican Party will show more discernment than the Democrats by not inviting Muslims with ties to terrorists to take part in their convention. Gary Bauer, chairman of American Values, says he is deeply disturbed that the Democratic Party closed its convention last week with a prayer by a prominent Muslim cleric who served as a character witness for Sami al-Arian, the Florida professor indicted on 50 counts of terror-related charges. Bauer hopes the GOP will not take the same tack when they meet in New York City for their national convention. "I hope we don't see that kind of kowtowing at the Republican convention to the Muslim community," the conservative spokesman says. "I don't think that's the way win votes, [and] there's the risk of great embarrassment if the party ends up elevating somebody that has these kinds of terror ties." Bauer says it is really important for both political parties to be careful not to elevate individuals who do not have the best interests of the United States at heart.
Yes, Bauer's right, both parties had better be careful not to elevate intolerant individuals who use their own warped version of God to spread hate against those they see as infidels. Oh... Read More......

New online ad takes on Bush - HILARIOUS!, one of my current sponsors, has a link to the new "Americans Coming Together" ad lampooning Bush. The ad is mentioned in today's Washington Post. I just watched it, the thing is hysterical. It did, however, take a while for me to download it (like over a minute), so be patient while it downloads. It's worth it.

Click here to find, then scroll down the page until you see the same Will Ferrell-as-Bush photo that I've posted above. Read More......

My friend, a special deal JUST for you!

Ok, so here's my plan. We all write this guy and tell him that we'd love to do business with him but we JUST got word that he's a homosexual, and of course, we don't do business with sinners. I recently did this with one of the spammers from Nigeria AND TOTALLY FLIPPED HIM OUT. He started denying being gay, it was quite fun. :-) Come on, you know you want to do it (you can always say you heard he was a Democrat, Republican, Moonie - whatever you like). Use both email addresses listed, as it's not clear which one is real. Make sure you post any responses you get. JOHN
From: "Mr. Phil Amah" <>
To: americablog
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2004 09:17:34 -0700
Subject: Gold For Sale

Accra, Ghana. (West Africa).

Dear Sir,

We are Large scale Mining Project here in Ghana, West Africa, we are looking for reliable gold broker/buyers that would establish a long term business relationship with us.

Right now we have in stock (FOR NOW), 250kg, and the prize is $7,500.00.USD, per kilo.

We need a long term business partner that is ready to clear our goods regularly . Please if this business is of an interest to you, kindly call me or send a return mail to me for more informations.

Never hesitate to forward to us your contact informations for an easy communication, and also to enable us send you our Formal Corporate offer.


Mr Phil Amah.
Accra, Ghana. (West Africa).
Tel. +234 24 477 2523
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'Outfoxed' Film to Appear in Theaters Nationwide

'Outfoxed' will be in theaters beginning Friday, after weeks of being available only on the Internet.

The documentary, which portrays Fox News Channel as far from its motto of 'fair and balanced,' opens Friday in one art-house theater in each of four cities: New York, Los Angeles, Washington and San Francisco. Then it will expand to other cities in upcoming weeks, distributor Cinema Libre Studios said Tuesday.
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Online Scams Pose as Kerry Campaign Fund-Raisers

Texas? Hmmm....
Scam artists posing as fund-raisers for Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry are trying to trick Internet users into sending them money, an Internet security firm said on Tuesday.

The Kerry campaign said it had asked the Justice Department to investigate.

Two separate mass e-mail 'spam' campaigns were uncovered that ask users to contribute to Kerry's presidential bid, but direct the money to Web sites in India and Texas that are not affiliated with the campaign, said the security firm SurfControl, which makes Internet content filters.
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The Real Threat To America -- Gay Marriage

Yep, our major cities are being targeted by terrorists, but the real threat to America is two adults who want to get married. Missouri just amended its state constitution to attack and single out tax-paying, God-fearing citizens they think don't deserve the same basic rights as other people. Sadly, it was passed by an overwhelming majority of 70%. Far right groups confidently predict they will win EVERY vote at the state level in the next few months.
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Washington Times owner buys subs for N. Korea that can attack California

Brought to you by the Republican Party and their #1 newspaper, the Washington Times. Feeling safer yet? Read More......

Bush uses "the twins" to politicize terror alert, Part II "Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Governor George Pataki rang the opening bell at the stock exchange on Monday to show solidarity with workers and visited the Citigroup building with First Lady Laura Bush and her twin daughters in the afternoon."
The Bush twins are PART OF BUSH'S RE-ELECTION CAMPAIGN. They don't do public appearances unless it's campaign related, remember? The only reason they started doing appearances, and it was only recently, was to help daddy's campaign. They even have their own blog on the campaign Web site. So, Bush sent two campaign staffers to Citicorp to wave the campaign flag.

But remember, this terror alert is NOT about politics. Read More......

Feeding Paranoia -- Over Incompetence

So now Bush officials are backing off Monday's backing off over the urgency of the terror alert and saying, um, actually, we have very current scary information about a possible terrorist attack and that's why we raised the alert level to orange. So why the hell did they send mixed signals on Monday?

Rule #1: Don't make political plugs for the President's reelection when announcing a terrorist alert! It undermines your authority and makes reasonable people question your motives.

Rule #2: Don't back off from the seriousness of the alert if you have compelling, current information. If people realize some of it is old, just say there is also information that is separate and very current and compelling. This threat should be taken very seriously.

End of story. And then we wouldn't have had three days of back and forth and confusion.
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Those Syrian Musicians -- The Truth

Another New York Times article about that airline incident with those Syrian musicians is truly illuminating. The event was even less worrying than it sounded, which makes the fact that the NYT included it in a roundup of worrying incidents all the more annoying. Some reports made it sound as if when the plane was landing, the men all jumped up and took strategic positions. In fact, according to the Federal Air Marshall Service spokesperson, who previously hadn't challenged the wild tales flying around the internet -- the musicians were already standing in the aisle when the seat belt signs were illuminated, a flight attendant told them to sit down and they did. Much ado about nothing, harried on by passenger Annie Jacobsen who wrote sensationalized accounts -- not backed up by any other witnesses or the undercover air marshall(s) on board. It should be nothing, but watch this tale get repeated again and again.
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Abu Ghraib: The Ignored Scandal

Here's an excellent article from "Rolling Stone" on Abu Ghraib. Yes, we've all heard about the abuses, but this one gets access to classified documents and will -- or at least should -- make you angry all over again. It details widespread abuses, high level officials who are implicated but still in power, and the successful foot-dragging of President Bush that is keeping Congress from digging into this. Unlike 9/11, there are no families to hold everyone's feet to the fire. The article convincingly states that the abuse was not directed at important terrorists and wasn't "frat-style" pranks as Rush and others would have you believe. Tossing people out of cars, peeing on them, shoving sticks up their rectum, rape -- it's really a catalog of horrors and only the low-level soldiers caught on camera are paying the price. The article also details the miserable, frightening conditions these soldiers were operating under -- not an excuse for them, but certainly one more thing for their commanding officers to answer for. Get angry and email your representatives to look into this, email your local paper and ask if there's any truth to this and why don't they do follow up stories. The mainstream media is again dropping the ball.
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